Page 51 of Stay With Me
Itcomestomeas I head out of Perk Up for the day. Brynne. She’s the perfect person to talk to and I know Adeline isn’t working today.
Instead of going home, I text Young Jae really quick that I’m going to run a couple of errands. Starting my car, I head toward Willowbrook Lake Animal Shelter. The parking lot is empty, which is both a relief and sad.
Brynne comes from the back as I enter, the bell announcing my arrival.
“Elise, what a surprise.” She smiles, curious.
“I was hoping to cuddle a dog and talk to you about something.” Wringing my hands together, I try to ignore my nerves.
She looks at me, her eyes piercing, before she nods. “I know just the dog. If you want to go to one of the meet and greet rooms, I will go get her and meet you there. Room four, please. It has the newest couches.”
Finding it, I sit on the loveseat and wait. Brynne comes in with a tiny dog. Smaller than Kimchi. Which surprises me because the majority of dogs that end up in the shelter are larger breeds.
“This is Pepper. She’s some kind of schnauzer cross. She’s only five weeks old. Her mom and the rest of the litter were deceased when she was found. She was in rough shape, which is why she’s so small.” Brynne hands me Pepper, who lays in my lap and goes right to sleep.
My eyes fill with tears and I start crying. Petting her softly, I grieve over her lost family. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I can’t help the tears, it’s—well, it’s the hormones.”
Brynne narrows her eyes on me before my words sink in. “You’re pregnant?”
Tears continue to fall as I nod. “No one knows. I just found out yesterday and I’m still processing. I haven’t told anyone and I just need to talk it out.”
“I’m happy to listen, but why me?” She watches as I reverently pet Pepper, cooing at her as I try to think of the best way to explain why without offending her.
Sighing, I admit, “I know you’re a vault. Adeline and Rae would be supportive, but pregnancy is a tender subject. And Young Jae—well, he doesn’t want kids. So I’m trying to wrap my head around this before I tell him and completely erupt his life.”
She cringes for me. “Yeah, that’s tough. How are you feeling about it?”
The silence as she waits for my response is heavy, but I haven’t taken the time to think of myself in this situation outside of how it will impact my relationship and friendships.
“I was always neutral about kids, but when Dr. Wright asked about termination, it wasn’t even a possibility. I think if I let myself, I’m excited about it. The idea that with Young Jae, we’ve created this life, a combination of the two of us, makes me happy. Even though at first I admit I was regretful and was hoping it was wrong.” The words are true. If I allow myself to see past what I worry everyone else will think, happiness is there.
She smiles softly. “Don’t you think there’s a possibility that Young Jae will feel the same?”
Shrugging, I gently stroke Pepper over her tiny head. “There’s a possibility. But he may also look at it as a betrayal.”
She scoffs. “I’m sorry, did you get pregnant on purpose? Were you the only one having sex? He’s not that pigheaded. He may be as shocked as you, but you won’t know his reaction until you give him the chance.”
Brynne is right. I need to tell him, give him the chance to process and see what happens. Picking up Pepper, I snuggle her a little closer. “Man, you’re adorable. I wish I could stay longer, but I have something I need to do.”
Handing Pepper back to Brynne, I’m sad to leave her behind, but one baby at a time.
“Good luck. If you need anything, I’m around.” She holds Pepper close and it hurts to walk away from the puppy, but there are still too many unknowns.
“Thank you, Brynne.” Taking a deep breath, I head to my car and head home.
Young Jae is in the kitchen when I arrive. He’s talking to someone on the phone, so I head to the couch and pull out my laptop. Searching for tips to help during the first trimester, I scroll through a few articles.
Young Jae is still chatting away, and from the conversation, it sounds like it’s Ji Hoon. This could take a while. Shifting, my jeans digging into my stomach, I stand and head upstairs to change. I definitely feel like my head isn’t fully focused, almost like there’s a haze hovering. The exhaustion every day seems to take over.
I finish changing and quickly pull my hair back into a braid before heading back downstairs. As I come around the corner, I see Young Jae sitting on the couch, a plate of nachos in his hand, but his eyes are on my computer screen.
“Are you pregnant?” His voice is rough, his eyes wide. He reminds me of a horse that’s seen or heard something in the bushes.
Lifting my hands up, I speak in a low tone. But I can’t help the tremble that wavers. “Yes. I just found out yesterday. It’s why I’ve been so unwell.”
He sets the plate down, his brows shooting up. “You’ve known for over twenty-four hours?”