Page 45 of When Night Falls
" Now you're really overstepping." I smirk.
"You mean to tell me you're not going to actuallyaskher to marry you? Do men really have no decency these days?" Her quip doesn’t affect me at all and she knows that that’s not how things work around here but she continues with her incessant nonsense.
"Most girls dream about the day they get to have a man fall to his knees for her. Besides, you're about to throw her to the wolves. I would like to think that having the decency to soften the blow with a cute little proposal might make her less resentful toward you in the future."
I roll my eyes at her nonsensical psychobabble. I know she’s only trying to push my buttons.
"Troian, do you not hear yourself when you speak?" I give her a generously sarcastic grin which causes her to giggle at her attempt frivolous sibling banter.
“I do, and I think I sound rather intelligent and hot,” she deadpans. I can’t take her seriously. Her sass brings me to thoughts of my future queen, comparing the two in way of words. Lucynda might be the only one to match Troian with her attitude honestly.
I turn my attention out the window, noticing how the trees blow in the autumn wind and the clouds storm the gray skies. The sky is darkening as the sun goes down beyond the horizon which can only mean that soon my Nocturnes will be coming out of the shadows to play for the night.
"Where were you the night of the party, Troy? Anything I need to be concerned about?" I turn my attention back to my sister.
"Oh, brother. You shouldalwaysbe concerned about me." She waves her hand in a carefree gesture.
I give her a stern look. She knows I don't like when she jokes about her safety. Granted, I know Troian can take care of herself. It's an older brother thing I suppose.
"Kidding, nothing to worry about. I just found a boy that I couldn't deny, and we had a pretty fantastic time together, I might say."
Troian has a big heart and a knack for getting into trouble. But truth be told, if it weren't for her exercising her right to be an out-of-control party animal, I probably would have never known about Lucynda. But I do worry about her sometimes. She has way too much fun with her vampirism and I fear it might get her in trouble one day.
"Well, I would appreciate a little communication from you in regard to your social activities. I don't like to keep you restricted; you know that. But I can't have you causing any problems right now."
"You worry too much, you know that?"
"It's my job. If I asked you to be at the masquerade, I need you to be at the masquerade. Besides, you are aware there is a rogue on the loose, are you not? With your unaccounted for disappearances, one would think you could be responsible for the killings."
This makes her giggle.
"We arealltechnically killers, Riv. Are we not?" She folds her arms over her chest looking proud at her conclusion.
She's got a point. Murder is in our blood. But killing for fun or without purpose is against the rules. There’s a balance that needs to be followed; keeping Outsiders oblivious to our predatorial ways is the biggest concern for our kind. And making sure we are where we say we’re going to be when someone disobeys that balance is crucial.
"It's like the dark whisper of the century,the vampire killer gone mad, is what they’re calling it. But who's to say someone didn't just fall into a really bad curse of bloodlust and go Michael Myers on-"
I pin her with my death stare, knowing that her words hit too close to home. She closes her mouth and tenses likely realizing that she just pointed me out as the suspect.
"Well notyouof course. I'm not saying that I think it's you, but I am just saying." Her hands are held palm up in defense of her words. I know what she meant, but the truth stands.
"I can't have you disappearing right in the midst of accusations. Someone might think it really isyou."
"Me?" She hooks her thumb back toward herself and expresses a dumbfounded look. "Yeah right. That's highly laughable. Besides, when's the last time I killed an innocent human?"
"Depends, where's that boy you claimed to have spent the last few nights with?" I ask as I stride past her and toward the bathroom door leading back into the bedroom.
"Okay, okay. You got me.” She holds her hands up in defense as she follows behind me. “But it turns out he was a prisoner on the run. Convicted of murdering his wife. I always end up attracting the psychos, don’t I? But yeah, with that little piece of information, I decided no one would miss the loser. He was rather fun to play with while he lasted.” She plasters a cynical smile against her lips. One that reminds me of my own.
"You are something else, Troy," I say to her as we walk out into the hallway.
"You love me anyways." She pats me on my shoulder and starts to break away to head her own direction.
I need to go for Lucynda soon. I’m sure she’s probably wallowing in her overdrawn out thoughts like she does. Not that it’s any fault of her own. But I’ll need to bring her home tonight and get her settled in her room.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” I call out to Troy before she gets too far.
“Not sure yet.” She shrugs her shoulders. “What’s up?”