Page 11 of A Dawn So Dark

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Page 11 of A Dawn So Dark

Daemon's stormy gray gaze flitted back to me.Goddesses above, if this man did not put a shirt on and soon, I would need medical attention. I was nearly a swooning puddle. “Willa, Alys, the Princess and I require a moment.” They bowed and hurried away, leaving me in the wolf's den. Though I imagine this was futile, as Vampires they would be able to hear every word uttered between the King and myself. Daemon tilted his head, encouraging me to follow him. I followed quietly, unsure of what else to do. I studied the ridges of his back muscles and the tattoos laced around them. Thorn covered vines wound up his spine, up towards the back of his neck. I had seen plenty of men with tattoos, but none this achingly beautiful.

“Done gawking, Princess?” Daemon smirked, pulling my attention from his back to where he lookedover his broad shoulder at me. I swallowed my embarrassment and rolled my eyes. “Just surprised that Vampires bleed…” it wasn’t a lie. I had always been told Vampires desired blood because they had none of their own. I had since learned that was false.

“Princess, if you wish to see me covered in blood for you, I shall gladly bleed.” He all but held out a blade in offering. “My blood is yours to claim.”

I swallowed, heat consumed my skin like an unkempt flame devouring everything in its path. “What did you need to see me about?” I looked around the secluded grove where he had led us. It was a private training yard, I imagine reserved for the King to work unbothered. A wall of weapons stood twenty yards opposite of a wall of targets, fighting dummies, training swords, and a sparring mat littered the space. His dilated gaze trailed across the exposed neckline my gown displayed, a blaze of heat following in their wake. I cleared my throat, eyeing him in annoyance “Your Majesty.” Daemon quickly recovered himself and crossed his arms over his expansive chest. “Do your ladies' in waiting suit you?”

My mouth fell open. Of course he had arranged for Ardens sister to be one of my ladies in waiting. He wanted to pull me further into his circle, by any means. Though I was unsure if this was a good or bad thing. “Indeed, Your Majesty. Rather fascinating that such esteemed ladies of the court were chosen to be my guides. I did not realize you treated your prisoners so kindly.” Daemon smirked, the faintest flash of his fangs appearing. I wondered what being bit by him felt like. Surely it had to be painful. They had fed on humans for thousands of years, surely it was not wretched as some were documented to enjoy it. “I am sure Lady Willa and Lady Alys will be more than agreeable to assist you as you navigate Darkspire.” The King's amorous voice pulled me from my spiral of thoughts. I flushed, feeling as if I had been caught doing something wrong. “Come, allow me to show you ourKnights.” The tone in which said Knights held a disdain held in regard to my father and the glory he bestowed upon the title. A title I had craved my whole life. I nodded, following alongside him as he began to move through the swarms of men engaged in hand to hand combat. They parted, makingway for us as he led me towards the center of the sparring area. The soldiers, even the ones amidst bloodshed, fell to their knees as their king made his way through the crowd. My father held no such power over his men. Perhaps a raised drink in his direction, but nothing like this. I studied how he carried himself with pride through the crowd, how his power radiated over the courtyard, demanding the attention and respect of everyone in eyeshot. When we reached the center where several training masters stood shouting instructions, the King offered me a hand to help me step up onto the small platform. I placed my hand in his outstretched palm and felt all of the air exit my lungs as his grip hoisted me up. My skin burned, a blush dancing across my skin as his fingers enveloped mine. I ignored the heat flaming in my chest and turned my gaze to the hordes of men fighting. “I must say, Your Majesty,” I admitted, gauging this must be around twenty percent of his forces if he followed basic training procedure, his army was more than sufficient to challenge Camelot. “Colorme impressed.”

A laugh, a pure, amused, joyous laugh escapes the king as he joins me. “I am thrilled to have impressed you, Princess. Tell me, what do you see that impresses you?” My eyes scan the vigorously trainingmen and something instantly strikes me. “Your men rotate through hand to hand, weapons training, and strategy sessions… you're preparing them for each sequence of the fight.” Each sequence of battle had been dissected and was being taught in sections, ensuring the preparation of each individual soldier. It was beautiful.

“I tried to get your father to train the Knights this way. He did not take my suggestion, I assume.” Daemons heat radiated as he stood behind me, his lips lowered to my ear as his words caressed my skin.

“Why?” I breathed, unsure as to why he was showing me this. He should have kept me far from this, far from the inner workings of his kingdom. Instead, he continued to pull me deeper into the fold. His voice reverberated where his chest meets my back “I wanted to show you our power.Mypower, little Princess. I want you to know that Arthur may have won once… but he stands no chance this time.” I looked over my shoulder tomeet his gaze and found myself in awe of the man before me. Compelling gray eyes, his firm features somehow still stoic as he grinned devilishly. “Are you… are you telling me that you plan to strike against my father?”

I felt as if the air had been struck from my lungs when he cupped my chin tenderly, turning my body to him. His skin was cool to the touch and I felt as if my heart turned over in my chest. His gaze assessed me, his thumb brushing across my lower lip. My skin lit ablaze with the familiar burn that ignited when I was in Daemons or Ardens presence. His darkness crowded me against his firm, towering hold. “I plan to give you your revenge, Princess. By any meansnecessary.”

Chapter 17


The terrace connected to Daemons private living quarters provided a perfect view of Auroras, where she sat in the sun with an all too familiar book cradled in her lap. Her human eyes would not be able to detect me at such a distance, but me? I could consume her every perfect fucking feature from where I stood on the safety of the balcony. I tipped my glass back, praying to the goddesses that the blood would soothe the flames consuming my chest, my mind. It did nothing, as expected. The burning desire I felt for Aurora still burned bright and fiercely. She turned a page, her intense evergreen gaze fixated on the words with such interest. I drew in a sharp breath as she turned her gaze towards the vast forest adjacent to her, the soft sunlight of an autumn afternoon made her auburn hair glow like a hearth. Aurora was mesmerizing. I found myself envying the hair that fell along the column of her neck. Jealous that it got to touch the freckled skin that called to me like a siren. The ache in my chest blazed as Iwatched her. Her eyes no longer held a desire to flee, even with a guard standing outside her door, and another stationed outside of her terrace. She did not know about the second guard. I assigned Lieth as a second guard because if I did not, I would have sat by her door all night… listening to the sound of her breathing. I was going mad sleeping across the hall from her. I was going mad,period.

“Have you listened to a word I have said?” Daemonsgrowl of annoyance pulls me from my innately primal thoughts of the woman who held the other half of my soul in her hands. I gritted my teeth, fighting my fangs back as I finished my drink, attempting to wash away the desire for Aurora and her devine smelling blood. “Your view is most distracting…” I muttered, still fixated on her, enamored by her mere existence.

“You're worried.” Daemon did not ask, he simply stated the truth. He knew me well, just as I knew him. He was never a man to mask his feelings, but with Aurora here so much had shifted. So much had changed. “I am worried.” I agreed. “I am worried because youand I both know the truth. She'sourmate Daemon, and I don't know if she's ready for that. I am worried because there is no chance in the seven hells that Arthur does not retaliate. I am worried because I wouldgladlywage war for her.” Daemon did not respond. He simply filled a glass of his own and refilled mine before falling in line beside me. The two of us stood there watching her read blissfully, knowing war was on the horizon and peaceful moments such as these would soon be few and far between. “We are going to win this war for her, Arden.” Daemon reassured me. “We just need to show her that she has the power to claim her freedom from Camelot.” I nodded. She had immense potential, the curiosity she showed when attempting to escape us displayed intense motivation and the desire to fight and win. “What do you suggest?”

“That you show her how, teach her our ways so when she claims her fathers life, it is as one of us.” Looks like I was about to relieve Lieth of his duties. Downing the remainder of the amber liquid, I nod in confirmation. I was going to ensure she never had to fear the wrath of her father ever again. She had anunbridled rage that brought me some sort of ease. Our mate was violent and just as bloodthirsty as my best soldiers.

I strode for the door, a rage churning in my chest. I paused, turning back towards Daemon. He knew that training her would give me a chance to connect with her, to spend time with her and satisfy the burning that pulsated through me with every breath I drew. “You need to talk to her, Daem.”

Daemon simply smirked, his glass hovering by his blood tinted lips. “Try keeping me away from our Princess.” I returned his smirk, knowing better than to question his plans. Aurora's room temptingly sat adjacent to mine. I could hear her every movement at night, and smell her warm, glowing scent from where I lay awake. I had not found my rest since she had arrived. Hopefully being near her would help quiet my soul enough to sleep.

The guard stationed outside her room seemed surprised when I told him that I would be relieving him of his shift. I explained that the King had plans for the Princess, no one but Daemon, myself and Noa knew ofour mateship. Once the guard was long gone, I found myself quietly opening the door and stepping into the room. Her scent overwhelmed me. Floral and evergreen with notes of whatever cinnamon perfume her maids had readied her with this morning. Her bed was slightly mussed, her slippers discarded by the long mirror that sat opposite of her bed, several books laid askew on the vanity. My lips turned upwards as I took in these small traits. Pieces of herself she unknowingly scattered about the room. She was not as poised and prim as she made herself out to be as a royal. She was unruly, untamed. Turning towards the terrace I saw that she had moved from the lounging chair and had vanished from sight. I chuckled quietly, hearing her heart pound in her chest from behind the pillar. She was more than likely poised to attack from behind the stone, which made desire blaze down my spine in a white hot heat. Aurora knew nothing of our kind yet. She knew nothing of our abilities, power, our desires. I rounded the pillar with speed Aurora couldn't track as a human, a gift the goddesses had bestowed upon us. I stood behind her, her warmth radiating off of her suppleform. She held the book she had been reading raised over her head, ready to strike whomever had entered the room.

I pulled the book from her hand, a yelp of surprise fell from her strawberry lips. She rounded to strike me with her now empty hands but I simply pressed her back against the pillar and held her firmly against it, my fingers pressed against her waist.

“What in the seven hells do you think you are doing?” She demanded, her forest green eyes shining bright with rage and disbelief. The fire raging in her chest burned so bright that I could nearly feel it beneath her skin. I chuckled, glancing down at the book with interest. A book that I knew well. “Educating yourself on our history, Your Highness?” She huffed in annoyance, trying to pull herself from my grasp, only for me to push her back with little effort. My hand splayed around her delicate waist, fingers firmly planted against her silk covered flesh. “Unhand me!” Aurora gritted, her fingers moving to pry herself free of my hold. Her fingers brushed mine and the breath left my lungs. Aurora's touch was languid fire dancing across my skin. Her eyes snapped to mine in surprise.She felt it too...Shefelt it just as we did. This was going to be far more pleasurable knowing she was warming to us. I held her gaze as I swept my thumb across her ribs, eliciting a sweet gasp from her perfect lips. “You're joining me at the training grounds.”

Aurora snapped out of her enamored daze and shoved my hand aside. “You're training prisoners now?” I wanted to laugh. She was fiery, spirited, opinionated. The perfect match for a King and a General. Perfect forus. “I am training you so next time you run into those woods face off with Stray, you stand a better chance.” Her eyes held mine, questions dancing across her features. I wanted to hear each and every one. Especially if it meant she would engage me in any manner. Instead of blowing up, yelling or headbutting me, she nodded. I tucked the book under my arm, tilting my head towards the door. “Come on then.”

“You mean for me to spar in this? Silks aren't exactly battle garb.” Aurora crossed her arms across her shapely bosom, ready to find any reason to fight me. I gestured to her chest of drawers, taking a seat at her vanity. “Do change then, Princess. I don't mindwaiting.” Her cheeks flushed pink as I leaned back in the cushioned chair eying her form tiptoeing back into the room. “I will be fine in this.” Aurora huffs, her cheeks still tinted pink as she drops her gaze to her bedside and produces a sturdier pair of shoes, quickly pulling them on. She yanks the door open aggressively and gestures to the hall before stalking out. I laughed. A genuine, real laugh. She was…everything. Our kingdom had been shrouded in darkness, a veil of secrecy and grief from betrayal. Now, even with war brimming on the horizon, there was hope of something beyond that. Something real. I rose to my feet, racing after the woman who had no clue the power she held overthis kingdom.

Chapter 18


Aurora paced the empty courtyard, observing everything with an enthusiasm that made my chest ache. I had ensured it would be empty so she and Arden could freely hone her skills. She asked questions regarding each weapon so carefully displayed, studying their purpose with a profound respect. Aurora had the makings of both a ruler and a warrior. So perfectly compatible with Arden and myself. “You aren't quite ready for that, Princess.” Arden chuckled as she observed the mace. A jade glare shoots daggers at him from across the courtyard. “With your size and…” He searched for the right word but settled on “Humanness…you need something more suited for you to be able to compete with a Vampire.” He was ensuring she was prepared for any possibility.

He gestured to the shelf of weapons behind him. “You require a light but deadly approach, Aurora.” She did not rebuttal with a crude remark or roll her eyes. She simply nodded and fixated her attention on his words. “Vampires are stronger and faster than ten men. Your greatest advantage is your wit. Strategy, Princess, is your sweet spot. You're small, an ill perceived threat.” Arden could give her truths I could not. There were truths I could not even share with Arden. If he knew, he would tell Aurora without a second thought and it would ruin any progress we had made with her.

Her father had betrayed me, and what better revenge was there than claiming his only heir to the throne as my mate. Arden could engage her like this, push her to her limits, make her stronger for her own sake and the sake of whichever kingdom she would one day rule. Darkspire or Camelot. “Come on, Princess. Let's see what you know.” When the words fell from Ardens lips a spark lit in Aurora's eyes. Something snapped within her and she struck with the small dagger she had lifted from the wall of weapons. She went afterArdenwith an untethered fury and a precision that stunned me. While she was up against a battle trained general, she held the prowess of a true Knight of the Round Table. Arden perries gracefully and after letting her wear herself down, knocks the bladefrom her hand and flips her onto the mat with ease. I gripped the banister so tight I was sure it would crack beneath my hold, my pulse rising as her surprised gasp echoed across the training yard. Arden lay hovering above her in seconds, his hand splayed against her nape, holding her firmly to the ground. The stone cracked beneath my grip, fading to dust in my palms as two words fell from Ardens lips. “Got you.” With that, he was gone. Leaving our Princess laying there on her back with flushed cheeks. Curses fell freely from her when she realized what had happened. I chuckled, the realization that she was here and trying to understand us better sinking in. Perhaps she wouldn't run. Perhaps she would. Her gaze flickered in my direction, though I knew she could not see me at this distance, I still felt an intense heat rise in my chest. The bond flaring to life beneath my skin, reminding my immortal soul that it had found its counterpart. A guard appeared at my side, eyes set on his feet. The guards knew not to watch Aurora in such a position. They knew better than to defy their King. “Your Majesty, I have news.”

Chapter 19


Invite her to dinner?” I clarified, astounded by Daemon's blatant and remarkably stupid declaration. “That's your plan?” Daemon nods, looking over the maps littering his desk. I knew Arthurs impending arrival was taking a toll, our spies had reported the dispatch of Camelotsarmy. “I don't think wine is going to win our Princess’s heart. Perhaps a dagger or a sword, a trip to the forge. That would suit her.” I tease, knowing that Aurora would likely enjoy such a thing. Any opportunity to ask endless questions and to potentially stab me. The thought of her stabbing me, covering herself in my blood made my cock twitch. I was going mad with the desire to claim her. As each day passed, I felt my restraint thin. Today it felt threadbare as we sparred. I nearly snapped. I was a moment away from using my blade to cut her gown free of her body and claiming her right there on the ground. Fucking her into the stone as I drank freely from her, her gaspsechoing across the training yard as my soul claimed hers. I stood at full mast at the mere thought.

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