Page 15 of Beyond the Blues
“Taste mine” Nora holds the straw up to my mouth, the powerful smell of the sickly coconut hitting me.
“I hate coconut.”
“Well, you’re missing out.” Nora takes a long sip of her drink, sighing with enjoyment.
“I hired a car, by the way,” Nora adds. Not only is this girl a musician, but she drives as well? Can this get much better?
“You drive?”
“You don’t?”
“Well, I was learning to but then all the money I saved up I put towards Coco’s funeral.”
“You really have a heart of gold, Ophelia.” I shrug.
“Not really, just would I have preferred learning to drive, which I was awful at anyway, or guaranteeing that Coco was put to rest in the way she would have wanted?”
“You still don’t give yourself enough credit for the kind things you do.” Nora says. It’s true, I don’t really even think about it, it comes naturally to me. You treat others how you want to be treated, although an overused saying it’s
one I live by.
“I’m thinking about driving to a restaurant. It’s by the cliffs, if you fancy joining me?” Nora asks.
“I think I’ll just stay here, read my book, if that’s okay?” I wave my book around, although my heart is telling me to go with her.
“Sure, no worries. I’ll see you later?”
“Yup, see ya!” I say and watch Nora walk away. What would Coco say I should do? No, what do I want to do? I stand up and run over, calling her name. I can read another day.
“Nora, wait up!” She shoots round to look at me, a smug look on her face. “Am I that hard to resist?” Nora remarks. I roll my eyes and link my arm
through hers.
“Let’s go before I change my mind, but first let me change.” “I like what you’re wearing.”
“Nora, I can’t go to a restaurant in a skimpy bikini. I doubt they’d even let me sit down!” I laugh.
“I’ll just imagine you’re wearing that.” Nora closes her eyes, fingers to her temples.
“Oh, I seem to have lost the bikini.” prodding Nora in the ribs, she grabs my hand and merges ourstogether. We walk to my hotel room quickly, and I open the door to my freshly made bed. A swan made of blankets was sitting on the bed. I smile to myself. I open my suitcase, pulling the first dress that I see.
“Turn around.” I say to Nora, suddenly more aware of my half naked body.
“I’ll wait outside.” Nora walks out the door and closes it gently behind her. I put on the dress quickly, leaving my damp bikini on the towel rails. I shove my purse, room key and phone into my bag and go out the door. Nora is sitting on the steps to my room smoking a cigarette, scrolling through her phone. She stands up and turns to face me.
“Wow, red is your colour.” Nora looks me up and down before she holds her cigarette in her mouth and points her phone to me.
“What are you doing?” The camera clicks, and I realise she took a photo of me.
“Oh god no, I wasn’t even ready!” I put my hand up to the phone, attempting to cover the camera. Nora bats my hand away.