Page 43 of Out of Nowhere
Pulling her into his arms, Dex stroked her hair while she cried into his shoulder. “Shh. It’s okay. Not everyone is cut out to be amother. And you might change your mind when the baby comes, or you might not. Either way, we’ll make sure he’s okay.”
Sniffling, Anna said, “I’ve tried to be strong, but I can’t do this alone. That’s why I signed the papers. I need you to help me, Dex. You’re the only one I really trust.”
Dex felt the weight of that like a stone anchored to his heart. He understood it. Their mother would always be their mother, but she she wasn’t capable of being what they needed. And, for reason’s unknown to Dex, Anna’s father had never been someone she’d felt comfortable leaning on.
“It’ll be okay. I promise. I’ll be here for you, okay?” Anna nodded against his shoulder. “And we’re good…about the West thing. I forgive you and understand. And I’m sorry I lied about not being angry. I just didn’t want to put stress on you when you’re trying to get better.”
As Anna calmed, they began to talk, and Dex realized they were taking the first steps in repairing their relationship. Or perhaps they were finally building one.
Chapter Twenty-six: Seo-jun
After spending the morning by the pool, Seo-jun showered and dressed in a pair of dark slacks and a white button-down shirt. Dex had sent him a text that he would pick him up in front of the hotel and they’d go to lunch.
“You look nice,” Dex said when Seo-jun slid into the passenger seat of the rental car.
“Thanks.” About to return the compliment, Seo-jun took a second, longer look at Dex. He looked worn out. “What’s the matter? Did the therapy session not go well?”
Dex sighed as he pulled away from the hotel. “It went well. I guess that’s why I feel so wrung out. I take it it shows?” He gave Seo-jun a wry look before turning onto the main road.
“You always look good,” Seo-jun said truthfully. “But you do look like you could use a drink over lunch.”
Chuckling, Dex said, “I have been imagining a cold beer and Reuben sandwich for the past hour.”
“Sounds good. Any idea where we can get that?”
“I looked up a place before I left. We’re nearly there.”
They waited until they were seated in a booth at the deli before continuing the conversation, the bustle around them giving them a sense of privacy.
“The therapist wanted to talk to me alone before Anna arrived. She told me that Anna signed the papers to allow me to see her medical information. Then, when Anna came into the room, the therapist started asking me questions like hadn’t what Anna did been embarrassing, and wasn’t I angry with her? Then, Anna started crying, and I was really pissed at the therapist then, but turns out she was trying to get me to admit to my anger because Anna told her I wouldn’t.”
The waiter brought their food, and neither man spoke for a minute while they added ketchup to their steak fries and took bites of their sandwiches.
“Mm, that’s good,” Dex murmured, licking his lips. “I haven’t had anything but a granola bar today. What about you?”
“I had some oatmeal at the hotel,” Seo-jun said.
Nodding, Dex swallowed his next bite, then picked up where he’d left off. “After that, Anna and I were able to talk more freely. She admitted she isn’t sure she wants to keep the baby.”
“Really? I’m sorry. I know you were looking forward to being an uncle.” Seo-jun said.
Dex hummed noncommittally as he continued eating.
“Is there anything you need to take care of before we go home tomorrow?”
Dex’s smile faded. “About that. Anna begged me to stay for the ultrasound she’s having tomorrow at eleven. She’s terrified she’s going to find out something is wrong with the baby because she used meth, which is a real one-eighty from the way she was talking before. But I want to support her. I had to change my flight to tomorrow night and arrange to have the rental car one more day, but I left your flights the same . I hope that’s okay.”
Seo-jun felt a little disappointed that Dex wasn’t going to be flying back with him, which was crazy when he thought about how much he’d dreaded their flight to Fresno, but he understood.
“No worries. I can just take my pill and sleep the whole flight.”
Dex grinned. “Just don’t take two—I don’t want someone else helping you off the plane.”
“How very possessive of you,” Seo-jun teased, surprised that he liked that Dex wanted to be the only one helping him. It was so similar to, but also so very different from, how it had been with Haru.
The conversation turned to other things, and when it was time to go, Seo-jun asked, “What would you like to do on our last afternoon here?”
Dex smiled slyly. “I have a few ideas.”