Page 74 of Mountain Security
He held his own breath until he felt the shallow flow of air on his fingers.
“He’s breathing.”
Relief was suddenly a shaky, live thing inside the hole with them.
Alex moved his head, so the light was shining in the boy’s face. He was unconscious. His eyes roamed the boy’s body, pausing when he caught sight of the boy’s arm. That was bone peeking out from beneath the broken ski jacket. Alex winced sympathetically.
“He’s got a compound fracture of the humerus. I need something to stabilize it before I bring him up.”
The boy stirred, moving his head sideways, revealing a dark stain on the snow where his head had been. Now, Alex could see how pale he was, his lips almost blue.
“Head wound, also, but no longer bleeding.” The cold must have helped stop the bleeding. “Henri? Henri, my name is Alex. I’m going to get you to the doctor,” he said in his most reassuring tone. Henri stirred again. His eyes fluttered open for an instant, then squeezed shut again. “Shows clear signs of hypothermia, but he’s responsive.”
Alex pulled the small pack Ry had threaded through their spare rope.
“Stabilize the arm. We’re ready to pull you both out,” Beau said.
He brought out a light splint, careful to avoid the wounded area, and secured it around the boy’s arm. Then he did the same around the boy’s neck, just in case. He hoped there were no worse injuries, but getting the boy out of this hole before he froze to death was the priority right now.
He placed an extra harness through the boy’s legs and midriff, watching out for any signs of pain, but the boy didn’t stir again.
“Tristan’s on his way. The cloud ceiling let off for a minute.” Beau’s voice was harsh, unable to conceal his concern for the pilot. “Let us know when you’re ready, Alex.”
“I’m clipping the boy to me.”
Alex stood the boy up, pulling his body tight against him and wrapping his arms around him.
Though his colleagues were using a winch, Alex knew it was still hard going, getting the two of them out at the same time. He kept his arms around the boy’s back and head, striving to protect him from the falling snow.
He prayed the hole wouldn’t collapse on them now.
Light came suddenly, blinding him with its intensity.
We’re there.
Alex clambered up the last few feet to the edge, holding the boy flush against him. Then Beau and Ry were there. Beau’s hands clamped around Alex’s harness, pulling him all the way up, while Ry did the same with the boy, laying him flat on his back.
Alex kneeled on the ground, breathing hard, listening to Ry’s retelling of the boy’s vitals and to Beau’s update.
His hands went under his armpits, only just realizing he’d left his gloves back in the hole. He couldn’t stop smiling.
* * *
The press conference was going about as well as could be expected.
Which was another way of saying it sucked, but it could be much, much worse.
Two gendarmes had arrived to drive her to the hotel where Théo had arranged to have the press conference.
All day, Yvette had tried hard not to think about Théo.
She’d never imagined they’d be doing this press conference without him.