Page 30 of Deck the Skulls
“We need to get up,” Rissa said and tried to sit up. Zan made a grumpy sound and held her tighter.
“No,” he mumbled. “My cuddle bunny.”
Anatoly snickered. “Zan, wake up. Rissa doesn’t want to lay on a bathmat anymore.”
With a yawn, Zan sat up. “Sorry, Rissa,” he mumbled and gathered her in his arms. “Let’s go to bed.”
“We can’t,” she protested even as Zan stood up with her cradled to his chest. The strength these guys possessed was impressive!
He stopped in the doorway to the bathroom, looking devastated. “We can’t go to bed and cuddle?”
“We can’t right now,” she amended. “We need to go downstairs and open Sanguine.”
Zan seemed to finally be waking up. “Oh, that. I guess you’re right.” He looked adorably grumpy about it.
“After you close, we can all snuggle down and sleep together,” Anatoly said, coming up behind Zan and resting his head on the man’s shoulder.
“After work?” Rissa said. “I’m not sure about that.”
Both men regarded her with surprised expressions. “Where else would you go?” Zan asked.
“Um, home? It’s where my stuff is, and I pay rent.” Or at least she planned to pay rent.
“You don’t want to stay here with us?” Zan asked, sounding hurt.
“I guess I can stay tonight, but I should go home tomorrow,” she agreed.
“Stay every night,” Zan argued. “We have plenty of room, and your apartment is a shithole.”
“Both of those things are true,” she agreed, “but I like having my own space.”
If she moved in here and gave up her apartment, she wouldn’t have an easy place to run to when things between the three of them went south. No relationship lasted, and having an escape plan was a necessity for Rissa.
“That’s easy to fix,” Anatoly said with a big smile. Was it just her, or did his canine teeth seem a little longer than before they had sex?
“It is?” she asked, confused by his answer.
“You can have the whole second-floor apartment,” he said. “If you ever need to get away from us, you’ll have an entire place to retreat to. I’ll see about ordering furniture, so you’ll have everything you need. Tomorrow, you and Zan can move all your stuff here. I’m surprised Zan didn’t suggest it earlier.”
“I did, but we didn’t agree on anything,” Zan said, then looked at her. “Come on, Rissa. If you stay where you’re at, we’ll both be up all night worrying about you. That place probably has cockroaches the size of my hand and black mold.”
The offer was tempting. The second-floor apartment was much nicer and bigger than her current place. The question was if she and guys stopped sleeping together, could she handle living downstairs and not getting to touch them?
“How much is rent?” she asked to stall and give her swirling thoughts more time to settle.
Anatoly named a figure that was the same as she was paying now. “That’s not enough,” she argued. “You could rent that apartment out for triple that price.”
“But I won’t,” Anatoly argued. “I wouldn’t let just anyone live there. That space is only for friends and family.”
“I’m friends or family?” she questioned, feeling an unfamiliar warmth build in her chest. It’s only sex, she reminded herself. Sex had filled her with all kinds of feel-good hormones, and she needed to keep a level head despite being high on orgasms.
“You most definitely are,” Anatoly said.
“I think you’re being way too trusting, but yeah, I’ll take the place,” she agreed.
“Excellent!” With a happy expression, Anatoly slapped Zan on the ass, making the bigger man gasp and jump forward with her still in his arms. “Get moving you two. We all have lots to get done!”
Wow, the best sex of her life and a new, nicer place to live. All this good fortune made her a little worried about what might happen next.