Page 55 of Keeping Katie
Shit. This is bad. I need my Daddy. He’d make it better. He’d protect me. Tears burn in my eyes, blurring the world around me. Calvin looms over me, his scent burning my nostrils.
He steps forward again. I scoot back, my butt getting soaked through my jeans from the wet grass. If I keep moving, we’re going to be on the porch soon, and that’s the last place I want to end up.
“I’m going to show you what it’s like to be with a real man. You’re going to love my dick, you fucking whore.”
Calvin sways. I have to get away from him. Far, far away so I can call Daddy. Pressing my palms to the ground, I push myself up and hiss when I put weight on my ankle. Can I run? I don’t think so.
As I look left and then right, trying to figure out which way is the better choice, my heart surges into my throat.
A black Escalade speeds toward us, the engine roaring with power. As soon as it comes to a stop, Grady leaps from the driver’s side with his gun in hand.
“You’re dead,” he growls as he reaches Calvin and points the barrel right at his temple.
Calvin stumbles back, his eyes bulging from their sockets. He quickly recovers, surprising with the state he’s in, and glares at Grady. “Fuck you, man.”
Grady shifts his gaze to me for half a second. “You okay, baby? He touch you?”
I’m trembling so hard it takes a second to find my voice. “He didn’t touch me.”
Another black SUV pulls up. Bash and Ronan storm toward us. Bash comes over to me and starts inspecting me for injuries. I slap at his hands, not wanting him to touch me. The only person I want right now is Grady. I need him to pick me up and hold me and tell me everything is okay.
“No,” I cry, shoving Bash away. “I want Daddy.”
There’s so much commotion, I don’t know what’s going on, but the next thing I know, Grady’s in front of me, swooping me up bridal style and jogging toward his SUV.
“I got you, baby girl. Shh. I’m right here. Please stop crying. You’re killing me, princess.” His voice is pained and sad, but I can’t stop the sobs breaking free from my lungs.
“He said he was going to…” I try to catch my breath, “to rape me.”
Grady’s hands tighten on me, almost to the point of pain, but I don’t care. I need him. I need to feel secure, and he’s giving me exactly that right now.
“Fuck. I should have come with you. You’re never doing anything alone again. Never. He’s dead, baby. I’m going to kill him.”
The panic in his voice makes me pull back to look up at him. Pain twists his face, but I don’t think it’s physical. He’s blaming himself.
“I’m okay. He didn’t do anything,” I say quickly.
“It doesn’t matter. He showed up here. He intended to hurt you,” he growls back. “He’s a dead man.”
A shiver works its way down my spine. I’ve never heard him sound so threatening. So scary. Yet, I’ve never felt safer or more relieved.
Icould have lost her. Who knows what that asshole would have done to her if I hadn’t decided to drive down the street in front of her parents’ house to check on her. I’d already driven past three times, but Marie had still been there. Then, the fourth time, I was just turning the corner and saw my girl in the front yard, struggling to get away from that asshole. I’d hit the speed dial on my car's smart screen to send my location to the guys. Thank fuck Ronan and Bash were already out and somewhat nearby the same location.
If Bash hadn’t pulled me away from Calvin and told me Katie needed me, I probably would have blown his brains out right in the fucking yard. I know without even needing to ask that Bash is taking Calvin to a warehouse and will hold him there until I show up to finish him.
“Call the doc and have him meet us at the estate. I want him to check her over.”
Katie looks up while Ronan drives us home in my SUV. “I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor.”
Ronan smirks at me in the rearview mirror. I ignore him and stroke her hair. “You’re getting checked over by a doctor. Youdon’t have a choice. Your ankle is swollen, and I want to make sure you didn’t break any bones when you fell.”
“I think I would know if I broke a bone.”
I raise an eyebrow and stare down at her, my jaw flexing. “Now isn’t the time to sass me, baby. You’re seeing a doctor.”