Page 20 of Piece Us Together
I decide to let the strangeness go, knowing there must be a thousand things spinning through his mind right now, any of which could cause him to act strangely. “You can leave your bag by the door here. Then we can go check on Nolan?”
“Yeah.” He drops his bag near where I’m standing before pausing just inches from me. His blue eyes are wide and brimming with too many emotions, just like the night I met him. Just like the night at the bar when he begged for help. My heart tugs.Why can’t he want a dom too?I’d take such good care of both of them. Those eyes would be wide with excitement or pleasure or joy all the damn time, instead of this mess. “Hunter?”
“Don’t let me fuck this up for him. What happened earlier—if you end up kicking me out, don’t kick him out too, okay? Because I ruin things. I fuck everything up no matter how hard I try and I’m going to ruin this, I can feel it, and if I ruin it for him I won’t ever—”
“Hey, no.” I grip the side of his neck, thumb feeling the fluttering panic of his pulse. He goes still beneath my touch, his eyes softening. “Maybe I was harsh before. I take hard limits—any limits, really—very seriously. But you’re new to this. I have to remember that. As long as you’re trying, I’ll give you room, okay? I won’t let you ruin anything.”
“Promise?” he asks, his eyes wide with fear and hope. There’s so much trust in the single question. I know without a doubt that if I promise, he’ll believe me. It makes me feel dangerously powerful. Invincible, even.
These two are going to be so fucking dangerous.
“I promise, Maison.”
The breath that puffs out of him is heavy and trembling. Then he collects himself, even managing a smile. “You’re a good dom, huh?”
Let me show you. Give me one night, Maison. Just let me show you how well I can take care of you. The both of you. Let me show you what we could be.
“Yes,” I say instead, my voice tighter than I’d like. “I try very hard to be, at least.”
“Good.” Maison pushes past me, heading back to the living room, but I don’t miss his mumbled, “He deserves that.”
So do you,I can’t help but think.How can I convince you of that?
Nolan is waiting for us in the living room, shifting his weight from foot to foot where he stands beside the coffee table with three water glasses placed on it. He tenses when we enter theroom before lowering his gaze to the floor. “I wasn’t sure where you’d want me…”
“Why don’t you take a seat on the couch with Maison? I’ll take the chair.”
Looking happy to have some direction, he quickly heads to the couch, taking a seat on one cushion and giving Maison a smile when he takes a seat on the other. I watch as their hands find each other without either of them looking. It makes me ache. I ignore it, just like I ignore Wells’s stupid voice coming back to haunt me yet again.
“So, I had you both read up on RACK and fill out your packets.” I pull out copies of the packets Maison had scanned and sent over to me the night before, one for Nolan and one for Maison. I’ve already written on both, making little notes or prompting myself to ask questions. I have a scene tentatively figured out for tonight, but there are two things that need to be decided before I feel confident enough to try it.
First, though, “Do either of you want to change anything?”
“No,” Nolan says easily. That doesn’t surprise me. From the way he filled out his packet—very few soft limits, even fewer hard ones, and only two known triggers—I got the feeling he has both experience and confidence in his choices. There’s also the fact that he filled his out in pen.
Maison’s, however, was filled out with pencil and showed clear marks where his eraser wasn’t strong enough to fully hide his indecision. There are also very few safe choices, most being soft limits with a fairly high amount of hard limits compared to my usual experiences.
That’s why I focus on Maison and risk being repetitive by asking, “Anything you want to change, Maison?”
The man in question eyes the packets in my hands like they might jump out and attack him. He opens his mouth, his shoulders tense, before closing it and shaking his head. It leavesa bad feeling in my gut. I make a mental note to send Nolan ahead so I can ask him again. I’m not going to start this scene without knowing what’s eating at him.
“Alright. So, we agree that I can participate in anal penetration with Nolan, just not with my cock. He can, however, have my cock in his mouth and he is willing to swallow since I shared my test results.” I eye them both. Nolan’s blushing isn’t nearly as interesting as Maison’s. I suppose blushing is far better than Maison looking angry or jealous, but I wish I knew why he was blushing like that when it has nothing to do with him. Is the big man shy when it comes to dirty talk?That could be fun…
Wait, no, not fun. He’s not yours to play with, Hunter. Bad dom. Bad. Stop it.
“We agree on that, yes?” I ask when neither of them has said anything. I wouldn’t push usually, trusting the packet, but this is one of the areas messily marked on Maison’s. He’d clearly been unsure about it, going back and forth between letting me fuck Nolan with my cock in his ass or not.
Nolan immediately looks at Maison, clearly knowing that this is an issue of Maison’s instead of his own, and I decide to push things a step further by calling Maison out. “Maison? Is that what we agree on? No penetrative anal sex using my cock?”
“Yeah,” Maison croaks. He clears his throat before finally looking at me. His eyes are wary. “I thought maybe you could do anything but that, and then—well, when you’re done, I could…maybe?”
I don’t let my face show any reaction to that. “You’d like to participate?”
“Oh—I mean, no. Not—I don’t want toparticipate. I don’t want to hurt him. Or control him. Or anything like that. That’s all you.” He swallows hard. “I’ll just step in after. For the—for sex. I think—well, he said…”
When he doesn’t finish after trailing off, Nolan reaches for his hand and tells me, “I told him I want him to come. I feel very…bad when I don’t make the person I’m with come. I need to know I pleased them. I know you’re the dom, not him, but in my head…I just think I need him to come, too. Is that possible?”