Page 42 of Out of Nowhere
Dex cleared his throat. “Well, she’s smart. And she’s usually pretty private. But, I think being pregnant has shaken her up a little.”
Paula nodded.
“Er, I would call her extroverted, unlike me.”
“Were you two close growing up?”
Shaking his head, Dex said, “I’m almost seven years older than she is, and a boy. We had nothing in common and were going through different stages when we lived in the same house.” He looked down at his hands. “I feel kind of bad about that.”
“Because Anna’s evidently been having issues for a long time, and I was clueless. I can’t help but wonder if I could have helped her if I’d been more active in her life.”
Paula looked at her tablet. “I understand that she became obsessed with your boss.”
Dex nodded. “Correct. She dated him—before he was my boss. The fact that I went to work for him was just a coincidence.”
There was a knock on the door. “That’s probably Anna now.” Paula called for her to come in. Anna entered, looking comfortable in a green one-piece jumper. However, when Dex looked at her face, he could see she was nervous.
“Paula told me you signed the HIPPA papers,” Dex said, smiling. “Thanks for doing that.”
Anna nodded and sat down next to him on the couch.
“I was just talking to Dex about your relationship with his boss, West Hammond.” Turning back to Dex, Paula said, “That must have been embarrassing for you.”
“Well, yes,” Dex said, looking at Anna. “It was a little embarrassing the way it all ended. But everything turned out all right.”
“Anna used you.”
Again, Dex glanced at Anna, who stared back at him. “Uh, yeah. She did.”
“Are you angry with her about that?”
Dex wasn’t sure why the therapist was asking him these questions. Weren’t they here for Anna?
“A little.”
“Just a little? Come now, Dex. Your sister manipulated you into spying on your boss and his boyfriend. When that all came out, it must have been extremely uncomfortable for you.”
Frustrated, and not getting any reaction from Anna, Dex said testily, “Yes. I was angry at Anna for using me against my boss. Myfriends.But that’s in the past. I’m here because I care about Anna and want the best for her, so can we talk about how she’s doing now?”
Paula turned her gaze to Anna. When Dex did the same, he saw a tear sliding down his sister’s cheek.
Angry, Dex swung back to Paula. “Why did you force me to say that?”
“Because Anna knows you’re angry at her. She knows you resent her. But she tells me you refuse to admit it, and, right now, that’s what’s hurting her.”
Dex stilled. “What?” He looked at Anna. “I don’t understand. If you think I’m mad at you now, I’m not.”
“Aren’t you?” Anna spoke for the first time since she entered the room. “You can’t have gotten over it. I know I’ve been difficult. I can’t really help it. I see someone I want and I just can’t stop thinking about them. I know I’m sick. But I didn’t mean to hurt you, Dex. I’m sorry.” More tears flowed down her cheeks, unchecked.
Dex reached for her hand, clasping it in his. “I know you can’t help it. I want you to get help.”
Anna sniffled and looked away.
“Anna?” Paula prompted.
“There’s something else,” Anna murmured. “I’m not sure I want to raise this baby.” Her lips trembled, and suddenly she began sobbing for real. “There’s something wrong with me if I don’t want my own baby. I really am fucked up.”