Page 56 of Keeping Katie
She chews on her bottom lip for a second before she sighs and lays her head down again. I’m relieved she isn’t continuing to fight me because it wouldn’t end well for her. When it comes to her health and safety, I will always win. The fact that I already failed to keep her safe is gutting me. I’ll never forgive myself for it. She’ll be lucky if I even let her go to work by herself from now on. In fact, I think maybe I’ll learn how to run an espresso machine so she can’t burn herself anymore either.
Ronan starts making calls, but I tune him out and focus on my girl. She’s shivering. I squeeze her tighter even though it’s not cold in here. Fuck, I hate myself right now. I should have been with her. Why didn’t I insist on going with her?
“I’m so sorry, baby,” I whisper.
She tenses and tilts her back, her blue eyes sparkling. “You have no reason to be sorry. You saved me.”
My heart pounds, and a lump swells in my throat. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve her, but I’m never letting this angel go.
“Marry me.”
Seconds pass. Panic rises from the pit of my stomach. Shit. Why did I blurt that out? She deserves a proper proposal. Not when she’s injured and scared.
“Okay.” Her voice is soft but steady.
Did I hear her right?
She nods. “Yes. I’ll marry you. Life is too short, and I’m in love with you, so yes.”
Ronan grins back at us in the rearview mirror. I’m so stunned that I can’t speak. So I don’t. Instead, I kiss her. Hard and deep. She returns as much as I give. Neither of us care that we’re not alone. We just need each other. My entire purpose in this life is now Katie.
“I love you, baby girl. So much,” I say, resting my forehead on hers. “You’ll never go another day without knowing how much you mean to me.”
She sniffles and wraps her hands in my shirt. We sit in silence for the remainder of the drive. When Ronan pulls up in front of Declan’s house, our doctor, Declan, Killian, and Kieran all rush out to help.
I scoop her up and carry her inside to the medical room we have set up. Normally, it’s used for removing bullets and stitching up stab wounds. Maybe we need to have another room just for when the girls need a doctor. Something that isn’t so sterile. I’m sure Declan will agree when I bring it up to him.
“Baby, this is Finn.” I motion to the doctor. He smiles at Katie. If I didn’t need him to check her out, I’d probably tell him to kick rocks and stop looking at my woman. I’ll save my jealousy for another time.
“You twisted your ankle pretty badly, huh?” Finn asks as he squats down in front of us.
I have her on my lap in one of the chairs because I can’t bear to part with her and put her on the exam table. As much as she needs me to be strong, I’m shaken to my core, and she’s my comfort.
Finn gently pulls her shoes off and rolls up her leggings so he can examine her. She’s already swollen, and a bruise is forming.
After a few seconds of pressing on different parts of her foot and leg, he rises and goes to the small refrigerator under a long counter. He grabs an ice pack and gently lays it over her ankle.
“You’re going to be fine. Stay off it for at least twenty-four hours and then only walk if you feel comfortable. Ice packs and elevating it will help with the swelling.”
“Daddy, I’m fine. I’m ready to get out of bed. It’s been three days.”
I love him. So much. More than anything. And I’m going to keep reminding myself of that so I don’t put a pillow over his face while he sleeps.
The over-the-top thing was hot a few days ago. Now, I’m not so sure. He hasn’t let me walk at all. He’s carried me everywhere—not that he’s actually let me get out of bed much. I was lucky he left the bathroom while I used the toilet.
“I like you right where you are. I can keep an eye on you there.”
Rolling my eyes, I sigh.
“Did you just roll your eyes at me, Little girl? Because you don’t have to stand for a bare-bottom spanking.”
Sheesh. I didn’t think Grady would be such a strict Daddy, but he continues to surprise me every day.