Page 86 of One More Chance
“Any requests?” he asks, but I have none.
I shake my head gently. “Surprise me.”
His fingers start up again and I don’t immediately recognize it so I listen closely, trying to figure out if I’ve heard it before.
Baby, you don’t know how wild you drive me,
The time it seems to fly right past us,
Just when I think I’ll be able to get past this,
I see your face and can’t resist
this feeling in me,
so unfamiliar,
so foreign to my heart,
just has me singing
baby, you don’t know how wild
you drive me
Jensen starts laughingafter the last line, his head shaking back and forth. “I told you I can’t write songs for shit.”
“I think it’s beautiful,” I tell him.
“Well, thank you. I appreciate the lie,” he teases.
“I would never lie about something so serious.”
“But you would lie about something not so serious?” he asks, lifting an eyebrow in my direction.
“Probably not. Unless you asked me if you looked fat in your outfit or something. Then I would probably lie.” I giggle. It’s not even a full giggle. It’s lazy and tired.
“Go back to bed, weirdo.” He laughs.
“Can I sleep right here while you play? I don’t want to go back up to bed alone.”
“Of course.”
“Okay, just wake me when you’re ready to go upstairs.” I yawn, twisting my body to lie on my side.
Jensen throws the blanket from the back of the couch over me and tucks me in before returning to his guitar.
Sweet notes float through the air as I drift back to sleep.
This lullaby is almost as good as his heartbeat.