Page 92 of Desperate Measures
Minutes later, my cousins descended on my penthouse like a storm of crows ready to peck the eyes out of anyone threatening one of their own. I laughed through my tears.
“You didn’t all have to come,” I said.
Even better, they had Shelly with them as a surprise.
“Shut up. I’ve been dying to see your new place,” Shelly said, emerging between my riotous family.
I cried harder and hugged her, squeezing her so tight she squeaked.
“I missed you too. Now please let me get off my feet. They make me stand for like forty hours straight at the hospital.”
“Come in,” I said, giggling as I pushed her onto a stool while everyone else filed in after us.
“Cookie time,” Lucy shouted, and waved several dozen baggies of homemade cookie dough in a variety of flavors.
“I could get down with some cookies,” Andrea said sagely nodding as she snatched the bag holding the snickerdoodle dough.
Of course, they had already heard what happened, and they were there to cheer me up with some sugar and flour, which I was a hundred percent fine with.
“Smells so good,” I moaned, sniffing at the delicious scents coming from the oven.
“Okay, tell us what happened.”
“No! We wanna hear how Liam finally admitted heluuurvvves youuuu,” Lucy teased.
I mean, I was so happy about it of course I told them.
“Ugh. You are so damn lucky. I’ll never meet anyone working the crazy shifts I have to work,” Shelly lamented.
I just rolled my eyes.
“First of all, we have binge-watched every medical TV show in history and all those doctors do is have sex with everyone else at the hospital, so save your false piety. Now, tell us who you’re banging!” I demanded.
“Oh my God, Micky, that’s TV, not real life,” Shelly replied, covering her face. But I could have sworn she was blushing.
“Honestly, cuz, you are the only person I know getting any actual D in real life, so share the deets. Please. I am begging you!”
“Eww. Actually, pass on that. Liam is like our cousin now and the last thing I want to know is what his little dick looks like,” Clementine said, looking repulsed.
I couldn’t help myself. I fell into a fit of giggles.
“Yeah, and when he called telling us all to come over, I mean, he was almost like a big brother. So yes, skip the sex talk, please. So gross,” Lucy said, shuddering visibly.
“Wait. Liam told you guys to come here?” I asked, my heart thundering inside my chest.
“Yeah. He said you needed the company.”
That man.
If I didn’t already love him like mad, that revelation would have sealed the deal for me. He was just so thoughtful, anticipating what would make me feel better after all that happened today and delivering it effortlessly and anonymously.
Other men would have wanted credit. But not Liam. He just wanted to make me feel good.
God, I love that man.
Chatter surrounded me and I sighed, just taking it all in. My cousins. My best friend. It was all so perfect.