Page 9 of A Dawn So Dark

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Page 9 of A Dawn So Dark

Arden smirked at my outburst, arrogant amusement dancing in his enchanting eyes. “By pure luck. And by the time I got there, you were almost a divine meal. Anyway, Daemon and I felt a lesson needed to be taught. The next lesson he and I will teach will be to ensurethis onestops running. Or, at the very least, that she can’t outrun us.” He shoots me a challenging look, trying to gauge my reaction to his declaration. Noa rubbed her forehead, clearly frustrated by the man. “Tell me you did not kill him.”

Before Arden could answer, I felt a shift in the room. The warmth had suddenly been plucked from the air, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on edge in anticipation. Even though sunlight streamed throughthe windows, it grew darker as shadows danced across every surface, warnings of a greater power entering the room. Footsteps sounded behind me. His darkness carried across the room, caressing my skin as I waited with nervous breath. A mass fell to the table, the rattling of the cutlery was damn near thunderous as it reverberated through the room. Just to the right of my platefell a heart.

Chapter 14

Aurora Artorias

Warmth shot through me as I looked up and saw Daemon wiping the blood from his hand with a handkerchief. Crimson ribbons of flesh sat inches from my breakfast.

This man had just committed an immensely violent act, and all my body could do was send warmth pooling south to my skirts. Perhaps it was all of the talk of sex this morning, but it was all that I could think about with them both in such close proximity. Arden smirked darkly at my reaction to the bloodied heart before me, holding me trapped in his gaze.Like he enjoyed the sight of me witnessing their wrath. My chest tightened, the aching sensation growing as Arden leaned back in his chair with a relaxed arrogance, his eyes grazing me with a hunger I had never seen.I was a doe trapped between two vicious huntsmen. The sound of Noa breaking her glass pulled me from my trance. She looked furious. “Daemon, we have no clue who Varys had lined up to take charge of the Strays after him.” Iwas at an utter loss as to what Noa was upset about, or what any of them were really saying.

“It does not matter.” Daemon shrugged, remaining in the doorway as another wine was brought to Noa. She glared at him, eyes glowing with anger, “Why would you kill him?” As his advisor, it made sense she was upset. He had made what I assumed was a rash decision. I turned to my glass of wine, paying attention to it so they could sort out their argument. Two hands grabbed the back of my chair, large and strong. Coldness radiated from behind me, pure power. I swallowed hard as I realized the King held my chair firmly as his deep voice echoed in my ears, Arden holding my gaze as the King spoke. “I killed him because he touched what does not belong to him.” The air left my lungs, my head spun.He was talking about me. He had killed a man for me, someone he barely knew. He had been truthful about his want for vengeance.Arden held my gaze in amusement as I imagined I looked close to swooning. Noa did not seem amused. “Buthedid not touch her. His men did.”

“Arden and the Princess had already killed them and I wanted to kill someone.Helet them touch her. Hebroke the rules.” Daemon spoke gruffly, his tone husky and filled with a reserved rage. I glanced at Noa inquisitively, too nervous to look up at the man towering over me. Noa did not respond. She simply watched the King move to sit at the head of the table. He lowered himself into the chair, the picture of poise as he stared at me with a burning intensity. Blood dripped from his fingers when he lifted his glass to his lips. “No one touches what isoursand lives, Princess.”

I felt trapped in his dark gaze. His steel gray eyes held me pinned to my seat. I tried to stare back as evenly as I could as I asked, praying my voice did not fail me. “So, I am not your prisoner but your possession?”

He remained motionless, the smirk still firmly planted on his lips.Bastard. “Everything in this kingdom is mine, Princess.” I watched his eyes trail down my face to my exposed collarbone and cleavage. He was the King, and I was a political chess piece to him, but I held power in his fascination with me. Something I think we both knew.And I was going to push the boundaries until they shattered. “Including me?” Ichallenged, needing to hear him say it. His next words struck me in the chest.

“Especially you.”

Rage and the desire to get a reaction from him take hold of me. “The last time I was owned by a man, he sold me off to the first thing with a cock he could find.” I shifted my gaze to Arden, a suggestive smirk growing on my lips as I made the grave mistake of pushing the King's patience “I suppose that would be you,General. Or, was it the man I stabbed in the tavern?”

I barely had time to react as the table ripped down the centerand the pieces fell to the floor. Noa had managed to grab her wineglass before it fell. Arden seemed amused by my tactics, approval twinkled in his luminescent eyes. The King had destroyed the table as if it were nothing. Over my words.

I had not flinched. I wanted to show him I was unfazed by the depth of his power, his unknown rage that reflected mine. The King's claws dug into the wood shards of the table and he sat in a silent rage, only encouraging me to push him further. “No breakfast? Iam famished.” I shrugged, a slight pout overtaking my face.

The table was replaced and breakfast served. I ate a few slices of toast and jam along with a few breakfast pastries and several sausages. The table was quiet, which led me to assume that the King's outburst was not a normal occurrence. Arden was the first to break the silence. “You’re the Princess of Camelot?” I blinked, having expected a question with a bit more meat to it. I heard Noa snort in amusement as she responded “And you must be the Prince ofno shit.” Arden tossed a piece of toast at Noa in annoyance. I nodded, unsure of where he was going with this. “Iwas. A title that I ought to renounce. But, I suppose I am the Princess. What is your question, exactly?”

Arden chuckled, stabbing at the leftover meat on his plate, his stark white waves falling over his forehead “I just find it amusing that ahuman Princesscould cause so much trouble. None of my men want to be assigned as your personal guard. Very impressive for a Princess to have such a…violent reputation. It just makes me wonder what other trouble you could cause…” There was no way I was going to be assigned a personal guard, but that was not what bothered me.What bothered me was that he thought I was supposed to be a pampered little creature. If given the chance I would show him. He had to be goading me.“Do you think I do not realize that I am just a political prisoner to you?”

Arden rolled his eyes, a faux pout gracing his full, velvet lips. “You were in the dungeon for a single night, Princess. The room you are confined to now hardly makes you a true prisoner.” I felt eyes on me. Both the King and Noa’s,waiting to see how I would react. The General seemed to be unaware. I felt anger well up in my chest.A rage that sat just below the surface, begging to be summoned. I restrained myself. “I assure you, General, I am wellacquainted withtrueimprisonment.” I tossed my napkin on the table before storming out of the room, leaving the General to piece together my words, hearing Noa strike him again before I was out of earshot. Unsure of where the hell I was going, I headed for the stairs that led down and outside. I needed air. I needed a moment free of Vampires and talk of my father. A guard followed close behind, reminding me of my place here. I was notfree. When I made it outside, I was in a different courtyard than I had found when I tried to escape. This was a garden terrace that overlooked the forest.

I once had a bedroom with a terrace, but after an escape attempt and throwing a guard off of it, my father moved me rather quickly. Leaning against the balcony, I tried to block out the memories that flooded my mind. Memories of screaming until my throat was raw, of contemplating death over imprisonment, of a torture that would haunt my dreams until I met my end. Exhaling, trying to force the memories out, I moved down the staircase towards the forest, the guard still shadowing me. I heard a creek nearby, the sounds of birds chirping their final calls of migration as winter neared, the wind whispering sweet nothings to urge the leaves to fall. Autumn was setting in. I used to dread Autumn, as I usually spent its entirety locked in the tower. Winter as well. After I had tried to set a fire to free myself, which had the hearth removed from the tower all together, I spent my winters near freezing to death. But now, as I stood taking in the brisk air, it did not feel so daunting. My slippers met the pebbles of thecreekside as I took slow, deliberate steps across the stones, watching the ripples get lost in the gentle current. I kicked my slippers off, letting them hit the grass with soft thuds that got lost in the sound of the forest. I perched myself on a larger stone in the creek, letting my feet and the hem of my dress relax in the light current.

“You are brave to return to the forest you nearly died in.” A firm voice sounded from behind me. The King.Daemon. I looked over my shoulder and saw him leaning against a large oak with his arms crossed over his chest. His dark tunic rolled above his large forearms, his hair tousled, making him look more godlike than king. I turned back to my view of the forest, the babbling creek as I answered, “I am not too concerned, Your Majesty. I have a guard watching my every move.” I could feel his eyes on me, watching my every movement as I stepped out across the rocks to reach the forest's edge. It was nerve-wracking knowing he heard my heart hammering against my ribs. “Your soaked dress would do you little good against a Stray.”

I let out a growl of annoyance.A frock was not going to inhibit me from running, much less a wet one. “I will take my chances, Your Majesty. Better that I flee in this, than the rags I arrived in.” Glancing over my shoulder as I moved into the border of the trees I noticed the King’s eyes had glazed over and his features had darkened. A scoff-like chuckle left my mouth. “I apologize that my tattered rags offended you so much.GeneralArdenseemed to enjoy them… as did the tavern folk.” I started down the mossy path, wanting space to clear my head.My thoughts turned to mush when the King nearedme, space was what I needed.I only made it five paces before he materialized in front of me.

I sidestepped to move around him but he blocked me with his large stature. “You can't simply ignore me.” He growled, growing frustrated. “Watch me!” I tried once more to move past him and failed. He smirked triumphantly, proud he had kept me from fleeing. Rolling my eyes, I turned and made my way back towards the castle. Crossing the creek, I grabbed my slippers and marched towards the terrace. “Aurora, wait…” He called after me. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I scurried away from him. “Stop running for one godsdammed minute.” I let out a growl of frustration as I turned and threw one of my slippers at his head. He caught it with ease.Fucking Vampires. I threw the other shoe for good measure. “I amnotrunning! I am fucking confused!”

“What is so confusing, Princess?” Daemon asked, his tone controlled but annoyance laced his words. His eyes searched mine for what was making me so angry. I ignored the warm feeling that flooded my chest and threw my arms out to my sides “Why did you follow me out here? To make sure yourprisonerdidnot run?” I was avoiding his question.I was confused as to why he would take on such a risk. Why would he show such concern for me? I knew it was all likely fake. A ploy to get his revenge on my father. I understood such motives but he was going too far with his faux concern. I did not want to wait for the other shoe to drop and find myself a helpless captive yet again.“You marched out of breakfast. You were mad. I do the same for Arden and Noa. You are my guest, so your wellbeing is now my concern.”

“You mean the breakfast where you broke a table?” I scoffed in shock that breakfast was his excuse. I had seen the wrath of powerful men, but I had never seen a man break a table with his bare hands over one suggestive comment. His sharp gaze darkened again as he practically growled “After you brought up a tavern slum.”So that's why he was mad.Not about Arden, but the man in the tavern. I rolled my eyes, astounded that I was even entertaining this argument. It had been far more simple when I was his prisoner, not continuing with this flirtatious dance the King had egged me into performing.Well, he had not exactly egged me as much as I willingly jumped in. “My apologies, Your Majesty. If tavern men don't please you, then perhaps a guard.” The rage in his eyes did not fade, which only angered me further. He stepped closer, so close his chest nearly met mine. Towering over me he spoke through clenched teeth “You will do no such thing.”

Blood boiling, I stepped forwards so we touched, my breasts meeting his lower chest, as he was a great deal taller than me. At least a foot and a half.How bloody tall were Vampires? “Does freedom not apply where mybed is concerned? ” When our chests touched, I felt the same warmth I felt when he had taken my hand yesterday. He practically radiated power above me, his jaw set like a steel trap. I swallowed hard, unsure of what happensnext. He stalked forward, forcing me backwards until my backside hit a tree. His hands met my waist, holding me firmly in place, his touch burning through my gown. The sensation familiar to the burn plaguing my chest. His chest heaved, as if he were trying to restrain himself from saying something. I was not going to find out if he did have something to say as we were interrupted. “Daemon my darling, who is this lovely young thing you are yelling at?” My gaze snapped to the terrace where a stunning young woman stood, she was dripping in gold jewelry and rubies which complimented her dark gray gown.Darling. She had called himherdarling.Had Noa failed to inform me that he was married?Or had she suggested I be a mistress of the King? Regardless, I now know where I stood and refused to be subject to his flirtatious advances any longer.I shoved myself away from him, avoiding his gaze as I gathered my wet skirts and marched back up towards the castle.

Slipperless, I gave the woman a nod of acknowledgement as I passed her on the terrace. Goddesses, she was even prettier up close. She had a stoic beauty about her. Her dark hair that was cut close to her shoulders, her dark red lip and piercing gray eyes that held a deep darkness about them. She nodded in return as I vanished into the castle with haste, leaving Daemon's burning gaze behind. I wanted to hide away from everyone. I did not want to discuss the King, especially since he was married… engaged… entangled… Despite the title, he had someone. And I could not be a woman to engage with a taken man. I had watched my father do so to my mother for years. She worshiped him and he barely regarded her ever since she was deemed unable to have children. He had relations with dozens of women right before my mothers eyes. She always insisted that a man needed more than a wife could offer. I refused to suffer such a fate. I should not have even entertained Noas suggestion of the King being a suitable companion. I hurried down the halls, unsure of where I was even headed. The guard was still several paces behind me. Eventually, I slipped through a set of double doors,wanting to hide in case Daemon sent guards after me. I clicked the door shut behind me with haste, not wanting to be accompanied by the guard. Letting out a frustrated exhale, I turned and was shocked by what I saw. I stood in the largest library I had ever seen. This beat Camelot and Merlins collection by tenfold. Merlin ought to be ashamed for claiming he had the largest collection in the realm. I smiled, knowing I found the perfect place to avoid the King for a while. Where would one even start with a collection like this? I moved towards the far end of the library, the smell of dust and leather calming my senses, running my fingers across the spines as I walked. My finger brushed a book that made me stop. It was a historical text. I moved to an old sofa near an empty hearth and made myself comfortable. I opened the book across my lap and looked to thefirst page. It seemed to be a religious history of Darkspire. I never knew that there was a history to collect regarding Vampires aside from their brief mention in human history books. This listed the ways to kill Vampires, not their way of living. It seemed their religion was based around the goddesses ratherthan the gods. I had always been told that the goddesses never existed. But then again, Arthur and Camelot worshiped the gods, not goddesses. I started reading, learning of each of the wonderful gifts of the goddesses. They were bountiful, merciful, wrathful creatures. Then I came across the final goddess, Asra. The goddess of life and death. Depicted next to her name was a word that sent a chill down my spine.Vampira. My eyes could not consume the words quickly enough. Asra had once been in love with a human man. She loved him so deeply that she refused to let him die naturally. So she turned him into the first Vampire. He was destined to live long beyond his time in exchange for drinking the blood of the living. I paused and looked to the other page where a family tree was listed. Only ten kings had ruled before Daemon. His father, Agemon, had seemingly passed when the monster campaign began.Hadthe war been the cause of his death? Is that why Damon took me in? For revenge?

My thoughts were cut short by the doors of the library being thrown open.

Chapter 15

Aurora Artorias

Arden swept into the room, the embodiment of hell's gatekeeper. His large frame towered above the stacks of books, his striking features set in a frown as he stared me down with an annoyed intensity. It made the burn in my chest return in a white hot blaze. I wished to prove that I was more than the Princess he thoughtme to be. When he laid eyes on me he stopped and gestured towards the door angrily, wasting no time on formalities, “Do not make me drag you out of here, little human.” At least he used the pet name he had so graciously assigned me. I closed the book, sitting up slowly. I was still in a respectable amount of pain, everything was sore and felt like one wrong move would tear me open again. “How can I help you, General?” I asked dryly, trying to keep my tone neutral to hide how my heart hammered in my chest. I stood and moved back to the shelf, placing the book back where it belonged. “The King wants you at dinner. It is now apparently my job to fetch you when youmisbehave.” The way he said the last word sent a bolt of heat down my spine and right to my core.

I shoot a glare over my shoulder, not caring for his attitude towards me. I was a burden they were choosing to keep on. While I was a political prisoner and being treated as a member of their staff, I knew the reality of the situation. I was very much being held captive. And I was not going to make it easy to confine me. “I am glad you interpreted it as such. From my point of view, you were an ass and I excused myself from the table.” Arden scoffs in amusement, marching towards me with annoyed determination, his immense size eating the space between us at a rapid pace. I braced myself as he walked me backwards into a shelf, a hand braced on the frame by the sides of my head. Heat pooled in my cheeks as he leaned close, his warm breath fanning my face, his scent invading my senses. Steel and leather. Two things I never would have dreamed would make me blush. “No. You fucked with me. Then you picked a fight with Daemon and ran off to hide.” I wanted to chuck a book at his head as he looked down at me. White hair tousled as he glared at me with a fieryheat.I was unsure as to why I had even felt the need to flirt in the first place. Though, I did enjoy his reaction.“Why does he care so much about what I do? I did not pick a fight. He was the one being absurd.”

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