Page 35 of Raven's Daggers
“Umm, are you sure you can switch gears and hold my hand at the same time?” She smarts off, trying to pull her hand away.
“I can do alot of things while driving and switching gears, baby. Don’t question my skills.” I reply cockily, pulling her hand back to me, making her laugh.
“I’ll put that to the test one day, just not today. I am not painting the inside of my car red.” She full belly laughs and I join in. This girl, there is never a dull moment when it comes to her.
The rest of the ride is silent. Driving through the gates and up her driveway, I hit the button to open her garage. Turning off the car and getting out, I head to her side and open her door, helping her out of it. Before we head inside, I grab her bag from the trunk and make sure to shut the garage door before we walk inside.
“Do you have a heating pad anywhere?” I ask, setting her keys on the counter.
“Yeah, it's in my bathroom. I planned to grab it when I changed clothes.” Shaking my head, I start heading upstairs, making sure that she’s following behind. I head straight for the dresser once I get to her room and pull out a pair of comfy leggings and an oversize sweatshirt for her to change into. She walks in a second later and looks at the clothes on the bed. She looks at me and gives me a small smile. I head for the bathroom to grab the heating pad and set it on the bed before I change into a pair of sweats I had in my bag.
“You just take your time and do what you need to. I’ll get us set up on the couch.” Kissing the top of her head, I head out of her room and go back downstairs.
Plugging in the heating pad, I turn it on so it’s already warm by the time she comes down and lay the blanket from the back of the couch on top of it. Grabbing the remote and turning on a movie, I grab both of us water and throw some popcorn in the microwave. By the time I make it back to the couch, she’s sitting there watching me.
“So, Harry Potter huh? That’s what we're going to watch?” She chuckles and lifts the blanket so I can sit next to her.
“Yeah. Got a problem with Harry?” I retort jokingly.
“No, I love Harry Potter actually. Never pegged you for a Potterhead though.” She quips back, another laugh escaping her lips.
“You haven’t pegged me at all.” I joke, causing us both to laugh.
“I can fix that, big guy.” She winks and damn, I can’t get enough of this girl. I just look at her, I don’t even have words.Would I even like that?
“I may not look like the type to watch Harry Potter, but there's still some things you don’t know about me. I can be a big softie.” Grinning and sliding closer, I hand her the bowl of popcorn.
“Thanks for this. Trying to make me feel better, I mean. My periods suck and the cramps are even worse. So I need this.” She grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze. “Also, I definitely wanna know the ins and outs of you being a big softie.” She chuckles, giving me a smile before grabbing the remote and pushing play.
We’re not even ten minutes into the movie before the guys walk in, hands loaded down with bags.Luis wasn’t playing when he said they were going to get her everything she may need.
“Damn, Baby Girl. He doesn’t have you watching this lame ass movie, does he?” Reyes questions, laughing as he sets his bags down on the counter.
“Actually, asshole, I love this movie. Wanna keep talking your shit?” Raven snaps back, and I can’t help but let out a deep laugh. She is going to keep us all on our toes and she's quick as shit with that snap back. He slaps his hand over his face and Luis just shakes his head, the biggest grin plastered on his face.
“Pretty girl, I got you all kinds of snacks and medicine. I wasn’t sure what you liked better, so I just got a little bit of everything.” He shrugs, bringing her over a bag.
“Awww, you guys. I feel like Naomi told y’all what I liked, because these are my favorite chocolates.” She squeals as she holds the chocolate caramels tightly, like someone will come and steal them from her. Popping two of whatever pills he got her, she downs them with some water. Opening the chocolate, she starts eating them, disregarding everyone else but her food and Harry. Luis comes and sits on the other side of her, and Reyes just stands in front of her blocking her view. She tilts her head trying to see around him before snapping her head up at him.
“If you like Harry Pothead, then I will like it too.” He side eyes me, and I just chuckle. He has got it bad.
“Super, can you move now…please?” She narrows her eyes and nods to a spot on the ground. Plopping down in front of her on the floor, she lets him lean his head back in her lap. He looks up at her and says nothing, just smiles. She gives him a small smile and starts running her fingers through his hair before looking back up at the screen and getting lost in the movie. Looking at her, then my brothers, we all seem happy. This feels so different here, with her, with all of us. It feels like home.Okay, maybe we all got it bad.
Chapter twenty-three
Waking up and looking around, it's quiet. Too quiet.Damn, I didn’t even realize I fell asleep.I call out for the guys but no one answers.What the hell? Surely I wasn’t asleep that long.Standing up from the couch and looking around, I notice the clock on the stove says 1:00 am. Reaching for my phone on the coffee table, I notice a couple of messages from the guys and Naomi.
Luis- HeyTesora, Zeke and Eddie needed us down at Sirens. You were sleeping and we didn’t want to wake you.
Reyes- ?? you know where to find us if you wake up before we're back.
Damien- She will never stay asleep if you fuckers don’t quit blowing up her phone.
I wonder what they were needed for at Sirens. Closing out the thread and chuckling at their banter, I open Naomi’s text next.
Naomi- Heyyy bitch, the guys said you were asleep but I’m about to fight a hoe.