Page 40 of The Dragon Queen
He was the handsome man instead of the monster, far more appealing and tolerable than his true self.
He relaxed in the chair, his arms cupping his elbows. “Sounds like you’ve made your decision—and it’s the wrong one.”
“Regardless of what I decide, there’s still a chance I’ll die.”
A slow smile rose on to his lips, growing and stretching until it couldn’t widen any farther.
“I would be stupid not to learn from my mistakes.”
“So you will allow Queen Eldinar to take your place.”
“I never said that.”
“But you aren’t refusing it either.” The smile remained in place. “You’re more of a man than I gave you credit for. You’ll spare your dragon and your woman a lifetime of misery. Too bad they’ll never know the sacrifice you made to make it happen.”
A flood of hatred washed over me, all of it directed at myself. “It sounds like you prefer her to me.”
“Because I do.”
“Then why can’t you get her yourself? Why do you need me?”
“Because Queen Eldinar of Riviana Star is far too smart to encroach on my lands. Even if she were plagued by sorrow, she would never be foolish enough to step into my dominion. She would never allow herself to be taken by darkness. Someone else would need to force her, someone whom she trusts enough to drop her guard. And that person is you.”
I wanted to stab myself in the heart for even entertaining the idea. “What do you want with her?”
“I told you.”
“You said you would make her a part of your plan. Plan for what?”
His smile started to fade, the annoyance beginning to burn in his eyes. “Give this serious consideration, Talon Rothschild. Because this opportunity will only come one time, and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. You’ll be my dark servant in the underworld, and once I’ve had you claim the souls of my prey and exhausted your use, I’ll eat your soul and make you a permanent minion in my domain. If I were you, I would avoid that at all costs.”
I felt the bumps on my arms, felt the terror in my heart. I had been a fool when I’d agreed to this arrangement, and part of me knew I would be a fool if I didn’t take the only chance to escape.
“Your time grows short, Talon. Use it wisely.”
We approached the Southern Isles in darkness, bringing our ships close to shore before we neared the iconic cliff that fishermen and sailors spotted when they approached from the sea.
I should be anxious to raise my sword for this battle, but my fingers didn’t want to reach for the hilt. When I put on every piece of armor, it felt almost too heavy to lift. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a man very different from the one who’d grown up in that beautiful place. He was kind-hearted and innocent—and I was vile.
Queen Eldinar came to my side, wearing the dark armor I had gifted her, the glimmer of the diamonds visible within the dragon scales. She looked out at the dark ocean, the waves quiet in the absence of the moon. “It is time.”
It was time to part ways. Khazmuda and I would travel alone to the castle alone. I would defeat Barron and his sons and separate them from Astaroth. They might be able to communicate through their dragons, but I would still make their union as difficult as possible.
She stared at the side of my face, her eyes full of all the things she couldn’t say when others were present. General Ezra stoodbehind her in his full armor. Calista and Ethan were together near the rail of the ship.
My heart had not felt so much strain since Vivian died. “May Riviana protect you.” I couldn’t meet her look as I said the words, full of so much shame it swallowed me whole.
“And may she protect you.” Her hand moved to my shoulder. I couldn’t feel her fingers grip me through the armor, but I could still feel the weight of her touch. “I will do my best to look after Calista.”
“Thank you. I asked her to refrain from the fight.”
“Yes, she told me,” she said. “But a cowardly woman wouldn’t have earned your heart.”
Calista didn’t earn my love—she took it. And I was powerless to stop the cyclone that slammed into my front door, with green eyes that were brighter than any jewel I’d seen on my treacherous adventures with Ethan and the crew.
“Remember, we fight for more than your kingdom and the dragons. We fight for the afterlife—something that affects us all. Calista belongs here with us. She deserves the right to fight for her soul.”
I gave a slight nod in agreement.