Page 46 of Raven's Daggers
“Youwouldwant to watch this on Halloween, of all nights. Fuck me.” Raven sighs and starts to chuckle.
“What’s wrong, Princess? Scared the Boogeyman is going to come and get you?” Luis taunts back. Leaning over, she punches him in the arm and he lets out an ‘oomph’ sound. Kissing her on the head, he pulls her legs on top of him and Reyes. Getting comfortable, we sit and enjoy the movie.
Halfway through the movie, the lights suddenly start to flicker before they go out, making Raven jump up and scream. It’s eerily quiet all of a sudden, and then all of the alarm sensors start going off. “Front door open.” “Back door open.” “Garage door open.” The whole system sounds confused, the voice just on constant repeat.
Jumping up, Luis runs to the kitchen and grabs his laptop while the rest of us rush over and check the front door. Not seeing anything or anyone, Raven takes off down the hallway, using only her phone as a flashlight to where the circuit breaker is located. Finally, either she gets the switch flipped or Luis shuts it off on his computer, because the annoying robotic voice stops. It’s quiet again for a brief second before we hear a blood curdling scream come from Raven and we all take off running down the hall.
Stepping into the small bathroom, I take in Raven’s frightened face as the light from her discarded phone illuminates the room. I follow her line of sight, narrowing my eyes as I read the words dripping down the mirror.
Chapter thirty-two
What in the actual fuck? Is that blood?Feeling sick to my stomach, I rush over to the toilet and empty my guts. One of the guys comes up behind me and grabs my hair, pulling it out of my face.
“How the fuck did someone even get in?” Reyes seethes, his tone full of irritation. Standing up from the toilet, I walk up to the sink, turning it on and putting my hands underneath, filling them with water and bringing them up to my mouth.
“You okay, Princess? Come on, let’s go to the kitchen. They’ll get this cleaned up.” Luis coaxes, grabbing my hand and walking me out. I feel like I’m still in shock.Was that blood? And if so, whose blood was that?Question after question runs through my mind. Grabbing the remote from the counter, Luis clicks the button for the gate to close.Fuck ever leaving it open again, at least not until I catch this motherfucker. I will not let him scare me in my own home.
Sitting down next to me, Luis opens his laptop and starts pulling up the camera feed. I look over at the screen while he rewinds the video. Nothing looks suspicious at all, just kids coming and going getting candy. We continue to watch and still nothing, until someone dressed in all black with a ski mask on comes into view. You almost don’t see it, rewinding it and pushing play again he slows that section of the feed down. The person definitely looks male by his body build and height, but I’m not ruling shit out.
Coming up to the house, he walks to the bushes on the side, almost out of view. The next camera feed pulls up and we see him crouching by the side, it looks like he cuts a wire, which would explain the whole system malfunction. Walking around to the back of the house, he comes to view in the backdoor camera feed.
Apparently, we didn’t hear him with the damn robotic voice screaming out. Plus, we checked the front door, not even thinking about the back. I don’t even really use that door. Coming up behind us, Reyes and Damien start watching over our shoulders, their eyes narrowing as Luis rewinds it back to the person walking to the side of the house. This guy must not know exactly where my cameras are placed, because every one of them catches his movements.Unless he did it on purpose?
“I sent Zeke a text and Reyes sent Eddie one to let them know what’s going on.” Damien snaps, seeming as on-edge as the rest of us.
“Okay, I’m sure they are either about to blow our phones up or show the fuck up. One thing Eddie won’t sit back on, is if he thinks some shit is about to go down.” I huff out in annoyance.I’m about to make these streets run red until I find out who’s doing this. I am so done with this shit. Done. Coming into my goddamn house, nah he’s playing a whole new game. My game.
Getting up from the bar and walking over to the liquor cabinet, I grab a crystal glass and a bottle of whiskey, pouring myself a decent amount. Tossing it back, Reyes comes up beside me and pours himself one before throwing it back as well.
Knocking at the door pulls all of our attention. Damien grabs his gun from the counter and walks over, pulling it open he freezes as looks at whoever is there, then down at the ground.Call me intrigued.Walking over to where he is, Luis and Reyes are hot on my heels. Walking up next to Damien, we see Zeke and Eddie standing in the doorway, stopping short when I see what they’re all looking at. A dead raven is on my doorstep, with its throat cut open.What in the fuck?Jesus, dare I even ask, what the hell else could happen tonight?
“Well, let’s just add this to the shit show shall we?” I fume, stomping over, I grab the raven and walk it to the outside trash.
“It’s gonna be okay kid, we’re going to move you somewhere else until it’s safe.” Eddie says in a soothing voice, trying to calm me down as we walk back in the house.
“Fuck that! This is my house and I’m not leaving because some freakshow thinks he can scare me. I’ll be damned.” I seethe, sitting at the bar while everyone stands around me.
“That what you want to do, Angel? If it is, we're with you all the way. Leave or stay, we go where you do.” Damien states. Coming up behind me, they each lay their hands on my shoulders.
“Lost puppies, Raven.” Eddie chuckles, causing me to just roll my eyes as Reyes flips him the bird.
“Fine kiddo, at least we know you have extra protection with them at your side.” Zeke huffs through a laugh. This may not be what they wanted to hear, but at least they’re letting me decide. They had to have known they couldn’t just come in here all dad mode and make me leave.
“You need anything? I’ll post some guys on the streets for you until we catch him. We have everyone we know looking. Plus, Luis is the best with this kind of stuff, so he’s been helping more too.” Eddie informs me.Hmm, I knew Luis was good, but damn, I didn’t know he was that good.
“Nah, thanks. Just, if your guys see anything, can you let me know. Also I’m reevaluating everyone who works for us. I’ll get Luis to help me out. My gut is telling me someone on the inside is helping with this shit.” Huffing out and letting them know my own plans.
Getting up, I walk with them as they head for the front door, saying bye as they leave and shutting the door behind them. Luis is there in a second to lock it and goes to set the alarm, letting out a frustrated growl as he pushes in the code.
“I’ll get it all fixed tomorrow, Bella Ragazza. Fucking idiots.” He aggressively walks back to the kitchen and grabs his laptop before coming back to the living room and plopping down on the couch. Chuckling, he looks over at me and I throw my hands up in surrender.
“Sorry, Sunshine, laughing is a default for me.” I say, covering my mouth to try and stop my laughter from bubbling out again. Reyes and Damien quietly chuckle beside me.
“So what are y’all, like my harem now? Pretty sure we don’t fit the average couple category.” I joke and start laughing again.