Page 52 of Stay With Me
Stepping a little closer, I put my hands on my stomach. Young Jae tracks the movement, creases forming between his brows. “Yes, I—”
“And when were you going to tell me?” His voice is low, measured. Young Jae doesn’t yell, even when he’s pissed, and I know he’s not happy.
Tears forming, I look up at the ceiling to fight them back. I wasn’t happy either. I’m still not sure where on the line I stand, but I’m leaning toward the acceptance and happy side of things.
“I was trying to process the news. It came as a shock to me, and I wanted to know I could handle your reaction too.” I move to the couch, sitting on the edge, close to him but not touching. “I wasn’t planning on you finding out this way. I was going to tell you over dinner.”
He rubs his hands on his sweats before dropping his head back. “What is it, like a one percent chance?”
It’s hard to keep the wryness from my voice. “That’s what the doctor told me.”
I sit there quietly while he processes is one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. He’s muttering to himself in Korean but speaking too low and fast for me to translate in my head.
“What are you going to do?” he asks, but he already knows the answer.
“I had my IUD taken out and started on prenatal vitamins last night.” Standing, I go to my purse and grab the picture from my ultrasound. Setting it on the couch between us, I take a deep breath. With a sigh, I say, “I’m about five weeks along. The baby will be here at the beginning of May.”
He lifts his head, not meeting my eyes as he picks up the photo. They marked where the baby is. He stares at it for a moment before looking at my stomach and then meeting my gaze. His expression is unreadable, which is a new experience for me.
Remembering what Brynne said about giving him a chance, I rush to clear everything off my chest before he has a chance to unload what’s going on in his head.
“I know this isn’t what you want. It wasn’t what I wanted either. I was more than happy to spend my life with you, childfree. But I also won’t terminate the pregnancy. I’m sorry for taking away any part of that decision, but I won’t force you—”
Young Jae is beside me, his hand gripping mine before I finish. “Elise, there is no journey I won’t go on with you. Did I see babies in my future? No, I didn’t. But your baby.Ourbaby. I’m on board. I’m surprised. And more than a little shocked. Sometimes things happen and if this baby was created on one percent odds, then who are we to say it wasn’t meant to be.”
I start bawling right there, all the emotions, stress, relief, and hormones combining into one weeping, snotty mess. Young Jae stares in shock for a moment, I’m not a huge crier, before leaping into action. He grabs a tissue and starts wiping my face.
Shushing me, he holds me in his arms until the tears slow.
“And now we can’t get Pepper!” Remembering the little dog, I start crying even more.
“What? Who’s Pepper?”
“The little puppy I held when I told Brynne I was pregnant because I had no one to talk to, and she’s so little and so cute, but we’re having a baby, and we already have one dog, but I love her so much.” I’m wailing now, the tears uncontrollable.
He holds me close, rubbing my back. When my tears finally subside, he lifts me and settles me onto his lap. “Okay, let’s put a pin in the puppy thing. Why do you feel like you couldn’t talk to anyone? I guess I understand the need to process it before telling me. But what about Adeline and Rae. They’ve been there for you no matter what.”
Wringing my hands, fresh tears fall. “They both want kids so bad and can’t have them. And then here I am, Miss Fertile Myrtle, pregnant by accident.”
He chuckles.
My head drops. “I feel so awful that I get what they want when I didn’t even plan it or want it.”
Young Jae strokes his hands up and down my arms, lips pursed as he thinks about my anxieties.
“They may have mixed emotions because of their own experiences, but they would be happy for you and for us. Their own experiences don’t invalidate yours, and they’re not the type of women who would ever make you feel bad about this. It may make them sad because of what they’re going through, but not because they aren’t happy for you.” He holds my gaze, his eyes intense on mine. “Two things can be true at once, and it’s okay. But they’re your closest friends and they would want to know this news.”
Slumping down, I feel the weight lifted by his words. “I think I messed up the entire pregnancy announcement thing. Let’s invite them all over next Sunday and tell them the news. Right now, let’s just acclimate to the news and figure out how to deal with how exhausted I am.”
He kisses me deeply. “Well, the best way to start is by eating comfort food. The nachos might need a refresh. I will pop them into the oven for a few minutes. Why don’t you find something to watch.”
He stands, pausing when I grab his wrist. “I love you. And this baby is going to be so damn cute, neither of us will ever remember a day we didn’t want it.”
Bending to brush his lips against mine, he smiles. “Damn straight. I love you too.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
Young Jae