Page 16 of A Dawn So Dark

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Page 16 of A Dawn So Dark

Chapter 28

Aurora Artorias

Ihurried back to my chambers where in place of a guard, stood Arden. He leaned against his doorway, the picture of power, sex and suave. His large frame barred the entirety of the door, reminding me that he indeed was no man. He was something far more powerful. I ignored the power radiating from his mere presence, even though he made my hair stand on end in anticipation. I moved to push my door open but Ardens firm hand spun me towards him “Not so fast there,little flame.” The new nickname made my core throb to my chagrin. I tried to rip my arm from his grip but failed. Grunting in annoyance, I thrashed in his hold “Iwillheadbutt you again, General.” This made him release me, an arrogant smirk dancing across his features.

“Is that a challenge, Princess?” His words made my stomach flip. Just an hour ago, his beautiful lips were locked on another woman- drinking from her. Yet here I stood entranced by him, by his offer and what it may yield. That, and I was not to refuse anopportunity to best him. Or at the very least, get to punch him in the face. “Yes.” I decided, letting my anger and frustration guide me. I was furious. I had been lied to, used, and lied to again. I was done with the deceit. “Always.” Ardens smirk grew, and he suggested something I had wanted to do for years. “Then let's spar.”

He brought me to the training grounds where they had fed from me this morning, dragging a shelf of weapons out into the middle of the area, by the training mats. It was late, only a few torches and the moon to light our makeshift arena. His cropped white hair fell over his forehead as he studied the swords on display, assessing what would suit our needs. I was surprised he wanted to put a real blade in my hand. He picked a silver blade, a broadsword. A choice I never would have made. He gestured to the rack, inviting me to take my pick. Without hesitation, I chose a shorter blade, knowing close combat was my strong suit and my best bet against him. Arden seemed surprised by my choice. I ignored his questioning gaze and stepped back onto the mats. This was the first blade I had held in years. The blade I had used when I was not in the tower was rustedand likely older than I was. This was pristine. Beautiful. “It is Pyrn Steel.” Arden explained, noting my admiration for the blade. “It is mined in the mountains of Astyrn. I will show you the forge when it is safe to meet you. We will have a sword forged for you.” Pyrn steel was the only metal that would not melt to ashes against the power of Excalibur. I was surprised that they had a mine that was not in possession of my father. “Perhaps even a suit of armor.”

I looked at him, studying his features.How had he been so cavalier about lying to me? “Are we going to spar or simply waste time?” I snapped, growing agitated.

Arden chuckled a pure hearty laugh, sending a shiver down my spine as he swore “Well shit, Princess. Let's get started.”

I was pissed that he and Daemon were going to simply send me off to keep me safe. That they had lied to me. That they had claimed me as theirs and gone and fed from those maids as if it were nothing. My blood heated in my veins, red dancing in my vision. I was going to get him just as mad.

“When I dressed as a maid to escape, they tried to send me to your room to give you areprieve. Are you so incapable of finding your own reprieves that the maids have to take care of you,General? I expected that a man of your status could find women to bed on his own, but it would seem I was wrong.” I smirked as I raised my sword, challenging him. Trying to push him to fight harder. I needed a release. He would likely be one of the more skilled swordsmen I had encountered and I did not want to walk away knowing he was taking it easy on me. A challenging flame lit in his eyes as he swung at me, narrowly missing my face. I countered and ducked, moving low enough to kick the back of his knee. His leg didn't buckle so much as buckle. I growled in annoyance as he swung his elbow into my chest, knocking me to the ground.

I grunted in pain as my back hit the hard ground, Arden now on top of me with his blade at my neck. “Is this what you wanted?” he growled, his breath fanning my neck as his lips brushed my ears. I tensed, a want growing between my thighs that I knew he could sense.Fucking Vampires. “You wanted me to get mad? Well Iam not mad, my fiery little thing. I am fucking furious. I am furious that I am not inside you every waking hour. I have not been able to think about anything but you since I first saw you in the tavern. Ruined and covered in blood, filled with a burning rage so bright I wanted to take you right then and there on the tavern floor. I bet you have thought about it Princess. I bet you lay awake at night consumed by thoughts ofus. By the smell of you, I take it I am right. I needyouto want this. I want you to wantus, wantme. But you have pushed me, and I can only be tamed so much longer.”

My breathing was labored. I was on fire. I could feel his smirk against my neck as he brushed his fangs against the curve of my neck. “When you tried to headbutt me that first day, I wanted to force you to your knees and stuff that rageful mouth. Is that what you want, Princess?” I was a melted mess, I was confident there was no way I could stand on my own two feet without collapsing. I swallowed a gasp as I felt his tongue dart out and lick shell of my ear. “Oh.” I groaned, my hips bucking at the contact. Ardenchuckled darkly, amused by my reaction. “Tell me what you want, little human.”

“Princess.” I rasped, correcting him. “I am a fucking Princess.” He stilled above me, his lips growing into a grin against my skin. He gave my neck another long, slow lick. I was ready to fall apart and he had barely touched me. “Allow me to kneel for you,Princess.” He ripped the front of my bodice open, earning a mewl of want from my lips as he began to nip his way south. I gasped as he caught the mound of my breast in his mouth, his tongue circling the peak. I suddenly felt Daemon's presence nearby. I looked to my left and saw him leaning against one of the pillars of the courtyard. His eyes were ablaze, not with anger. But hunger and desire. I opened my mouth to say something, anything. He shook his head with a smirk, tilting his head to urge me to pay attention to Adren who was nearing my center. I cried out as he nipped my now bare thigh. My skirts were now torn to shreds and littered around us like fallen ashe. I was completely and utterly exposed to these men, bared to them.

“You smelldivine.” Arden growled as his nose grazed my aching center. I panted, my fingers splayed against the cool stones in an attempt to quench the flames heating my skin. “I have dreamed of this moment for hundreds of years.” All hope of regaining control vanished. Arden surged forward and his glorious lips attacked my center. His tongue buried itself inside me, the movement stirring a heat deep in my core. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything but writheon the stones and cry out his name. He moved from my entrance to the sensitive bundle of nerves perched at the apex of my womanhood. The second his lips closed around it and his tongue coaxed it with its titillating warpath, my whole body ignited and I was overcome with a fiery pleasure. I cried his name as he continued to lap at my now soaked center, his large hands exploring my body as he went. Pressure built in my core, causing me to grow frantic with need for him. I reached down and laced my fingers through the silver locks of his hair, desperate for more of him. Ardens eyes nearly glowed as he fixed his gaze on me, smirking as he continued to work me over. I gave his hair a sharp tug, which earneda moan from his lips, vibrating against my pleasure. Gasping, I rocked my hips, turning to find Daemon still watching. He simply smirked, enjoying the show that was his General and prisoner. His gaze fixated on mine, pleasure crashed around me, stars invading my vision. My release consumed me in tandem with Ardens touch. My eyes fluttered shut in bliss as Ardens lips moved from between my thighs, working across my skin until he reached my ear once again. “Now you know what it is to be worshiped.” His lips grazed my neck, his nearness making my senses spin all over again. A gust of wind suddenly kissed my bare skin, my fly open. Arden was gone, Daemon too.

I sat up from the stone where I had come undone, looking around the courtyard for either of them. Nowhere. Pulling the discarded bits of my skirt around my exposed body, I felt embarrassment rise in my throat upon being left alone.Had I been nothing more than what they had done with those maids? Noa had told me that Vampires were far more open than humans.

“Your Highness?” I pulled my corset over my exposed breasts and turned to the voice. Alys stoodwaiting a few feet away with a cloak and a sympathetic expression. I fought back tears as I rose to my feet, kicking the sword away in disdain. She wrapped the cloak around me, securing it so I was no longer exposed. “Are you alright?”

I offered her a watery laugh as I composed myself. “I am going to need you to tell me everything. I need to know about feeding.” Her gaze softened from worried to confusion. I had learned about Vampire history in the books supplied by the library, but she nodded. I was going to finally figure out what exactly they had done with me, why they were ready to goto war for me.

Chapter 29

Aurora Artorias

Alys had brought me a small bag with a few personal items that the maids had collected for me. Apparently, I would be staying with the Lords of the mountains. The moon had yet to crest over the mountain peak in the distance, a frost coating the grass, a sign winter would soon be here. “Be safe.” Alys squeezed my hand, eyes brimming with worry as Tomas brought two horses forward. I squeezed her hand in return, offering a weak smile as Daemon and Noa approached. My chest tightened. I was being dragged away from the fight, set aside yet again.

“I will return as soon as she is safe with the Lords. I have informed them to speak to no one of her status, so her presence there will be unknown. Then I will join you for your meeting with Arthur.” Noa explained to Daemon as they opened the gates that lead towards Astyrn. He nodded, his eyebrows pinched in concern. “Then I will see you at sunrise.” I turned, preparing to mount my horse, wanting nothing morethan to avoid Daemon. I was furious yet embarrassed. He had lied to me, but I had kissed him and had… done what I had done with Arden. Perhaps being cast out of the city was best. It was saving me from the embarrassment of facing Daemon or Arden and it was saving them from the rage that swelled in my chest.

“Aurora,” his voice struck my chest, pulling me towards him like a moth to a flame. I closed my eyes as his words washed over me like a shadow in the night. “We will send word just as soon as it is safe.” I dared not turn, fearful I would do something stupid such as allow myself to believe him. Nodding, I quickly mounted, situating my dress so I could ride comfortably.

Daemon grabbed the reins, keeping me stationary and his captive audience. “You will have your revenge yet, Princess. We just have to ensure you will be safe long enough to exact it.” His logic made me want to punch him. I was just as capable to fight, to win. Being their prisoner had painted a target on my back, and boy was I fucked.

“You are just overflowing with truths, Your Majesty.” I croaked, avoiding his steely gaze. He hadlost my trust. Both he and Arden had lied from the first moment I met them. They made promises of revenge, of power. Yet here I was, being sent to another fortress that would serve as my new prison. A war was being waged in my name, and I was being cast to the shadows. Daemon looked taken aback by my snide words, clearly having not expected my crassness. He brushed it off and reached for my hand which I recoiled out of his reach. His eyes searched mine for an answer as he said “Arden will be here soon to wish you farewell.”

“It's fine,” I muttered, looking away from him to Noa. I could not bear to face Arden too. “We should leave now so you can make it back in time.” Her eyes shone bright with an emotion I could not trace. “She is right Daemon, we cannot wait for Arden. I will be back before first light.” Noa kicked her horse and moved towards the gate. I moved to follow her but Daemon held firm on my reins.

“Aurora…” His plea nearly made me break, get off this horse and fall into his arms. But I needed to go. If my plan were to work, if I were to manage an escape from the Lords of Astyrn in time to meet my father on the battlefield, I needed to go. Now.

I kicked my horse, urging her to take off. Daemon released her, letting me follow in suiteof Noa. I spared one glance over my shoulder, his despair evident even from this distance. I had to ignore it, no matter how badly it hurt.

Noa and I rode in silence for hours. I was too lost in thought to want to converse. I simply rode alongside her in silence as we neared the moonlit mountainscape. “Let's stop and let the horses rest for a moment.” Noa broke the silence, veering off the road towards the river to water her horse. I followed her, dismounting and tying my horse by the waters edge.

“How much farther? It will be light soon, I imagine the King and General will be waiting for you.” I inquired, looking towards the nearing mountain. Before I could turn to Noa, a heavy blow struck my head, stars dancing in my vision as I hit the ground. Fighting the darkness that lined my vision, I scrambled to try to stand, but another blow struck my back, keeping me down. I cried out, my palms digging into the earth.Rolling to better see my attacker and check to see if Noa was okay, I froze. Above me, wielding the sword that had been secured to her saddle, stood Noa. Blood dripped down my head, cascading across my vision.

“What are you doing?” I groaned, wincing as I tried to sit up.What was she doing? There was no way I would be able to run through Stray infested woods bleeding like this. Before I could ask her again what she was doing, Noa kicked me, sending me rolling towards the river's edge. The rocky riverbed slashed at my skin, bruising my barely recovered body. I groaned, fisting the dirt as I tried to push myself to my knees. “I have waited on you hand and foot since you arrived here. I was fine with it at first as you seemed completely disinterested in anything but escaping to some godsforsakencorner of the earth. But then you had to go and ruin everything. Take everything.”

I gasped in pain as I attempted to scramble across the stones of the river bank as Noa stalked towards me, her eyes ablaze with an anger that I feared would end up with me dead. “I didn't take anything from you. Whatare you saying?” I breathe, hand cradling my likely broken ribcage.

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