Page 5 of Raven's Daggers
“Well, first off he’s tall. Like he's got to be at least six foot three and has the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen. Don’t even get me started on the tattoos. He has them all over from what I could see, and I can only imagine where else they are. He’s definitely drool worthy. And he caught me staring.” I giggle while walking to the living room to set the plates down and turning on the TV.
“So you think he’s hot, huh? Apparently, since he owns the bike shop, you’ll be seeing him again, right?” She questions, coming to sit next to me and handing me my drink.
“Yeah, I guess. He said he and his brother own the shop and if I ever need my car worked on, their best friend owns a car shop so he could hook me up with whatever I need. I reply. “What kind of movie are you in the mood for? Slasher? Or something funny?” I ask, even though I already know the answer. We are too much alike.
“First off, slasher duh. Then maybe something funny if we don’t both pass out like always. Secondly, umm what? You already got him trying to hook you up with a guy to help with your car too? Girl, you should definitely invite them out with us one night so I can meet them.” She slaps my arm laughing.
“Jesus, settle down, I just met the guy. You know I'm not a people person.” I slap her back and laugh.
We eat our pizza and both go back for another drink while we finish the movie. We talk and try to make plans for the weekend to go out. I tell her about my race that’s coming up, that way she can be there and she fills me in on how work has been at Orpheus lately. Apparently, same old shit, different day. By thetime the movie is over, we’re both laughing, a little tipsy and clearly exhausted.
Grabbing the blankets off the back of my couch, she lays down on one end and I lay down on the other. We talk until finally I hear her soft snores. As I close my eyes, my phone pings with a notification. Grabbing it, I notice it’s a text from a number I don’t know.
Unknown: Raven, it's Reyes from the auto shop. We got your bike finished up. You can come grab it whenever. Not sorry for the late text. ??
Saving his number, I send a reply back.
Me: Okay, thanks. I’ll shoot you a text when I get ready to come that way. I wasn’t asleep, yet. If you wanted to text, all you had to do was say that.
Reyes: If that’s all it took, I wouldn’t have waited all day to text you then. ?? I’ll be here when you’re ready for your bike, Little Devil.
Damn, what, ‘Little Devil’? The nickname catches me off guard and I can’t help but smirk as I put my phone back on the coffee table. I roll over and close my eyes, hoping sleep comes easy tonight.
Chapter three
Naomi shaking me has me jolting from sleep.
“What the hell? Where’s the fire?” I spit in a panic.
“Girl, we slept so late. Get up! I let you sleep while I got ready, so I’m about to leave, but I'll tell Eddie to call you if he needs you.” She says as she rushes out, grabbing her stuff from the kitchen.
“Okay, yeah, tell him I don’t have plans today other than to go grab my bike. Speaking of, if he lets you have a lunch break, can you come get me and take me to the shop? I just don’t want to ask the guys to follow me there again.” I ask, knowing he always has the guys doing grunt work.
“Bitch, you know he lets us do what we want. Just text me when you’re ready to leave and I’ll come get you.” She states, kissing my head as she walks to the door.
“Thanks babe, you’re literally the best ever. No, I'm not trying to boost your ego either.” I yell from the couch jokingly as I blow her a kiss.
“It doesn't take much to boost my ego, baby. Now get your ass up and get ready. I’ll see you in a bit.” She winks as she walks out the door, shutting it behind her.
Laying back down on the couch, I stare up at the ceiling for a few minutes before forcing myself to get up, knowing I’m going to fall back to sleep if I don’t. I walk to the kitchen, throw a pod in the Keurig, and work on cleaning up.
After loading the dishwasher, wiping the counters down and putting the liquor up from last night, I add some sugar to my coffee and a little bit of creamer. Grabbing the cup, I take a long sip of the hot liquid and make my way to my bathroom.
Walking in and turning on the shower, I plug my phone into the Bluetooth speaker and put it on to charge by the sink. Putting some music on, I get in the shower, quickly washing my hair and body before rinsing off and getting out.
Grabbing a towel, I wrap it around my body and tie it in place. I finish off my coffee, brush my teeth, and put my mascara on thick, making sure to wing out my eyeliner. Quickly drying my hair, I tie it in a half-ass braid while dancing in the mirror.Who doesn’t dance while they get ready?Before getting dressed I shoot out a quick text to Naomi.
Me: Hey bitch, I’m getting dressed now and I’ll be ready soon. It’s been a couple of hours, so maybe Eddie will think you got some work done. ??
Naomi: I did get work done, thank you very much. At least one of us came in today. ?? I’llgo tell him I’m out for the day and be on my way.
Me: Ha! Sounds great. See you in a bit.
Walking to my closet, I find some skinny jeans and a crop top to put on.Skinny jeans always make my ass look good.Grabbing my phone, I slide it in my back pocket and go downstairs. I set my mug down in the sink and walk to the garage, grabbing my leather riding jacket and helmet just as I hear Naomi honking by the front door.This bitch. Walking towards the front door, I slide my shoes on and make sure everything is locked up and the security alarm is set. Opening Naomi’s passenger door, she doesn’t even give me a chance to get settled before she’s flapping at the gums.
“Umm, I’m starving! Can we grab food on the way back please?” She pleads, while batting her lashes at me.