Page 21 of Piece Us Together
“Absolutely. Maison could join us for the whole thing, if he wants.” I put a hand up before Maison can protest. “I’m not asking you to hurt him or dominate him. That’s what I’m here for. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be on the bed with us instead of in a chair watching. It doesn’t mean you can’t be touching him. Kissing him. Making him feel good while I take him apart.”
“I—I can do that? I can be a part of this, without being a sub or a dom?”
“Yes, absolutely. You’ll be a tool for me, almost. His partner who is there to help me give him what he needs. I won’t touch you or give you any extreme orders. I’ll just guide you a little. And you can do anything else you want, of course. As long as it’s not against his limits or doesn’t interrupt what I’m doing.” I tilt my head, enjoying the fact that Maison’s blush is back with a vengeance. Helikesthis idea. He wants to be with both of us. I just have to get him to admit it. “What do you think, Maison? Would you let me tell you what to do, just a little bit?”
“Yes. I—yeah. That’s fine.” He clears his throat. “You’re just…guiding, like you said. To give Nolan what he needs.”
“I’m not calling you sir.” Maison lifts his chin and glares at me. It’s a clear challenge. It’s hard to take seriously, with his hands trembling and his eyes full of fear. “I’m not your fucking sub or anything. You can’t treat me like one.”
I don’t argue with him. Whatever emotions he’s juggling, they’re his to figure out until he invites me to help. I just nod. “Okay.”
“And you can’t touch me.”
“And you don’t have to call me a good boy or whatever.”
I can’t help it then—it’s just too easy. “Don’thaveto? But Ican, if I want?”
“I—I mean…” Maison glances at Nolan before swallowing hard and looking back at me. “Whatever. If you want to. I don’t care either way. It’s not a big deal. It won’t, like…affect me.”
Oh, this is going to be so much fun.
“Alright.” I force myself to pull it together. To focus. “You filled out this packet as what you’re willing to let me do to him.” I shuffle their packets before grabbing a fresh one I brought just in case. I hand it over, then hand him a pen. “Fill this out based on whatyou’rewilling to do. I know it might not be many things, but that’s okay. I just want to know where your limits are as far as my guidance.”
Maison releases a shaky breath, his eyes scanning over the packet. I’m just about to offer to go find a pencil for him, and to maybe say we can take some time before starting our scene so he can give it a thorough look, but then he starts filling it out rather quickly. I can tell from where I’m sitting that it’s a lot of hard limits, but that’s perfectly fine. I’ll mostly have him hold Nolan, anyway. Talk to him. Maybe kiss him. In the future, once we’ve figured out our dynamic a little, I’d love to have him fuck Nolan while I play with him, but that’s definitely too much for tonight. He can step in after. I’d hate to ruin this by going too hard too fast.
As Maison finishes, I turn my attention back to Nolan. “Did you eat a good dinner?”
I shake my head slowly. “From this point forward, you’ll address me as sir. Anytime you’re in my house, you will. As long as you still want to be my sub as soon as you enter?”
His eyes light up. “Yes, please, sir.”
“Good.” I smile. His whole body lights up then. I knew he was going to do well with praise, but I think I may have underestimated just how well. The realization makes my smile widen. “And you hydrated today like I told you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Very good.” He blushes and squirms. I let my smile turn a little dirty, knowing he’ll understand what I’m catching onto. He definitely does from the way he ducks his head and shivers. I can’t wait to call him agood boy, once he’s really earned it. It’s going to be fucking beautiful. “Do you have any questions for me?”
He shakes his head. “No, sir.”
“If that changes, you’ll ask them, okay? Even if we’re mid-scene. Open communication is vital. Promise?”
“Promise, sir.”
Maison clears his throat, giving the two of us what can only be described as an awkward look before handing the packet to me. I take the time to scan it, letting them sit as I do. He’s willing to do a little more than I expected. I only pick a few things though, nearly all of them ones I already expected. I don’t want to bite off too much for our first time. The last thing I need tonight is for me to forget something from my set of three lists. It’s better to stay close to the scene I already outlined for us from their first two packets—as well as my own limits, of course—and broaden things with this new packet starting next time.
“This is good,” I tell Maison, making eye contact with him. “Very good, Maison.”
Just like his boyfriend, Maison flushes and squirms, his gaze dropping away from me. I let myself smirk since neither of them is paying me attention at the moment.Not affected my ass.
“Nolan, I wanted to ask, if you could have only one thing from me tonight, something you’ve really needed, what would it be?”