Page 41 of Raven's Daggers
After that, he raised us and then basically raised Damien. None of us deserved the shit cards we were handed. Not even you, Princess. You’ve told us your past, we know you have your demons. We're giving you our story now. The dark parts you don’t know.” He finishes, wiping tears that keep falling down his face. Sliding to the floor and wrapping my arms around his neck, I hold him while he sobs into me. Damien and Reyes slide down next to me, wrapping their arms around us. I never thought I’dever see them cry, yet here I am, crying with them for someone they truly loved and lost.
“I’m so sorry, I truly have no words.” I whimper out against him. Trying to wipe tears from my face, he just holds me tighter. My heart is breaking for them. Pulling away, they all loosen their grip.
“She was the best parts of us. Since our mother wasn’t around, it was up to me and Luis to take care of her. Raise her. I know we were young and we still don’t fully understand why our father was so cruel. We always took the beatings when he was mad, to keep Mia out of the crossfire. Maybe it was losing our mother, or maybe it’s just who he was deep down, but I’ll never forgive myself for leaving her there that night, alone. She was always with us, we fucked up and now she’s gone.” Reyes breathes out, covering his face while more tears fall.
“Look, don't blame yourself babe. It’s not anyone's fault but your piece of shit dad. She’s probably so proud of you guys. All three of you.” I choke out through a sob.I can’t even imagine losing a sibling. That would be like me losing Naomi.
“I remember coming over to play with the guys, Mia always joined in. She was one tough little girl, she was one of us. While she wasn’t my blood sister, I considered her as that. My sister, just like they are my brothers.” Damien sniffles, trying to wipe the tears from his face. Closing the distance and wrapping my arms around him, I hold him tight.
“I think that’s it, now you know all of our story. Zeke was the hero in all of our stories, just like Eddie was for you. Honestly, you pull a side from all of us I didn’t think we’d ever see again.” Luis whispers, trying to get his emotions under control. Standing, all three pull me up.
“Baby Girl, I have never felt more at peace than I do when I’m with you.” Reyes admits, giving me the sly smile he has since the day I met him.
“You feel like home to us, Angel. Wherever you are, is where I want to be. Where WE want to be.” Damien chimes in, and damn these guys are going to make me fucking cry again.
“Guys, I have never felt safe in my life. YOU make me feel safe.” I mumble out, gesturing to all of them as the tears fall down my face, yet again. One big circle of limbs, they pull me in and we just stand there, holding each other. Someone takes a step back and the circle falls, but the energy is still coursing through us. We look around at each other.
“Alright, it’s time for a distraction. How about some food? We’ll cook dinner. You go sit and relax, I know that was deep.” Luis huffs out being the first to pull away.
“Nah, I think I’ll help. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two.” I giggle and roll my eyes, causing them all to let out a low chuckle.
“Alright, no more sad shit. Reliving that was rough, Raven is back with the sass.” Reyes chimes in, slapping my ass as he walks towards the kitchen with Luis.
“Come on, Angel, let’s show you how to cook an actual meal. You won’t survive on coffee alone.” Damien states, grabbing my hand and walking us into the kitchen together.
“What’s it going to be, Princess? You pick.” Luis turns to face me.
“Haven’t you noticed, I don’t like to choose. So surprise me, I’m really not picky. Just no brussel sprouts or shit like that.” I make a gagging sound and they laugh in unison.
“Such a child. Considering you have not one but three boyfriends, I think it’s safe to say you don't like to choose.” Reyes retorts, still chuckling.Asshole.
“Boyfriends…that sounds pretty amazing coming from your mouth.” I say, a smile pulling at my lips. Working alongside them in the kitchen, Luis shows me how to make homemade Alfredo sauce. While Damien and Reyes joke back and forthcutting up chicken.They were right. This is home and I feel at peace.
Chapter twenty-eight
1 week later...
1 week later…
It’s been a week since we told Raven about Mia and honestly, it felt good to let her in on that part of our lives. She knows all there is to know about us now, I think. It’s crazy to think I’d share any part of my life with a woman, but she’s it for me. I wanna give her every inch of me, including the darkest parts. Looking down at my phone and noticing the time, I shoot my brothers a quick text.
Me- So what’s the plan for her birthday? I have a couple of different ideas running.
Luis- Definitely think we need to surprise her with something, she needs to take a load off.
Damien- What’s your idea brother?
Me- Well, I found out she goes and visits the safehouses. Eddie told me how one time she did an outdoor movie night for the kids. So I’m thinking we buy all kinds of snacks and stuff and we can get Naomi to help set it up.
Damien- Outdoor movie night? Hmm I actually like that idea. Plus, if she loves those kids, it’ll be something she enjoys.
Luis- I agree. Naomi is going to get tired of us one day ?? We can play it off with Raven by all of us going riding beforehand? Then boom we end up there.
Reyes- Oh well ?? she ain’t gettin rid of me. Yeah a ride sounds good to me. Damien, does your bike even still run lol you don’t drive it much.
Damien- Shut your mouth, it runs just fine. I’m down for all that.