Page 79 of The Quirky Vet
"For what?"
"I'll find something, don't you worry."
I smile as my eyes travel over the photos, getting transportedback in time and absorbing snippets of the memories they invoke.
The one where Lleyton's smiling proudly the day his front tooth fell out, and I'm on the verge of tears because we were going to look different for the first time. The roughness of the frayed carpet in our bedroom as we crawled across it as bare-bummed toddlers. The refreshing shade of the Coolibah Tree where Dad rigged up a swing, and we spent hours playing under it.
"So many memories," I murmur. "He wasn't here for long, but he sure made an impact."
"Of course he did. He's an Eastridge," Dad says, coming up behind us with Mum in tow. He gives my back a clap. "Remember that day?" He gestures to the photo of us on a horse. Well, Lleyton was on the horse, I was running away, petrified of it.
"I do," I say, my chest warming. "That's the day I stopped being afraid of animals."
Seeing Lleyton so unafraid inspired me to stop being so reserved and give it a go as well. That horse was the softest, kindest soul I'd ever encountered, and it showed me the beauty and majesty of all animals. In a way, that day, Lleytons's simple act of being himself, is what led me to becoming a vet.
"This is amazing. Thank you," I say, hugging Muir. And with our bodies pressed together, I add, "And I'm going to keep thanking you all day, so you'd better get used to it."
"Well, all right. But only because you're the birthday boy."
Wilby, Col, Linus, and Ryde join us, wishing me a happy birthday and giving me presents. "You guys didn't have to do this," I tell them.
"I didn't want to, but my husband made me," Wilby jokes as Col rolls his eyes and swats Wilby's chest.
I open each present—a faux-leather wallet from Wilby and Col, which is super useful since my current one is starting to fray, a framed picture of Tilly from Linus, which is super thoughtful, and a Vets Have The Biggest Dicks mug from Ryde.
"Thanks, you guys," I say. "And good call on the mug," I tell Ryde.
He smiles and points at Wilby. "Wasn't my idea, but I stand by it."
And then Ryde's gaze lands on Linus, who immediately starts rubbing the back of his neck while Ryde fidgets with the hem of his shirt. Right. So that situation is still as dependably awkward as always.
"Let's go outside," Muir suggests. "We've got chairs set out around the bonfire and more of that s'mores shit you put us onto, Col."
We go outside, and as the day gives way to night over the next few hours, we talk and laugh and make s'mores. We have a water balloon fight where none of the boys hold back, and we all end up drenched. We dried off, did some karaoke, hauled Wilby off when he started hogging the mic, mucked around and took a bunch of silly pictures in the photo booth, then ate and drank some more. I can honestly say this is the best birthday I've had since—since I stopped having birthdays.
"Can I get you anything?" Muir asks, getting up from the camping chair next to me.
"Nah." I lift my half-full tinnie. "I'm good, thanks."
"Okay. Cool."
"Young man!"
Muir freezes at the sound of Wilby's grandma's voice. "Oh, shit," he murmurs as Polly approaches with a gleam in her eye.
"Tell me," she says, jabbing him in the chest. "Why are you the only fella I haven't danced with tonight?"
"Come on. No dilly dallying."
And with that, she drags my bestie away towards the makeshift dance floor she's been tearing up nonstop.
"If I'm not back in twenty minutes, rescue me," Muir cries jokingly over his shoulder. At least, I think he's kidding.
Polly manages to sweep up Sid on her way to the dance floor,and I smile as I watch her try to make the two Landers men dance with her. Despite the absence of smooth moves, it's still an adorable sight. I pull my phone out and snap a few photos. I flip to video mode and catch Muir, cracking up as he hip bumps Polly and Sid, clearly grooving to a tune only he can hear. I can't decide if it's tragic or sweet.
I stop recording right as Linus drops into the empty chair beside me. "Hey."