Page 61 of Cage
I scrunch my face. “Eww. No.”
“Listen to him, Little girl,” Cage says warningly in that stern, don’t-disobey-me voice that makes my panties damp. “Let them take care of you.”
Cassian raises a stern eyebrow and waits with the tissue held up to my nose. He doesn’t flinch when I blow, and then he quickly wipes my face with a clean one. “Good girl.”
“I’m so fucking sorry I left you.” Cage’s voice is rough, and I hate how upset he sounds. Is he blaming himself?
“I’m okay, Daddy,” I reply quietly. “It’s just bee stings. It barely even hurts.”
“Do you really think lying to Daddy is a good idea, firefly?”
I smile. How is it that he’s not here, and yet he knows I’m fibbing?
“Probably not,” I murmur.
“Yeah, probably not, baby. You don’t want to also have a stinging bottom, do you?”
My core clenches at the threat as heat spreads over my body. Cage’s brothers continue to hover while I squirm on the counter. What the heck is wrong with me? Is it normal to get turned on by being scolded? Maybe I should talk to Rowie about this.
“No, Daddy. Sorry.”
Calling him Daddy comes out so naturally. Every time I say it, a calmness washes over me. Cage has become my safe place. My home. My love.
The realization stuns me. I love him. I’m in love with him. I think I fell for him the first time he talked me down from a panic attack. Heck, maybe it happened before then.
“I’ll be home in an hour. Let my brothers take care of you. Understand?”
I glance around the kitchen and let out a breath. My Daddy may not be here, but I know I’m just as safe around these men. “Okay, Daddy.”
After the men decided I wasn’t going to die from being stung, Jasper made me and Rowie snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie while he iced my ankle on and off. Who knew a big, scary, tattooed guy could be such a worrier? He hasn’t left my side either, so I can’t have the conversation I want to have with Rowie.
We’re halfway throughDespicable Mewhen Cage walks in. I leap up from the couch and run to him. As soon as I jump into his arms, he catches me. I have a feeling he always will.
“My baby,” he murmurs in my ear. “You okay?”
I nod. “Yes. I missed you.”
He lets out a long breath. “I missed you too, firefly.”
When he sets me on my feet, I cling to him, nuzzling my face into his ribcage. I’m not sure why I’m so needy for him right now. It’s an unusual feeling. My father’s lack of care and attention over the years taught me never to need anyone. It seems like, in the short amount of time I’ve been here, Cage has turned that around completely. I almost feel as though I couldn’t take a full breath today while he was gone. It’s good to be able to breathe again.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Cage.” Jasper comes up to us. When I tilt my head back to look at Cage, he’s glaring at his brother.
“Daddy, it’s not his fault.” I tug on Cage’s shirt until he lowers his gaze to mine.
He glances back at his brother and nods. “I know. Thanks for taking care of her.”
Jasper offers me a smile and then runs a hand over his face. “I think it took about ten years off my life. Fuck, I hate seeing Little girls get hurt.”
I giggle and slowly step away from Cage to wrap my arms around Jasper’s middle. He seems like he needs a good hug. I must be right because he hugs me back so tightly I can barely breathe.
“I’m taking her home. I need to spend some alone time with my Little girl,” Cage announces as he gently pulls me toward him, tucking me under his arm possessively.
A shiver works its way down my spine at that. I’m not sure why, but something in his words feels like a promise. What it is he’s promising, I don’t know. I can’t wait to find out, though.
“Imissed you so fucking much, firefly.”
As soon as we get to Cage’s house, he sweeps me off my feet and carries me to the kitchen, where he sets me on the counter and kisses me like his next breath depends on it.