Page 118 of Killian De Luca
“Because I don’t know what to do.” My dad looks at me and looks defeated and like he’s just given up. Who knew, the king everyone was afraid of, would finally lose and fall. “Your mom’s dying, and I can’t do a thing about it. I can’t fucking controlher health. No amount of money or fucking doctors will fucking save her, Thalia.” He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Killian is a dad.”
I swear my face pales and I widen my eyes at him. “What?”
“Reign was pregnant.”
That’s not possible.
No one said anything.
I lick my bottom lip slowly and sigh too. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Killian did kill you. After everything that he’s been through in the last week, he actually let you go.” I look at my dad. “The thing about Killian is that he never had anyone to truly love him. He never got to experience the kind of love that Reign gave him. And you tried to kill her. All of this is your fault. Reign killing herself and saving the baby and Killian. She left the world and left a baby for Killian. Her love, the love that was meant for Killian and that child is gone forever. And it’s your fault.” My dad nods his head and I notice a small tear fall from his eye. “Your punishment is to see how you made Killian so heartless and unlovable. You’re going to see Killian the way you wanted to. But instead of being happy, you’ll feel guilty for the rest of your life.”
“And the love of my life will die along the way. I know, I’m fucked Thalia, you don’t have to spell it out for me.”
Three Years Later
The time has finally come.
I’m coming close to my last few days.
I honestly don’t know how to feel about it all. I’m super tired and just feel weak. I can’t stomach anything without throwing up with some blood.
The doctor said I should say my goodbyes soon since it’s coming.
I can feel it coming.
I wonder if this is how Killian felt when he felt like he was near the end.
Layna was telling me how much she’ll miss me and everything she wants to say before I go.
She’s been my best friend since we were in diapers. I know she will never judge me, and I can be myself around her.
While she was talking to me and saying how much she’ll miss me, I started to cry because that made this whole thing even more real.
Like it’s finally happening.
I’m dying.
I will never be able to hold or love my family ever again.
And that’s such a scary thing to think about.
But I can’t break down.
Not yet.
When Thalia came to see me all I did was hold her while she cried.
My girl, she is strong.
One of the strongest people I know.
She raised a child while Alexander was in a coma so I know she will be able to get through this. She apologized for every spark of attitude she’s ever given and also told me how much she doesn’t want me to leave and how scared she is.
It breaks my heart.