Page 73 of Depraved Desires
I wanted to shout it at her, but knew better than to stir the pot and get her involved in shit she had no business interfering in. I’d already fucked up when I let it slip to Jax. I wasn’t about to tell this cunt anything.
“Right…” I bit out. “If you hear anything?—”
“I’ll let you know,” she interjected with a flick of her wrist.
I nodded, rising from the chair. My hardened gaze remained on her until I made it to the door and slipped out. They better prayed to whatever entity they believed in that she was still okay. If a hair on her head had been harmed, they’d all suffer. Talissa included.
“Well?” Monroe demanded when I made it back to his apartment. He was still sitting in the spot I’d left him, but his glass had been refilled, so he’d gotten up at some point.
My hands moved through my brown hair, frustration gnawing away at me. All I could think about was what they were doing to her if she was even still alive. If there was one thing I knew about them, it was that they didn’t like loose ends.
“They have her,” I said, dropping my keys on the coffee table.
Monroe’s gaze darkened, his hand tightening around his glass with so much force it looked like it was seconds away from shattering. Closing his eyes, he released a breath. The muscles in his jaw thrummed violently before he snapped his gaze to mine.
He cared about her. It was written all over his face. Even if he liked to pretend that she was just another student to him. I knew they had sex before all this shit happened, and I knew that Aiden Monroe didn’t just go around screwing his students. She’d drawn him in. Just like she did with me.
“We have to do something,” he murmured, taking a swig of his drink before placing it down on the table.
I nodded in agreement. “I can get my guys together and raid their rooms. Interrogate them if need be.” It wasn’t a soundproof plan. The only one of them that I could see crumbling would be Collin. Myles would revel in the pain while Foster wouldn’t let it show. They were hardheaded as fuck. Hunter was an unknown.
“I don’t think that would go over smoothly,” he replied as if following my exact train of thought. “They’ll be in the gym with me tomorrow night. Maybe I can get answers from them after the fights.”
“It’s worth a shot. You know I’ll be there. Jax too.”
I just hoped it wasn’t too late.
I wasn’t sure when I’d fallen asleep. The events from last night were foggy at best. My head pounded, my lips were chapped, my mouth was dry, and my body felt weak. I was alsostarving. This shit was brutal, but the drugs had numbed all the pain I’d felt yesterday from everything that’s happened in my life. It was a beautiful distraction. One I wouldn’t mind partaking in again.
As the sleep started to wear off, my senses came back to me. Something hard pressed against my ass, sending alarm bells racing through my skull. I glanced over my shoulder, Foster fast asleep. My heart thudded violently within my chest as I tried to piece the events from last night back together.
I briefly remembered touching Hunter in the pool, but it felt so distant…like a dream. Foster hauled me away and then he was in the shower. My stomach sank as I recalled following after him. Grinding on him. Making us both come. Bile rose to the back of my throat, my stomach tightening with disgust. He’d let me touch him. Why?
Probably because he was just as fucked up as I was. He’d definitely put more drugs into his body than me and drank more.
It could have been worse. We could have gone all the way. Thank God for small miracles.
The door opened, startling me. Myles stepped inside, his eyes widening in surprise momentarily before he cleared his throat. “Breakfast is ready.” His gaze swept over the two of us, and I knew it didn’t take a genius to figure out that we were both naked. Especially with his bare leg wrapped around the comforter.
“Nothing happened,” I snapped, hating the way he was staring. I shoved the blankets from my body, working to untangle the asshole from around me, but he clung tighter in his sleep-induced state.
Myles arched an accusing eyebrow, a smirk toying at the corners of his mouth. “That’s not what it looks like from where I’m standing.”
Foster groaned tiredly before his eyes snapped open. It took a few moments for him to take in the scene before he released me immediately. I took that time to climb out of the bed, folding my arms across my chest once I’d successfully made it.
“This is the second time I’ve walked in on you two cuddling,” Myles continued, his tone playful. “Except…you both had more clothes on then.”
Foster scowled, throwing the rest of the blanket from his body before standing. His jaw was tight with tension as he crossed the room, striding toward the dresser. My gaze traveled over every inch of his body, my heart racing from how hot he was. I’d never seen him naked before. Well…aside from last night, but it was all hazy. His ass was small and toned, the perfect size for him really. He had amazing back definition from time spent working out and fighting.
He grabbed a pair of sweats, not even bothering with boxers before he stepped into them, tugging them over his legs andhips. Next, he grabbed a long sleeve henley and ran his hands through his mess of blonde hair.
My gaze caught Myles’s who smirked knowingly at me, making my face heat. Maybe I should have been more subtle in checking him out. I quickly schooled my features and brushed past the douchebag blocking the doorway, making my way into the kitchen.
Hunter was seated on a barstool at the island with a plate of French toast, bacon, and eggs in front of him. The assortment of smells captured my senses, making my stomach rumble. It felt like I hadn’t eaten in days.