Page 194 of The Grand Duel
She looks at me and then the other two girls, her lips curling before she breaks out into her own laugh. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to say that.”
I let my laugh fully pass my lips. “You really caught me off guard.”
“Hi, my name’s Scarlet, and I’m the number one member of the dead parents club,” Nina mocks.
I cover my mouth.
“That’s brutal, Scar,” Lucy tells her, wiping at the corners of her eyes.
“It finally broke the ice.” Scarlet shrugs, smiling around her glass of wine. “Lissie can tell us all about her and Charlie now.”
I feel my cheeks redden and wish I’d put on a little more makeup this morning. “I’m not sure there’s a lot to tell. We’re…friends, I guess.”
They sit and watch me for maybe five seconds before their laughing resumes.
“Oh, my goodness, Lissie, I’m sorry.” Lucy holds her hand up at me. “We’re not being bitches.”
“What is it?” I say, my smile seemingly stuck in place.
“Charles hasn’t ever so much as mentioned a woman to us,” she explains. “The fact you’re here and think you’re just friends. I’m sorry it sounds so mean.”
I chuckle. “Well, why do you think I said ‘I guess’?”
They laugh with me, and I mentally stick a pin in the moment, securing it in the part of my brain where the good stuff goes. I’ve not sat around with a group of girls and laughed like this since I went to school.
“We don’t need details,” Scarlet tells me, sobering her features into a soft smile. “We’re just messing with you. And Charles. It’s mind boggling to see him bring someone into our family, it’s not something we expected, but I can assure you, it’s welcomed. Regardless of what you are to him.”
I look between them, their smiles so genuine, mine still there, almost aching. “Thank you.”
“She’s right. We’re just happy to see him happy,” Nina tells me.
Lucy nods. “I think after the last couple of years, seeing Charlie turn up here today with a smile on his face like he did…” She seems to soak up that fact before looking towards Scarlet. “I’m pretty proud of the both of you, to be honest.” She holds her hand out to her friend, and she takes it.
I sit back, letting them have their moment.
“Thanks, Luce,” Scarlet tells her.
“Right,” Nina says, clapping as she stands up. “Before we all turn to complete mush today. I have something to show you, Luce.”
She rounds the table and leaves the room, re-entering a moment later with a box.
“What is it?” Lucy asks, walking to where Nina stands at the head of the table.
When Scarlet gets up, too, I follow.
“I know you’re our design queen, but I wanted to do something special for your wedding day.” She lifts the lid on the box and pulls out a mass of sheer material.
“Nina, your veil,” Lucy says, taking it. “Wait.” She examines the edges closer, and her face drops.
“It’s the lace from your mum’s veil. We knew the thickness of hers wasn’t working for you, so we had Jean add some of it to the edges of mine. You always said you loved my veil.”
She turns with her hand covering her mouth. “I love it.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do! It’s perfect.”
“Put it on,” Scarlet tells her.