Page 15 of A Dawn So Dark
Alys hums in acknowledgement, her eyes sparkling “Must have been quite the dinner, given the state of your door… and your hair.” I whip around to face thevanity and see the mess that is now my long auburn lochs. Having dropped the sheet, all of the love bites they had left across my skin could be seen. “I am going to kill them.” I huff, covering my face.
“Them?” Willa gapes, stunned by this information. My cheeks burn as I face her sheepishly “Uh, yes?” Alys squeals, nearly leaping across the bed tosit me down and brush out my hair. “We must knoweverything! Willa pour her tea, she must be exhausted.” I chuckle at the excitement and share the previous night's adventures, leaving out graphic details regarding Arden to spare Willa. After sharing every lewd detail, Alys and Willa escort me to the training yards where Daemon had requested my presence. We arrive, the three of us in a fit of giggles as Daemon comes into view. I had expected at least a warm smile, or a teasing remark, but what I am met with is not what I had anticipated. I was met with a cross-armed King and looks of annoyance. Willa and Alys curtsy and hurry out of ear shot, if that even exists for Vampires.
“I thought you would like to know that Noas spies discovered your fathers men setting up camp in the woods. They have suspicion that you are hiding here.” Daemons firm words struck me in my chest, nearly knocking me off of my feet. I felt my head spin as he held me pinned under his gaze. “You never told me that the Duke of the Northern Isles was your betrothed.” I felt my skin heat with anger.Had he brought me out here to interrogate me? Hadlast night been alie?
“I prefer not to discuss such a foul creature who only viewed me as an object to strike down and a pair of open legs.” I retorted, practically snarling. I was going to be sick. Or kill someone. Whichever came first.Thane was here, meaning Arthur was not far behind. “You never told me that my father killed yours…” Daemon did not seem fazed by my aggressive response, he simply leaned against one of the many vast pillars that littered the training yard, his arms crossed over his broad, shirtless chest. “Arden told me you had been in the library…” I eyed him, trying to figure out what his game was. Nodding, I looked away and paced the length of the training yard. “Your history documents truth whereas Camelot only documents glory and pillaging. My father has committed horrific crimes, and I am deeply sorry that your father was one of his victims.” Arden had transcribed that history's most recent passage. He documented his friends' torment, his kingdom's pain, their betrayal. Daemon's gaze remained fixated on me as I paced, his features pensive and inquisitive. I felt a blush creep up my neck under his watchful eye, only making me far more nervous being here.Perhaps he hadbrought me here to turn me over. Had talking about our fathers been what pushed him over the edge? He had chased me through the forest for less. Was this his final straw?
“You made the little Princess blush, Daem.” I spun, Arden now present in the secluded training yard, also shirtless and splattered with blood. The gods must truly hate me.Had I been summoned here only to be turned away? After everything that occurred between us three? I took a deep breath, taking several steps back from the both of them. To feel a sense of control, tame the heat rising in my chest that demanded their touch. Clearing my mind of worry and letting it fill with rage I asked “How did they find me?”
Daemon glanced at Arden, inviting him to explain. Arden crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head at me intuitively. He was clearly annoyed by my avoidant behavior towards him. He had every right after I had lashed out at him. “We think that one of the humans who live in our capital may have been paid off to reveal your location. Noas spiesare still working on it. I sent a few men to scout in Maynard, so we should know more by nightfall.”
I nodded solemnly, my hands falling numb at the thought of being returned to Camelot. Putting aside the intimacy that now complicated our situation, I brace myself for the reality that I was a bargaining chip in what would likely become war. “I see. I imagine you will be handing me over?” I could try to slip away in the night, but with the guards at my door and the Strays lining the borders, my chances were slim.
“No,” Daemon chuckled darkly, stepping towards me. His gray eyes shifted from a mountain fog to a shade that resembled the crest of nightfall. My heart thrummed in my chest, my voice caught in my throat as he now stood inches from me. “When I said you were ours, Aurora, I meant it.”
Chapter 26
The sound of her heart pounding so close had me desperate for her. I wanted to lay her out right here and feed until we were mad with lust. I met Ardens gaze over her shoulder, knowing he was just as close to losing control as I was. “Why do you smell of fear, little human?” I hummed,stepping before her, effectively trapping her between the two of us. We dared not touch her, fearful of scaring her off after last night. Arden and I had not felt the need to speak of what sharing a mate would mean, we both were simply too consumed with her to be bothered. Watching him consume her last night, seeing them both barrel towards their release had easily been the most erotic thing I had witnessed in my life. Last night was everything yet not enough. Since claiming her, my craving for her blood had been insatiable.
Her voice was little more than an exhale, her eyes fluttering shut as she forced out “I lied about the true reason I fled…” Her fingers traced the pale scars on her wrists, the very ones Noa had told us about, the ones we saw when she bared herself to us. This had been the first time I had looked with apt attention. I knew exactly what they were from.Iron chains. “Tell us.” I commanded softly, towering over her. She inhaled sharply, anger now blending with fear. “I am Princess only in title. I have spent over half of my life locked in a tower, in chains…” Blood roared in my ears, my claws emerging as I attempted to hide my labored breaths. I dared not look to Arden, knowing my General was seconds from a fit of rage. Aurora continued, stepping back, gasping in surprise when her back collided with Ardens chest. She went to move from his touch, clearly angry with us, but before I could stop myself, I gripped her hip, holding her flush against him. She relaxes into my touch, her skin igniting with desire. My fingers trailed up her arm, grazing the scars on her wrist, urging her to continue. “Arthur wanted a son, my mother could not give him one. So he punished me by ignoring my existence. I was beaten regularly by guards for talking back, being rude to Knights advances… not being an adequate Princess… I was left forgotten for winters with nothing but a tattered gown to keep me warm. I would pull at the chains until they fell free from the wall, I paid the price for that…” She shivered as my thumb swiped across her wrist, her head falling back against Ardens chest, big emerald eyes fixated on me. “If you do not plan to send me off, then I wish to face him alongside you both…”
Arden smirked, lowering his lips to her ear, my eyes meeting his has he spoke. He seemed to have gotten his temper under control and was now entranced by what she had asked for… she was asking to fight alongsideus. “Are you offering to cause trouble for us, little human?” His lips graze her ear, earning a breathy gasp from her perfectly bowed lips. Letting my hand graze from her hip, lazily moving north as she panted and gasped beneath our touch. “The General asked you a question, Princess. Answer him.” I growled, my gaze focused on her exposed chest as I continued to caress her waist, teasing my way north.Goddesses, she melted so exquisitely beneath our touch. She forced herself to stand slightly taller, attempting to think straight under my touch. I could barely handle the mate bond tuggingat me as a thousand year old Vampire, I could only imagine what it would do to a human in her twenties. She cleared her throat and made an offer that rattled my core. “I want to kill him… and in return, I offer you Excalibur when I claim Camelot.” I wanted to bury my fangs in her, revel in her taste, feel her blood pulsing in unison with mine. Tilting her chin up so she locked eyes with me, I grasp at what little control I have left. “We only want you, Aurora.” She swallows, throat bobbing as she nods softly. Her words are fervent, a vow to us both. “Then take me.” I nearly fell to my knees, desperate to worship her as she deserves. “Body and blood?” My words are hopeful, avow that I have been prepared to make for quite some time. Her nod is all I need before my fangs pierce the skin at the nape of her neck. The second her blood touches my lips, ecstasy floods me, pleasure wracking my body as I drink from her. She tasted like a raging hearth, like the future Queen of the realm. She tasted of purepower. My hands buried in her hair, gently pulling to expose her neck to him. An offering. Aurora's delicate moans spurred him on, his fangs grazing the skin at the column of her neck. “May I?” Arden’s question is a growl against her skin, reminding me of how he had growled when he claimed our mate last night. Her hips bucked, rocking against me in desperation as she nodded, a whine of need escaping her lips. His fangs pierced through her skin and she melted between us. Arden groans in satisfaction, the primal sound spurring me on as we all ride the wave of pleasure, the bond solidifying.Body and blood.
“Arden- oh….” We had been so consumed by Aurora that we had not heard Noas approach. I pulled my lips from her neck, leaving Aurora panting and flushed a delicious shade of pink, her eyes glazed over with pleasure. Seeing blood trickle down her neck towards her breasts made me want to kneel and pledge all I had to her. I forced myself to step back, leaving Aurora in Ardens hold, too stunned to react to having been caught. “Yes, Noa?” I cleared my throat, tearing my gaze from Aurora and Arden, erecting my political indifference.
Noa straightened, an impassive, unreadable wall now taking her expression. I had expected a joke or ateasing smile from my friend, which I suppose meant the situation was dire. “I come with news from my informants. Should you two want to make yourselves decent…” Her sharp eyes grazed our bare torsos, lingering on where Ardens hands held Aurora flush to his chest.
As if being snapped out of her lust fueled fog, Aurora pulled herself from his hold and took a few steps back. “Any news on my father?” The way her voice trembled ripped a hole in my chest, nothing more than a hoarse whisper.
“Both Camelot and Tammes armies march on us.” Noa deadpanned. Before I could comprehend her words, Aurora sprinted to the edge of the training grounds and spilled her guts. I punched a hole through a pillar. Arden stood with only one thought between thethree of us. “Shit.”
Chapter 27
Aurora Artorias
Idon'tknow which was more humiliating. Noa catching me in the middle of two men, or the three of them witnessing me hurl my breakfast. Daemon had appeared behind me and scooped my hair into his fist to avoid the spew of putrid liquid. My head was spinning.War. I was causing awar. People would die. I would set two kingdoms into ruins.All for what?So I wouldn't have to marry someone?
“Make arrangements for Aurora. We will face them on neutral grounds for negotiations.” Arden barked behind me, the heat of his rage caressing my skin like an open flame. “I will arrange for her to stay with the Lords in Astyrn.” Noa responded, already commanding guards to notify my ladies maids. I gasped for breath as I fell back on my ankles, blinking the stars from my eyes. “I told you,” I panted, Daemon pulling me up to my feet, his warm touch igniting the all too familiar ache in my chest. “I am going to be the one tokill him… You can't send me away to stay with these Lords I have never even met.”
Arden moved towards me, cupping my chin in his warm hold, his pupils dilating as he anchored me. Daemon had been commanding, fervent, controlled. As if he had waited eons to have me. My chest had nearly exploded when he grabbed me and pressed me further into Arden. Ardens thumb swiped across my cheek, just like it had over my scars. Arden was a storm, unanchored and unforgiving. “While I would love nothing more than to watch you unleash your full, delicious wrath, we need you out of their reach and safe,little human. If you are here, you will be at risk of discovery. If they find you here, war will ensue.” His fingers moved from their tender hold on my chin to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “You will go with Noa. My sister and Alys will join you in Astyrn soon. You'll leave at first light.” I opened my mouth to yell but his lips ghosted across my forehead, effectively silencing any thoughts of protest I had.
“It would be safer for her to go alone. She will be safe with the Lords, we can send the girls when we knowit's safe.” Noa insists, looking between the two men. Alys and Willa reappeared, standing at the edge of the courtyard, not Tomas, but another guard. “Go pack a small bag for the Princess. She heads to Astyrn at midnight. Princess, please join them. We have to prepare.” I looked back up at Arden, waiting for his disapproval of this plan. He simply nodded in his sister's direction “We will find you later,little human.”We, not I. I simply nodded, hurrying to my ladies in waiting, cheeks bright with embarrassment. Hooking my elbows into theirs, I pulled them back through the training yard as if I was being chased.
“What in the goddesses was that?!” Willa squealed in excitement as we ducked into my bedroom. I flop face first down on the bed as the stars return to my eyes. I was unsure of what that was. Daemon and Arden sharing my blood… Noas coldness…
“Why are they sending you to Astyrn?” Alys sat on the bed next to me, brushing my hair back into place, Willa grabbing a wet cloth to wipe my bloodied neck clean. I sighed, reveling in the feeling. “My father and the Duke of Taames are marching on Darkspire. Theyare sending me away to protect me. I am more than capable of doing so myself.”
Willas' smile fell as I sat up to allow Alys better access to my hair. She had her brother's spirit, that was for certain. “Oh… I heard that you were once betrothed to the Duke… is that how you came to be with us?” I hummed, recalling how he had struck me down in front of the court, the sharp pain in my face, the sting of my palms. “One of many reasons.”
Alys braided my hair down my back, safely tucking it away from my face before tying a ribbon around its end. “Let us pack for you and I will send for tea to help soothe your nerves.” I nodded, pulling my legs onto the bed and let Willa pick me a dress to travel in.
Later that evening, after Alys and Willa had dinner with me in my chambers, I wanted a moment to myself. I decided to go to the library for an hour or so. No guard stood waiting for me tonight, which I found odd. There hadbeen one posted by my door every night since my arrival. As I clicked my door shut, a muffled sound met me. I quieted myself, holdingmy breath to silence myself in case I had been caught out at a late hour unaccompanied. Again it sounded, clearas day. A moan.A moan sounded from Ardens room. My stomach knotted in disappointment, hurt. Nausea overtook my body, after last night I had made assumptions about our connection.Clearly I was wrong. I moved to hurry away, desperate to hide somewhere that Arden or the King wouldn't find me when I noticed his door was propped open a few inches.
It would be wrong. An invasion of privacy. But I needed to see, to know what if he was truly bedding a woman after what we had shared last night.I moved as silently as I could, expecting to see two naked joined bodies writhing on the bed, to feel my heart drop into my stomach or more than likely spill my dinner onto the stone flooring. What I saw elicited a gasp of utter shock from my lips. Ardens eyes found me across his lavishly furnished room to where I stood at the gap in the threshold. He sat back on a lush sofa similar to the one in the breakfast nook, his legs spread wide with a woman sprawled across his thankfully clothed lap. Instead of being engaged in sex, I saw his hand in herchocolate hair, pulling it taut to expose her tanned neck to him. My cheeks heated as she let out another moan. He had his mouth firmly latchedto her neck, four great fangs protruding from his mouth, two on the top of his mouth and two smaller ones on the bottom. All four burieddeep in this woman's neck. And she was loving every second of it. She moaned and writhed in his hold, her nightgown riding up her legs, though Arden seemed far more concerned with her neck and watching me. Blood dripped down the maids bodice from where Ardens lips were connected to her skin. He smirked against her skin as he watched me.He was drinking her blood…. He flipped her, moving to where he lay hovering over her and he… he licked her. From her clavicle all the way back up to her nape. He had done the very same to me in the training yard, taking what I gave him freely. I had seen enough, unsure if I was leaving due to anger or arousal… I had seen enough. I needed to hit something. The training grounds. How could I have been so naive to feel a connection, a spark with this man.
I slammed the door shut and took off running.The training grounds were just off of thethrone room. I wiped away tears of anger as I slowed, pushing through the large oak doors that led into the throne room. What met me knocked the breath from my lungs yet again. Just as Arden had been, the King sat on the throne but unlike Arden, a man and a woman sat atop his lap, his lips moving between their necks that had clearly been freshly bit.Why did my stomach burn in betrayal and pleasure seeing them just as it had when I saw Arden? Was it because I knew how good it felt to have their fangs buried deep in my neck? I backed towards the door when Daemon's gaze met mine, shaking my head as his hand raised to beckon me towards him.He wanted me to do what those women were doing? Is that why he had kept me here? He did not want my expertise or ability to destroy, he wanted my blood, my humanness. Another tear fell as I took off running yet again. All I did was run. I hurried through the castle, unsure of where I was going.