Page 38 of Raven's Daggers
“Jesus Christ, Little Viper, I’m about to cum.” He huffs out, looking over, I can see Luis’s strokes are getting jerky too.
“Cum for me, Sunshine. Be a good boy and cum.” I groan, and with a loud growl, Luis leans over and shoots his release on me, covering my tits with warm ropes of cum.Did he like being called a good boy or is Sunshine his new pet name?Going to have to test that again later. Feeling my own release coming on, I cry out when Reyes pinches my clit.
“Fuck, Lover Boy, I’m going to c-cu-.” I don’t even get the words all the way out. They slam into me one last time and stars litter my vision as my orgasm hits hard, my body falling limp against Reyes, his arms wrapping me tightly as they roar their release and fill me up. Damien leans over me, all of us in a post orgasm bliss. Glancing over at Luis, his eyes flicker with something, lust maybe? Running my fingers up my chest and covering them with his release, I bring it to my mouth, sucking it clean and letting out a low moan.
“Fuck, Bella Ragazza, you’re going to be the death of me.” He groans out. Damien slowly pulls out of me, helping me up to my feet as I ease off of Reyes. Looking down at Reyes lap, he sits there, covered in my blood and arousal, with nothing but that damn smirk on his face.Fuck, does he like that?He winks before I turn to walk upstairs. I gasp when I’m suddenly grabbed and thrown over a shoulder.
“Nope, I’ll carry you to the shower. Then we will come clean up.” Reyes states, his voice husky and dripping with command. Walking us up the stairs, he gives me the perfect view of his ass. Slapping it, he lets out a low growl making me chuckle.
“You can carry me naked like this any time you want, Lover Boy. I’ve got the perfect view.” I sass, still laughing.
Setting me down on my feet, he turns on the shower. “I’m going to go help them clean up, then we will put some ointment on your back. Was that too much for you? Damien slicing into you?” His voice full of concern as he cups my face. I lean into his touch, not wanting him to leave just yet.
“Actually, no. Honestly, I thought it would trigger the past, but it didn’t. Knowing y’all were there made it feel orgasmic, like the fear was replaced with pleasure.” I assure him, because something has changed. When they are around I feel safe, so feeling the blade this time turned me on verse making me feel scared.
“Good, we want to make you feel good. We’d never do anything to hurt you Baby Girl.” He kisses me on the head and walks out the door, still naked and covered in blood.
Getting in the shower and letting the hot water run over me for a few minutes, I start to wash my hair and body. Rinsing everything out, I get out, reaching for my towel and drying off. I plug myself and walk to my dresser, grabbing a sleep cami and some shorts. I am absolutely exhausted but my body feels like it’s floating.I am over this period bullshit.Throwing myself across the bed and laying down, I drift off in a blissful sleep. Only the thoughts about the guys who I just might be in love with racing through my mind.
Chapter twenty-five
We finish up cleaning downstairs and Reyes takes the towels, throwing them in the wash. We stalk up the stairs and into her bedroom, seeing her sprawled across her bed, already passed out. Reyes and Damien let out a low chuckle.
“Once again, she’s probably sleeping like the dead. I’ll go get the ointment so we can add some to her back before we move her under the covers.” Reyes whispers, heading for her bathroom.
She hasn’t even stirred so she must’ve gone to sleep right after her shower. Walking up to the bed, I start pulling her shirt up slowly, she still doesn’t stir. Reyes goes to the other side and starts applying the medicine making Raven jerk slightly, but she never wakes up.Maybe she only sleeps this hard when we’re around?Putting a bandage over it, we lift her up on the bed while Damien pulls the covers up over her. We all take a step back just watching and listening to her soft snores.
“I’ll go use one of the guest bathrooms to get cleaned up.” Damien whispers, then walks out of the room. I’ve alwayswondered why she had such a big house, but lived alone.Maybe she wanted this to be her forever home? Something for herself that she never had?Reyes patting me on the shoulder pulls me from my thoughts.
“I’m going to do the same. You good, brother?” Reyes questions, giving me a half grin.
“Yeah, I’m more than good, brother.” I look at him and smile back. We both look to Raven, and I can’t help the smile that riddles my face as he shakes his head and leaves the room. Walking into her bathroom, I take a quick shower. Toweling off, I grab my sweats and slip them on before going to get in bed beside her. I freeze when I hear her phone begin vibrating non-stop. Picking it up, I see it’s from an unknown number.
Unknown: I told you to get rid of them or I would.
Unknown: You are mine to own, Sweetness. No one else’s.
The guys walk in and I look up at them. They both look at me, then to the phone in my hands, probably noticing the concern I know that’s written on my face. Fuck, I’m at a loss for words at this point.
“What’s wrong? Why do you have that look on your face? Wait, is that her phone?” Damien asks, his tone low and full of worry. Handing it to them, they look at the messages then back at me.
“Yeah, this shit has got to stop. Now he’s threatening her with us. We need to find this person and soon. I don’t understand what his motive is, but I’m not giving him a chance to get close to her again.” I whisper aggressively. Time for me to change out all her cameras and codes, whether she likes it or not.
“From now on, one of us is always with her. Period. I won’t risk her for anything.” Reyes demands and we nod in agreement. Climbing in bed, they follow suit. We will deal with this in the morning when she’s awake and we can figure it out together. This needs to end, she doesn’t deserve to live like this, not after everything she’s been through.
Kissing the side of her head, I wrap my arm around her middle, she lets out a peaceful sigh as her nose wrinkles at the movement. I close my eyes, finally drifting off to sleep with the one thing on my mind I’m scared to lose in this world, HER.
Waking up in a tangled mess of limbs, I look up at Raven who is staring at me in awe.
“What is it, Bella Ragazza?” I whisper, my voice still raspy from sleep. That just makes her face light up with the biggest smile,
“Don’t tell anyone, but I like waking up like this. With all of you. I don’t know, I’m just… happy, I guess.” She cheers in a low voice, leaning over to kiss me. Sliding my hand into her messy hair and deepening the kiss, she groans. Pulling away, she sits up and looks at Reyes and Damien, still asleep with their arms stretched out to touch her.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.” I whisper and she gives me a small nod. Quietly going into her bathroom and getting what I need, I climb back into bed, sitting behind her as she turns her face towards me.
“What are you doing?” She questions, giving me a small smile.