Page 72 of Depraved Desires
I understood where he was coming from. When Aspen wasn’t working, she was hauled up in her room. It wasn’t a life we wanted for her. She deserved to have friends, to go out, to make the most out of her second chance of life. Monroe was hoping that’s exactly what she was doing.
“I know. I’ll be back soon.”
I swiped my keys off the coffee table and made my way outside, the cool air biting into my exposed flesh. Tension settled within my muscles as I moved toward my vehicle and slid into the driver’s side.
I’d warned her about working at this damn club. This was the place those assholes frequented, and if they got their hands on her…
I blew out a breath, a white puff of cloud surrounding me from the cold air. Shoving my key into the ignition, my car hummed to life. My mind was a mess as I made my way through the gate and out onto the secluded road that stretched out before me. My fingers tightened around the steering wheel as my thoughts became more and more demented.
It didn’t take long for me to reach my destination, not when my mind had been elsewhere the entire drive. A part of me dreaded going to the club, scared of what I’d find out.Then again, knowing was better than being left in the dark and speculating all of the worst possible outcomes.
I parked near the front and strode into the building, my keys clutched tightly in my palm. When I made it to Talissa’s office, I knocked a few times and placed my hand at my side. My fingers twitched with the urge to bang on her door, unease crippling me. I fucking hated this place and everything it stood for. It was precisely why I’d never gotten product directly from Talissa. She was a snake and there werealwaysstipulations.
The door creaked open, Talissa’s eyes widening in surprise when she raked them over me. I didn’t wait for her to invite me in. I strode past her, giving her no choice but to follow.
She closed the door and turned, noting the crazed look within my eyes and her throat bobbed nervously. I was usually calm and collected. She’d never seen this side of me before, so her worry was warranted. But unless she had a hand in Aspen’s disappearance, it wasn’t directed at her.
“What do I owe the pleasure?” she questioned, making sure to maintain her distance. It didn’t miss me that she’d made sure to stay close to the exit point in case I did something crazy.
“Do you know where Aspen Palmer is?” I questioned, narrowing my eyes at her.
She swallowed again, her hands trembling as they brushed against her sides. Her gaze darted around, focusing on anything but my face. Red flag bitch. My eyes narrowed at how weird she was acting, and I took a calculating step toward her.
“I-I do know,” she stammered, holding up her hands in defense. “But I had nothing to do with it.” She blew out a breath. “I can show you.”
“Do that,” I gritted out, my patience thinning.
She nodded and scurried past me. She slid into her leather chair and opened up her laptop. I didn’t hesitate before I was making my way over to her desk and I dropped down into thechair opposite her. The sound of her fingers hitting the keyboard echoed around the large space until she stopped and spun her computer around to face me.
“You’re lucky you came when you did,” she told me. “I was about to delete everything incriminating tonight.”
I tuned her out, focusing on the video in front of me. Aspen had just walked into the VIP section wheretheywere. My heart beat wildly in my chest as I watched. Her and Myles fell into conversation before she started dancing for them. Afterwards, she was forced to sit on his lap until Foster grabbed her, pulling her onto his. Bile filled the back of my throat as I watched him force her legs apart, slipping his fingers inside her, and pumping them viciously.
Myles grabbed something out of his bag minutes after she came undone by Foster’s hand. She backed up, trying to sneak toward the exit point after attacking Hunter and Foster. Collin snuck up behind her, grabbing her, in which she delivered her elbow into his broken ribs.
Satisfaction filled me when he buckled and collapsed, clutching at his injury.
Run. Get the fuck out of there.
She had a clear shot to the door with him on the ground. She twisted, aiming to do just that, when her gaze snagged on Collin lying on the floor. My stomach twisted at the look of guilt cresting her face. She kneeled, cradling him in her arms while the guys behind her recovered. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but she seemed torn over hurting him.
Myles crept up behind her and jammed a syringe into her neck. Her plump lips parted on a gasp before her eyes fluttered and she collapsed against Collin, unconscious. Foster and Hunter hauled her off him while Myles helped the injured asshole to his feet. She sure did a number on Collin. The painwas written all over his face and he couldn’t walk on his own anymore.
Foster threw the half-naked girl over his shoulder before they made their way down the steps. They took the back exit, making sure no one spotted them before they led her outside, ending the feed.
Rage exploded through me followed by panic. They had no fucking right. What was their game? Kill her again? A groan rumbled through me, and my head fell into my hands.
Talissa closed the laptop and turned it back in her direction. “I’m assuming the five of them have history?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.
I sighed, looking up at her with my head still partially bowed. “Something like that.”
She nodded, leaning back in her seat. She was no longer the nervous bitch she was ten minutes ago. The sadistic twinkle in her eye filled with power and mirth was back, making my skin crawl. She didn’t seem the least bit concerned that Aspen was missing—one of her girls. She was kidnapped right under her thumb, and she didn’t bat a fucking eye.
My rage unfurled within me once more. “Aren’t you supposed to have security at every exit?” I demanded. “So shit like this doesn’t happen.”
She shrugged, glancing down at her red-painted fingernails. “If you haven’t noticed, we’re a little unconventional.” When her eyes met mine and she took in the look on my face, she sighed. “I’m sure she’ll be okay. Collin’s a good kid. He won’t let anything happen to her.”
That’s why he helped with her attempted murder, right?