Page 13 of Counting the Stars
Gabby: What?
Me: Alligators—they do that death roll thing when they catch their prey. All I hear is rumbling and rocking noises.
Gabby: Sorry. I didn’t realize you could hear me, and how do you know that? We don’t have any alligators here.
Me: I love watching Discovery when I’m bored. Shark Week is life! I try to convince Carter to watch it with me, but it makes him all jittery cause sharks and surfers don’t mix.
Gabby: LOL! Well, I’m with Carter on that one. I’m sorry for bothering you. I’m having trouble sleeping.
Me: Me too, but I think I have a solution for that.
Gabby: We’re not having sex.
Me: That is not what I was thinking, but I like where your mind went
I jump out of bed and rummage through my closet, looking for some supplies. As luck would have it, I find one of my large duffle bags and quickly fill it with some blankets and pillows. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier, but I’m glad I didn’t because now I can show Gabby one of my favorite places. After I pull on a pair of gray sweatpants (yes, I know what I’m doing), a T-shirt, and a hoodie over that, I step out into the hallway to wait for Gabby.
The door to 312 opens slowly and Gabby takes a peek into the hallway.
“Hi,” I whisper.
She jumps back and gasps as if she wasn’t expecting to see anyone.
“Seriously?” I chuckle. “You knew I was going to be out here.”
“I know. It just feels weird. I was trying to tiptoe around because I didn’t want to wake Michelle. I feel like I’m sneaking out of my parents’ place to go to a party.” A wave of sadness flashes over her face, but she immediately schools her features. “Where are we going?”
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” I adjust the duffle bag on my shoulder and proceed to walk toward the elevator.
A few minutes later, Gabby is sitting in my passenger seat, gazing out the window. She’s bundled up in a pair of blackleggings and an oversized purple hoodie. I’m sure she has a few layers on under there. The days might be getting warmer, but the nights can still be cold. Even though she’s been living up here for about a year and a half, she still isn’t used to the chillier weather. Sometimes I worry the cooler climate will eventually get to her and she’ll want to leave. It would break my heart if she did.
We drive in comfortable silence until we turn off the main road, onto a side street, and then a dirt road.
“Umm…where exactly are you taking me?” she asks, still looking out the window.
With no streetlights on this road, the only thing illuminating the path are the headlights from my SUV.
“There’s a clearing up here just past this house.” I tilt my head to the right. An outline of a log cabin comes into view. All the windows are dark, but there’s smoke rising from the chimney.
“Are we allowed to be here?”
I decide to have a bit of fun.
“No, so you have to be super quiet. The guy who lives over there is nuts. Last time I was here, he came out of his house wearing a silver sequined leotard and furry cowboy boots. He chased me away with a tire iron in one hand and a ceramic owl in the other. I didn’t know whether to laugh or run.”
“Are you serious?!” she squeals and grabs onto the dashboard.
“So much spandex,” I whisper under my breath as I continue driving down the path.
“Turn around!” Gabby immediately begins scanning the area for the nonexistent crazed man.
“I’m kidding!” I laugh, but when I turn to look at her, there’s panic written all over her face. My heart sinks. “I’m sorry, baby girl, I didn’t think you’d take me seriously. I knowthe guy who lives in the cabin. This is his property and he allows me to come out here whenever I feel like it.”
“And you’re sure we’re not going to end up as someone’s next meal?” She relaxes back into her seat.