Page 78 of The Quirky Vet
"Stop sayingreally. And don't saysorry," I say just as he begins to say, "Sor?—"
He clears his throat. "We really don't have to go in. I can tell everyone you had explosive diarrhoea and shat yourself, and we can go back to your place, and I can continue flogging your arse at Mortal Kombat on the PlayStation. No, wait. It's your birthday, so I'll let you win."
He's flustered, babbling, and red in the face. I slide my hands up his neck. "Nowthatis a horrible idea. I'd rather go inside."
He nods, takes a few breaths, and composes himself before bringing his closed hand to the door. "You ready?"
I nod. "I am."
He knocks. "Act surprised."
"I will."
Sid opens the door. "I'm stark fucking naked," he announces. "Fitz, close your eyes. I don't want you seeing me like this. You might get jealous, and I don't want that for you, son."
I chuckle and go along with the ruse, closing my eyes as Muir places his hand in the small of my back and guides me into the house.
"Got me undies on, now my pants," Sid goes on as Muir gets me into what I'm assuming is prime being-yelled-at position. "Shirt is on. Whaddya reckon, Muir? Am I decent?"
"Never. But you can open your eyes now, Fitz."
I open my eyes, and my jaw drops—half playing along, but also truly taken aback by the wild "Surprise!" from my friends and family. Everyone I know and love is here. My folks. The crew from work. All of my other mates and their partners and kids.
"You okay?" Muir asks, latching on to my forearm.
"Yeah. Yeah, I am."
It's been twenty years since I've had a birthday party, and never a surprise one, but I'm guessing the overwhelm and excitement and self-consciousness are par for the course for the occasion.
My parents are the first ones to come over, and they each give me a big hug. I pull them in tight and embrace them with all my strength, knowing full well how hard a day this is for them aswell. Losing a child must be about as heartbreaking as losing a brother.
When I pull back, Dad, with tears in his eyes, says, "Take a look at the walls, son."
I look to my left, and as soon as I see it, I start crying. "Shit." I cover my mouth, the tears coming hard and fast. I'm powerless to stop them.
"Oh, sweetie." Mum consoles me with another hug.
"No, no. These are good tears." I clear them away and stare at Muir through watery eyes. "Thank you. It's beautiful."
He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. "No problem."
Side by side, we move around Sid's living room, taking in the countless images of Lleyton carefully arranged along the walls.
Lleyton and I laughing side by side in our highchairs on our first birthday, our chubby faces smeared with cake.
The two of us standing in identical clothes, grinning mischievously, as chubby-faced toddlers.
On the first day of school in our oversized uniforms, me nervous, Lleyton smiling widely.
Learning to ride the BMX bikes we got from Santa, me pedalling cautiously while Lleyton cheers me on.
Him playing dress-up when he couldn't decide whether he wanted to be a dinosaur or Batman, so he went with a combination of the two.
"Your parents let me raid your family photo album," Muir explains with a self-deprecating smile. "I wanted it to feel like he's here with you."
"I'm… I'm speechless. This is the most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you. I… I can't even find words."
"And you don't have to. And you don't have to thank me, or I'll start apologising."