Page 60 of Cage
“Ouch!” I cry out, jumping from the swing.
It happens again, the stinging pain radiating through me. Jasper is on his feet and in front of me almost immediately.
“Owwie,” I whimper as a big fat tear rolls down my cheek. “I think I got stung on my ankle.”
Before I know what’s happening, Jasper swoops me in his arms and carries me effortlessly into the house. Tears continue to fall, and I’m not sure if it’s because it hurts or if it’s because I want my Daddy. Maybe a little of both.
He sets me on the counter and leans down to inspect my ankle, where two red welts are already appearing.
“Have you been stung before?” he asks as he starts moving through the kitchen while tapping his phone with one hand.
I sniffle and shake my head. “No. It’s burning.”
The skin around the spots has turned blotchy red, and it’s getting harder to breathe. Jasper puts a cold, wet cloth on my ankle just as his phone rings.
“She’s okay. I just need to know if she’s been tested for allergies. She says she’s never been stung before.” He listens to Cage, who even I can hear as he yells at his brother.
Is he blaming Jasper? It’s not his fault. My heart races and my breaths continue to come out shaky.
“She’s breathing hard,” Jasper says. “I need to get her to a hospital.”
More tears fall, and I start shaking my head. The only thing I need is my Daddy right now. “I’m okay. I just… I need to catch my breath.”
Jasper listens to something that Cage says and then looks at me. “Are you panicking, baby? Is that why you’re having a hard time breathing?”
As soon as I nod, Jasper is in front of me. He sets his phone on the counter and hits the speaker function, then grabs my hands.
“Count my stars, Ember,” he says, holding up his forearm.
Sure enough, small stars are tattooed all over his skin in between more intricate art.
“Listen to him, firefly. Count them. With each one, take a breath, baby girl. Slow and steady,” Cage croons through the phone.
As my eyes travel over his arm, counting as I go along, my heartbeat steadies, and my breathing evens. The bee stings are throbbing, though.
“Take me off speaker and give her the phone,” Cage says.
“I’m okay,” I tell Cage in a small, shaky voice.
“That’s a good girl,” Jasper murmurs. “Keep breathing.”
Rowie comes barreling in with Theo right behind her.
“What happened?” she demands. “Oh my God, are you okay?”
“Creed said she got stung. He’s grabbing the first aid kit,” Theo says.
Within seconds, five men are surrounding me while Rowie stands to the side, watching in horror as if I’m dying. The only thing I can focus on, though, is Cage whispering soft, reassuring words to me that only I can hear.
Theo, Creed, Cassian, Jasper, and—I think—Elias all dig into the first aid kit, pulling out various items from princess bandages to something that could wrap around my entire ankle. It’s actually kind of comical watching these big, hulking men trying to figure out what to do to help me. It also sends a wave of emotions through my tummy. Every single one of them stopped what they were doing to fuss over me. To care for me. And they barely know me. My father never would have taken the time to comfort me over a bee sting.
“Thank you,” I whisper, though I’m not sure if anyone hears me.
Cassian meets my gaze and gives me a kind smile. “You’re part of us now, Little one. We got you.”
That’s all it takes for me to burst out sobbing. Cassian’s eyes go big for a brief second before he springs into action, grabbing tissues and wiping my face.
“Shh. It’s okay. Blow,” he says, holding a tissue to my nose.