Page 31 of Deck the Skulls
Chapter 11
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Rissa froze with her hand on the front door. Damn, she’d almost made it out without waking up Zan.
Pushing her guilt away, she forced a slight frown on her face and turned to face him. Hooking her backpack purse over her shoulder, she cocked a hip and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I didn’t know I needed your permission to go anywhere,” she challenged.
She expected him to get defensive or annoyed at her. At the very least, she thought he’d snap back with something insulting. Instead, he sighed and shook his head, as if she was a toddler being cute but unreasonable.
They’d been living together for an entire week now. It was getting to the point where most of the guys she dated realized she couldn’t be “tamed” and started getting snippy. Waiting for one of the guys to lose their temper or patience with her was putting her on edge. They couldn’t possibly like her this much. No one liked her like that.
“Don’t give me that look!” she said, realizing after the words were out of her mouth that they made her sound even more like a toddler.
Zan laughed. “What look, sweetheart? This look?” He widened his eyes, dropped his chin, and gave her his puppy dog eyes expression. “Or this one?” Relaxing his eyes, he tilted his head back, and pursed his lips a little, while running his hands over his naked chest.
God, he was sexy. She immediately felt flushed and barely resisted the urge to rush to him. For the first time in her life, she was getting amazing sex every damn night. Sometimes multiple times in a night. Between Anatoly and Zan, she’d never felt so sated or so adored.
That was another thing that scared her. Something this good couldn’t last, and when it was over, she was going to be left in pieces.
“Stop that,” she grumped, dropping her hands to her sides and straightening up. “I don’t have time to be tempted right now, I’m going to be late.”
Zan stopped his seduction act and tilted his head. “Late for what? It’s only ten in the morning.”
“It’s Wednesday,” she reminded him. “I volunteer at Equal Under the Law on Wednesdays from ten till one. I told you guys that last week when I missed my day. I still can’t believe you let me sleep through my alarm.”
“Oh yeah, your legal volunteer stuff. I thought we agreed I was going with you,” Zan said, then stretched his arms over his head and yawned. Rissa watched all those pretty muscles flex as he moved. She had to fight the urge to run her hands over his body.
After last night’s three orgasms, she should be good, but apparently, her body would never be satisfied when it came to Zan and Anatoly.
“You really don’t need to come,” she said. “You’ll be bored and sometimes the AC doesn’t work, and it gets hot and stuffy in there.”
“I don’t need to; I want to,” Zan said. It was strange, but the guys didn’t like her to be alone. For the last week, she’d been with at least one of them at all times. Zan took her out during the day before the bar opened, and Anatoly would be at his spot at the bar all evening until they closed.
After hours, the two of them would feed her, bathe her, and generally pamper her. Combined with the amazing sex, Rissa was tempted to think she was in a coma, and all of this was nothing but a dream.
“I’m not in a coma,” she muttered, making Zan bark out a laugh.
“I promise you aren’t,” he agreed. “I won’t get bored. I can handle a little heat. Besides, I want to see what you do. Maybe I could learn to help.”
She let out a breath, giving in. “Fine, you can come, but don’t whine later when you're hungry or bored or something.”
“I won’t be bored because I’ll be with you,” he answered, giving her a quick kiss. “And I won’t be hungry because we’re going to grab some breakfast on the way.”
Straightening up, he took her hand and led her back into the bedroom.
“This is the opposite of leaving,” she pointed out with a shake of her head.
“I need to put on some clothes, and you need to say good morning and goodbye to Anatoly,” Zan said, giving her a little nudge toward the bed before heading into the walk-in closet.
Rissa walked around the end of the bed until she was on Anatoly’s side. At first, she thought he was simply a deep sleeper, but now she suspected he had some kind of condition.
He was immobile for most of the morning, but he also seemed aware of what was going on around him. Around two in the afternoon, he’d get up and be a little clumsy but otherwise act perfectly normal. Maybe it was some kind of thing where when his body shut down for sleep, he couldn’t move again until a certain amount of time had passed. Whatever was going on didn’t worry him or Zan, so she didn’t say anything.
They were so open about everything else; she figured it wouldn’t be long before they told her what was going on.