Page 12 of A Dawn So Dark

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Page 12 of A Dawn So Dark

“Noa has gone home for the night, I sent word to Alys and Willa to get her ready. She thinks she's sitting in on a dinnerwith Noa and otherladies of the court.” A laugh forced itself from my lips as I took in Daemon's foolish plan. She was going to be furious. “My sister will be of great use to help her understand this.” I remarked, knowing Willa was well versed in the stories of the old Kings. She would be able to help educate Aurora regarding our mateship when the time finally came.

Daemon looked up from the table, confusion clouding his features. “Don’t think just because I enlisted your sister as her Ladies Maid that we have any more help taming her long enough to get her to understand this. We would have had better luck enlisting my sister.” His sister was indeed a calculated woman and would surely butt heads with Aurora. Lienna was already making waves with our mate by calling Daemon her darling. Luckily she rarely spent time in the castle.

I lean against the table, palms flat against the wood as I huff in annoyance “She's going to understand. She senses the bond. I feel it growing stronger the longer she's here.” The man I called brother, called my King, buried his head in his hands, his brow creased in distress. I could feel the turmoil radiating off of him in waves. “Daemon, talk to me.”

Daemon rises from his chair, turning to the bookshelf lining the wall. Each of his steps are pensive and reserved. “We can't lose this war, Arden. Too much is at stake.” That's why he needed this dinner. He wanted a moment with her. A moment free of impending war or Arthurs threats. “We can't lose her.” His voice nearly breaks, something I had not witnessed since his father died. I sighed, heart wrenching in my chest seeing him like this. I push off the desk to face him. “We will not lose her.” I vow, my hand meeting his elbow. I ignore the hum in my chest at the contact. “Tell me about this dinner.”

Chapter 20

Aurora Artorias

After a confusing and stirring sparring match with the General, who made me wonder if I was actually being trained or simply reminded of my weakness as a human. I found myself being escorted to a far part of the castle I had yet to visit after getting dressed for dinner. The knock on my door had come as a surprise as I sat dosing my face in water. The sparring match had left me with a feeling unlike any other match had. I had felt flushed…frustratedat more than my loss. Arden had been toying with me to win. The game we had been playing since my arrival. The back and forth, our competitive natures clashing. His gentle touches followed by stern and forceful movements. Is that why I was being summoned? To punish me for conducting myself inappropriately? Or to finish what Arden had started?

The guard escorted me through a large set of oak doors, nothing to greet me past them except for complete darkness. I spun to flee, wanting to retreat tothe warm glow of my chambers. Closed doors greeted my palms and the guard had vanished. I pressed my forehead to the door for a moment, collecting myself with a deep breath, I turned to attempt to see what dwelled in the darkness. Nothing was visible. I shuffled, stepping forward hesitantly into the dark abyss. “Too cowardly to show your face?” I taunt, knowing that if it were Arden, he would surely speak out with a sly comment. A deep, primal, and vaguely annoyed growl, echoed through the darkness. “A lie that I was to be attending dinner with Noa, from your sister? Are you truly that desperate to fight me again?’’

An icy gust of air brushed past me, caressing my skin in the dark. Goosebumps trailed across my skin as a familiar dark chuckle echoed across the room. “I think she's mad, Daem.”Arden… My heart hammers in my chest, beating against my ribs as I inhale sharply. I squinted, trying to peer through the dark to see where they were. I gathered my skirts and turned to leave. “Where do you think you're going, Princess?” Daemons booming voice sets me frozen in my tracks. Several moments of silence pass as I hold my breath, trying not togive away how enthralled I was. His laugh reverberates against my neck, a large hand wrapping around my waist. Darkness envelops every inch of my body. “Running again,divine little thing?” Suddenly, the fireplace roared to life and every candle garnishing the chandelier flares. Daemons holdon me vanishesas I spin to confront him. All that greets me is a lavishly garnished dinner table, roses littered across every surface. The table is small, plated for three to dine. My heart nearly skips a beat as I realize… this was for me.Were they… wooing me?

I slowly approach the table, waiting for one of them to reveal themselves to no avail. “I think I’m done running.” I goad, knowing that remark would push both of their buttons, though the words left me wracked with nerves. “I am quite enthralled with Darkspires….politics.” Its Ardens turn to laugh from whatever shadow they were hiding in. I spin, trying to pinpoint where they may lay in wait, growing more frustrated with each passing moment. “Right here,our violent little thing.” I look back to the table and both men are sitting with glasses filled with what was likely blood laid beforethem. The image of relaxed and suave. I swallowed hard, unsure of what exactly to do in this scenario.

“Done playing, are we?” I huff as I take a seat, fidgeting with my skirts. Daemon smirked, his gaze drifting to where my fingers picked at the silk fabric. “We have not begun to play with you, Princess.” His tone held a promise that had my thighs clenching. Servants appeared with dinner and wine for me. I noted that they didn’t touch their food, their only interest in watching me. It was as if two wolves sat across from me, watching their prey. Waiting to strike. “What is tonight's occasion? Noa didn't want to join us?” I prodded, trying to ease the attention that seemed solely focused on me.

Daemon looked to his General with a sly grin, leaning forward as his deep chuckle reverberated down my spine. “Tonight’s occasion did not require Noas presence. We wanted a moment, free of violence, to speak with you.Civilly.” I narrowed my eyes at the suggestion that I could not be civil. Before my time in the tower, I was thoroughly trained and educated for thethrone. Most royals complete this training very young in the event that they inherit the throne early.

“What are wecivillydiscussing this evening, Your Majesty?” I lifted my glass to my lips, needing a libation to get through this remarkably intimate dinner.

Arden took a long swig of what was more than likely blood, shooting Daemon a mischievous look over the rim of his glass. Daemon's obsidian curls fell over his forehead as he flashed me a boyish grin that made me want to swoon. “You. Besides your deliciously violent tendencies and your sinful mouth, we know nothing about you. Noa has kept you holed away from us.” I was sure my face looked as red as the wine in my glass. I looked to Arden, trying to figure out if this was indeed true. The smirk planted firmly on his lips made me believe that it was actually true. The rage I had felt bubble inmy core when I had seen Daemon's dazzling dalliance with him on the balcony after our shouting match in the woods. “Has the woman from the other day occupied your time since, Your Majesty?” Arden’s gaze met Daemons in amusement.Was he aware of Daemon'slover? Did he know her, tease her like he did me?Daemon simply tipped his head back, a bellowing chuckle escaping his lips. I flushed in embarrassment. Daemons laughsfading as he peered down at me in amusement, his lips quirkedupwards in a tempting expression. “Mysisterdoes love to inconvenience my schedule.” The inflection on the distinguishing title of their connection leaves me beet red. “Now if you're done being adorably jealous, Princess, we would love to learn everything about you.”

I exhale, nervously fidgeting with my silverware, brushing my embarrassment aside. “What would you like to know?” Arden propped his chin on his fist, Daemon leaned back in his chair. Both men chuckled as they answered in unison “Everything, Princess.”

I told them of my upbringing, the trouble I had gotten into as a child. I avoided the topic of the tower, wanting to keep the flirtatious air that shrouded the table like a fog. They laughed, asked questions, and made quips regarding my troublesome nature. Occasionally, Daemon would brush his hand over mine, tuck a Stray hair behind my ear, or refill my wine glass. Arden would move his hand to my leg when he laughed,squeezing my thigh before pulling back. My skin was on fire, pulsating with want for these men. “You've hardly touched your food.” Daemon pointed out, gesturing to the assortments of meats and cheeses I had left untouched due to nerves.

“Here.” I wasn't given a moment to protest before Daemon had a bite of cheese pressed to my lips. Warily meeting his intense gaze, I took the cheese into my mouth, his fingertips brushing my lips. His steel gazes clashed with mine as my tongue darted out and cleaned my lips. Arden’s hand grazed my cheek, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. His finger, callous from centuries of expertly wielding weapons, tracing the curve of my neckline. My heart hammered against my ribs, demanding to be set free from its cage to ravage the men before me. I felt myself melting beneath their flaming touch. I suddenly became overwhelmed with questions, realizing I knew nothing of the men who sat before me.

“How old are you?” I couldn't stop the question that fell from my stupid mouth, still chewing the cheese. I had been curious about their age and so muchmore since my arrival in Darkspire. Daemon chuckled, his touch moving from my mouth, his large hand settling on my thigh beneath the table. Arden’s fingers traced down my neck and mirrored Daemon’s hold by grabbing my other thigh.

“I am one thousand and twenty-eight years old.” Damon's usually serious demeanor had faded throughout dinner, while he had been charming from the start, seeing a pure and genuine smile grace his stoic features made my heart flutter. “One thousand and twenty-four. Daem has a few years on me.” Arden confirms, only four years apart from Daemon. Though in Vampire years that seemed like nothing. “Oh.” I breathed. My twenty-three years seemed like nothing in comparison.

“If you have questions,darling, just ask.” Daemon teased, soothing his finger across the furrow in my brow. The way the term of adoration fell from his lips left flutters in my stomach. They were gods among men. My world called them monsters, here, they weredeath reincarnate.

“Tell me about the Monster Campaign.” I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth and all of my boldness faded away. Their hands retracted from me in unison, the warmth pooling in my core dissipating into smoke. Arden watched as Daemon took a long pull of his drink. Their fangs both were visible, pupils flashing red. The Vampires I had crossed in the woods had not looked like this. They had looked as if their flesh was rotting off of the bone and fueled by animalistic instinct whereas this… this was pure power. I swallowed hard. I had only wanted the truth, to know what my father had done to them in hopes of repenting, exacting revenge. Now, I wasn't sure I wanted to know what invoked this kind of rage.

Arden turned his head, his neck cracking as he clenched his jaw. “Run,little human. And do not let us catch you.” His growl rattled my chest, every hair on my body stood on edge. My gaze snapped to Daemon, exhilaration shot through me as his red gaze fixated on me with a hunger that should have wracked me with fear. The echo of my chair crashing to the floor as I shot up reverberates throughout the room as I sprintedtowards the carved oak doors. I could hear the table flipping behind me as I desperately pulled the door open, fumbling for the handle. Once I was out, I threw the door shut behind me and pushed myself down the hall that led to my chambers. If I could get there, I could barricade the doors and escape off of the balcony until they cooled off.

I turned the corner down the hall, my door in sight when I heard the doors erupt in splinters behind me. Daemon and Arden’s growls followed me, enveloping me as my silk slippers slammed into the stone flooring. My knees screamed in protest as I came to a halt, shoving my way into my chambers. “Little human” Daemon's voice reverberated down the stone halls, caressing me as I hurried inside. Knocking everything off of my chest of drawers, I shoved it in front of the door, under the knob in hopes of keeping them at bay.

I grabbed the cloak off of the chair by my terrace and hurried through the doors. The drop from the bannister to the ground was about twelve feet, a far drop but I didn't have a choice. My heart leapt as I heardthe doorknob slowly turn, testing the lock. The door creaked, spurring me on as I tied my cloak around the bannister and scrambled to lower myself to the ground. I could try to lose them in the woods or at least stay hidden long enough to let them cool off.

I winced as the cloak made a ripping sound, signaling it was not going to get me much further. The final tear sounded and I fell the remaining six feet into the bushes. I yelped as the branches dug into my dress and scraped my bare arms. The door and chest of drawers rattled in the room above me, spurring me on. Pushing myself out of the brush, I took off in a sprint towards the woods. My heart pounded in my ears as my slippers slammed against the forest floor. Before I hit the creek where Daemon and I had argued, I heard the sound of my door splintering in the distance, my terrace door being ripped from its hinges.What would they do when they caught me?They hadn't hurt me up until this point. The mystery spurred me on. I did not want to find out what was in store for me, as I doubted it was another candlelit dinner. Running from them felt different than running from the Duke.I wasn't terrified. I was okay with whatever consequences I would have to face. I knew their consequences would not harm me. This was a game. Their way of showing me I was one of them.

The splash of my slippers hitting the creek snapped me back into reality. Two of the most fearsome creatures to walk this realm were righton my heels.

Chapter 21


Chasing after my mate while my cock was rock hard was both painful and the most arousing thing I had experienced in my thousand years of life. Chasing was a generous term. Letting her think she had a shot at escaping us was half the thrill. Her soft pants, hushed squeals as she ran from us only spurred me on. She didn't stand a chance against us.

Daemon and I had hunted together all of our lives. A thousand years with the same hunting companion ensured a high success rate. There was a reason that Kings and Generals were fated to share mates, they were bondedthemselves to ensure their empires remained in power. I could feel Daemon moving in the darkness, stalking our pretty little prey. His strong stride was silent despite the brush. I was ten feet behind her, though she had no clue. We were herding her towards a cove that resided along the river's edge, far enough from the Strays territory that she would be safe and that we would go uninterrupted. Herlong auburn waves had fallen from her intricate hairstyle. Twigs littered her lochs, much like they had when I first laid eyes on her. Her skirts were wet from the river, now gathered in her arms as she ducked to dodge branches as she sprinted.Not fast enough. Her milky, freckled thighs flexed as she wove between the trees, vanishing beneath her bundle of silks. I growled at the sight. She was a vision sent from the goddesses. Each day I watched her and thanked them for blessing Daemon and I with her fiery presence. Arthur once told me that the goddesses were jokes, that they weren't real and to revere the seven gods Camelot worshiped. The gods would have sent us to the seventh pit of hell for existing, yet the goddess mated us to Aurora. I would bow at the altar of our mate until the end of time in gratitude.

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