Page 8 of A Dawn So Dark

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Page 8 of A Dawn So Dark

“We’re going to kill Varys.” I growled, knuckles whitening around my glass. He shot me a look, crossing his arms over his chest. “We should be concerned about Arthur, not Varys. It was a few Strays that came after her. Not Varys.” Strays or not, Varys was dying.

“We’re going to deal with Arthur, rest assured. She wants to be the one to kill him. But because of Varys, she was harmed. He dies tonight.” I grinned, rising from my chair to depart for the Dark Woods. Arden returned my grin, on board with our lady’s desire to kill Arthur.

“No fair! You’re gonna charm her first that way. She only head butted me, she hit you in the cock.” Arden huffed. This was uncharted territory. The last King and General to share a mate was four thousand years ago. King Kian and General Cyrus. Only Vampires of high stature were destined to share mates, and it was a raritythat granted the kingdom immense power. I tiltedmy head, studying him. “This is not a competition, she isours.”

“Butshedoesn't know that.” Noa appeared in the doorway, sporting a large glass of what was clearly fresh blood. Her mouth and neck drippingfrom her feeding. Her usual vibrant energy muted. She looked at me with defeat tracing her features, silently asking to speak alone. “Brief your guards on her habits of escape, Ard. I do not want her slipping out in the middle of the night.” Arden nodded. He seemed distressed listening to her cry, I thought it best to give him a task far from this side of the castle.

Once he had left, Noa turned and glared at me with a raging desperation “So, it's true? She is Arden's mate? And yours? But she's human…” Noa had always been in love with Arden, he was just too enthralled in his position as General and the women that threw themselves on him to notice. I ran my hand down my face in frustration, letting out a long sigh. “It happens every few thousand years, but the goddesses are never wrong. A mating bond is a hard thing to deny.”

Noa fought back tears and changed the subject entirely. “She had a rough trip here, Daem. And goddesses only know what happened before that. The maids reported scarring on her wrists and ankles, bruises from— she's been through seven hells. You saw the state she was in.”

Arthur was always one for physical torture but also enjoyed mind games. It would seem not much had changed. “Arden and I will see what we can get her to divulge, I trust you to do the same.” She winced at the mention of Arden and Aurora but nodded regardless, knowing what was likely on the horizon with her as a political guest. “Now excuse me, Arden and I have business to attend to.”

Noa grabbed my wrist before I could make it out of the door, her fingers clinging to my arm with a desperation that I had never seen in her. “He could still choose me, right?”

“I believe he has already made his choice, Noa.”With that, I left her. Someone had laid a hand on my mate, and I could not allow that to stand.

Arden and I soon stood before a line of caves that the Stray Vampires had claimed as their own. Strays were once sophisticated like us, but they gave into their inner hunger and let the animalistic part of them take control. They were a big part of why the Monster Campaign had come to pass. Arthur deemed that every monster was one step from giving in to their inner demons and issued a death sentence for every species that dwelled on the island of Avalon.

“Are you sure about this?” Arden asked, more annoyed than unsure. The burning sensation in my chest overrode any logic that should have been present. An itch just below the surface of my skin that could not be scratched. I knew that this was the closest I could get to scratching it without ravishing Aurora in the courtyard. “I need to do this.” Arden nodded, not pressing it further. I knew he felt the same way.

“What can I do for the orphaned King and his pet?” Varys spoke, appearing in the dark entrance of the cave. Strays lined the rocky terrain of the Dark Woods that lay just beyond Darkspire. Arden chuckled at their half-assed attempt to intimidate us. Strays rarely fedfrom humans, as our city was well protected from their attempts to infiltrate. So they fed from animalsand fowl. It was why they pursued Aurora with such determination. They were starved.

I refrained from curling my fists, instead I smiled darkly as Arden paced the line of Strays, awaiting my signal. “You tell me.” I walked a few paces closer, watching Varys’ smirk fade as he realized why we were here. His greasy, mud-toned hair fell across his face as he scrambled back, his jaunt features attempting to mask his fear. “I-I don't know what you mean, Your Majesty.”

“Allow us to remind you.” Arden grabbed one of Varys’s foot soldiers, his fangs protruding as he tore into the Stray’s neck and ripped his head from his shoulders with a sickening crack of bones and spray of blood. The Strays dispersed, vanishing into the night to avoid the same fate. Varys tripped and fell to his knees, hands clasped in a prayerful manner. “My King, I beg of you, we did not know she was from your kingdom. We thought she was from the world of men.”

I laughed, the rage boiling beneath my skin growing tenfold. “Worry not, Varys. She holds you no ill will.” Varys exhaled in relief, falling back into his heels with a smile. “But I do.” I added as I forced my hand through his chest cavity, ripping through his ribcage with ease, and grabbed his heart. I pulled him to his feet and backed him against the cave entrance. The stench of fear radiated off of him in waves, any confidence fading from his expression. His blood poured freely down my arm as my grip tightened on the beating organ in his chest. Goddesses, was I going to enjoy this. “You shall be the example of what happens to anyone who lays a hand onour mate.” With those words, I ripped his heart from his chest. The sound of flesh tearing and ribs breaking filled the night air. Then silence fell. When his body finally fell to my feet I felt some of the raging ache for Aurora subside, though it did not fully fade.

“Why do I get the feeling that you and I will end up killing plenty of men in Aurora's name?” Arden smirked as I stared down at my bloodied arm and the pulsing heart in my hand as the truth dawnedon me. “Oh, we are just getting started.”

Chapter 13

Aurora Artorias

“Humans require so much rest.” The sound of Noa’s voice pulled me from my sleep. I shot up, having forgotten where I was. The lavish room was dusted in sunlight as the maids drew the curtains open. At the end of the bed stood Noa, while maids made tea for us and brought in racks of gowns. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, taking it all in. The restful moment I had hoped to find vanished with the rustling of maids and tulle. I faked a smile and shifted out from under the covers. I had always hated having a large staff tend to me. Even one maid was too much. Aside from my corset, I could dress myself. Though, I should not complain. Just a couple of weeks ago I would wake up to a guard dragging me out of the tower by my ankle. I pushed my hair from my face and took in all that the maids were carrying. Noa grinned as she pulled the chair to the vanity out for me, urging me to join her. “I pushed our breakfast meeting back an hour. The boys can wait.” I gave her an inquisitive look as the maids loaded the topof the vanity with brushes, oils, and powders. “What is all this?” Noa smiled widely, hurrying me out of bed. Her crazed smile worried me, as did the dozens of dresses. “I sent for your wardrobe. Now that you are not doused in mud and earth we can get you presentable.” I was ushered over to the vanity and stripped of my nightgown. In the mirror, I could see Noa studying my nakedformbehind me. Her eyes drifted from my back to my ankles and wrists. I knew she was looking at the scarring that littered my skin like freckles.

“Did- were you-?” Noa was at a loss for words but her eyes held a sympathy I appreciated. I shook my head in response, knowing her question. I swallowed hard, blinking away tears of anger. “I am a Princess. I have never even beenkissedto preserve myself formarriage. Clearly, it has not stopped men from trying. I should have fought harder.” The maids helped me step into a dark emerald gown, it fit flawlessly as they strung up the corset. Once they secured the dress, Noa dismissed them, guiding me to sit at the vanity. She started to gently brush my hair. “Princess, you are in no way responsible for what happened. That man, and themen like him, deservedeath. The King has all rapists struck down in the center of the capitol. What happened was not because of you, it was the evil of men. I promise you, if you remain with us, you will get to kill him, your father, and any man who has wronged you. And, as for yourneverhaving kissed a man, I imagine we can arrange something.”

I met her gaze in the mirror.Did they do marriage, courting, and love altogether differently here?“I am– was expected to remainpureuntil I am wed.” Noa shoots me a wicked grin as she styles my hair,

“We do not hold women to such conservative standards here, Princess. I have slept with a multitude of men, none of which are my husband. And I am legendary in bed.” A thought struck me.Had she and the King been intimate? Perhaps he only hired women so as to lure them into his bed chambers. Had she been with the General?“Have you… have you been with the King?” I regretted the question before it finished leaving my mouth. I ought to not ask about her relations with Arden.

Noa laughed, deep and true. I had not heard a woman truly laugh before, unless you counted the shrill giggles of the ladies of court. “Oh Princess, I would sooner run naked through the square and impale myself on a stake than so much as kiss Daemon. He is like the brother I never wanted but unfortunately ended up with. So do not fret. I encourage you to pursue him. I still think you should have visited him in your nightgown.” I had spent most of the night crying, so it left very little room for seducing a King. Along with the fact that I had no clue how to do it or if I even wanted to. “I am unsure of what I want.”

Noa chuckled as she secured my hair half-up with a leather band, “I hate to tell you this, but yesterday that room radiated desire and I could hear your heart pounding from down the hall.” I blushed, embarrassed that she had been able to detect my feelings with such ease.Could the King detect that as well? She swatted my shoulder lightly and smiled “Oh, do not be embarrassed, Princess. Desire is natural.” I paused and thought back to recall if I had ever felt desire for aman who was not written on the pages of a book.. “Desire is a game for men, where I am from.”

“It is your game now, Princess. You get to do anything you want here. And if men happen to be something you want, then you take it. I am sure the King would be more than happy to comply. Now, come along.”

I nodded, following her lead and headingto the door. A dark shadow at the end of the hall pulled my gaze to the dark oak doors. If Noa could hear my heartbeat last night, had the King heard me cry? Had Arden?He was right across the hall. I prayed that he would not bring it up. A few turns down the hall, and we walked into what seemed to serve as a private sitting room. The General sat at a rectangular table I imagined could fit around six people, but with the large size of both him and the King, I did not imagine more than four could sit without being crushed. The General seemed out of place in the ornately decorated room. All of the lush green cushions that lined the chairs, the towering windows with delicate curtains, the portraits of greenery that adorned the walls. The General contrastedthe room so aggressively, his large form was too big for the chair, his leather attire stark against the velvet cushions. It was almost- sweet to see him in this environment. A sofa sat further off in the room, adorned with expensive fabrics and lush pillows.An odd thing for a breakfast nook.

“Well you certainly lookbetter, little human.” Arden smirked as he sipped from a wine glass. He watched me over the rim of his glass with a deep intensity that I was unsure how to interpret.Better? My cheeks flushed as he continued to look me over, his cerulean gaze moving across me slowly, lingering in a way that leaves my skin heating.

“I would thank you, but it is likely you will find some reason to throw me in the dungeon and ruin it.” I breathily retorted as Noa took the seat to the left of Arden, forcing me to sit across from him. Which left one seat, to the left of me, at the head of the table. The King's seat. “Where is Daem?” Noa asked as a servant came and poured wine for Noa, another servant appearing to serve me wine also. “How come I am always supposed to know?” Arden grumbles into hisglass, earning a sharp look from Noa. “Because you are his second in command, you imbecile.” She smacks his arm, pulling a hiss of pain from the man's lips. “What did you two do last night?”

Arden held his hands up in defense, “Nothing, we did nothing.” Another smack from Noa pulled the truth from the man. “Fine. We went Stray hunting last night.”Stray.That is what they called the man I had killed. Their skin had been like leather and deep gray in color but other than that he had resembled a man, or Vampires, I supposed.Something in my chest stirred at the thought of Arden and Daemon hunting down the creatures who had meant to harm me. I shoved that thought aside as I watched their argument unfold. “You two idiots went hunting Varys! You fucking morons!” Noa smacked his arm harder, the table shuddering from the blow. “He is unhinged, Arden. A lunatic on top of that. What in the goddesses' names were you thinking?”

Arden rubbed his bicep, massaging where her blow had landed, “Varys was mad to attack adefenselesshuman. Daemon pulled me out of bed after I chased the Princess around all day.” The thought of him late atnight in his bed, and what he might do there, made me clench my thighs. I shot him a glare,I was far from defenseless. His eyes snapped to mine, as if he knew what his words had done to me. His lips curved, his eyes darkening as he watched me shift in my seat. “Pardon me, but I killed one before you got there.” I snap, grumbling my displeasure as I grip my fork with white knuckles.

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