Page 75 of Tainted Saints
“As I’ll ever be.” I huff a laugh, wondering when I got so nervous about singing in public.
“You’ll be incredible,” he murmurs in my ear as we walk down the short hallway to meet the others.
Two sets of eyes are on me as soon as I walk in, the intensity of their attention has me instantly flushing.
“You look beautiful,mi amorsita,” Blaine rumbles, striding towards me and kissing my cheek in the same place Forest just did. “I’m not sure how I’ll concentrate on the keys.” I giggle, feeling giddy with all the praise. Earlier in the week, Blaine asked me for my song choices so he could practise accompanying me on the piano—apparently, he can sing but also plays piano and wanted this to be my night—and tonight will be the first time we actually perform together.
“You are breathtaking,” Lan tells me, Blaine stepping aside so Lan can take his place. He takes my hand and presses his lips to the back of my knuckles, sending tingles racing all up my arm. “You’re riding with me.”
I bite my lip. Obviously, I forgot about our transportation when I made my outfit choice. Figuring I’ll wing it, I let the guys lead me out into the cool night, the promise of spring in the chill air, and we head to the bikes.
Like before, Lan places the helmet on my head and I pray to the gods of styling that it doesn’t fuck up my hair. He gets on the bike first, and then deciding the only way to do this is to lift my skirt and flash my stockings. I get on behind him, hearing the whistle Forest gives me ringing out in the quiet night.
Lan’s palm caresses down my stocking-clad thigh, using his grip to pull me closer to his body.
“Fuck, you really do try a Saint, don’t you, Duchess?” he asks, not giving me a chance to answer as suddenly the engine roars to life and then we’re racing down the road, the wind freezing on my legs.
We get a few honks along the way, each one making Lan’s body tense underneath my grip, but soon we’re pulling up outside the restaurant. There’s a warm glow coming from inside it, the place looks packed, and as Forest pulls in beside us, leaping off his bike in order to help me get off Lan’s, my stomach roils again.
“You’ll be fine, angel,” Forest tells me, clearly seeing my terrified face.
“What if someone recognises me and tells him?” I ask, voicing my main concern.
“No one who knows the Ambassador comes here,mi tesoro,” Blaine assures me, taking my smaller hand in his large one and leading me towards the doors. “You’re safe here.”
Taking a deep inhale, I stand taller and make the decision to fuck it. This is something that I want to do, and I won’t let that man ruin it for me.
The loud noise of chatter hits us when Blaine opens the door, along with the warmth of bodies and the smell of delicious food.
“Blaine!” I hear the feminine voice of Maria, Lan’s mum, shout over the din. Then Blaine is being wrapped in her arms, a kiss planted on each of his cheeks. “Oh, don’t you look beautiful, bella!” she exclaims when she catches sight of me behind him.
My cheeks heat, and then I’m in her arms, being pulled into a hug that feels like home and smells like all my favourite foods. My body relaxes after a tense second, my arms going around her as I marvel that this is what it must be like to have your mother hug you. Tears sting my eyes at the thought of all I should have had but didn’t. I refuse to let them fall, blinking furiously to dispel them.
“Thank you, Mrs. Capaldi,” I say when she pulls away, cupping my face in her hands.
“Please, bella. Call me Maria,” she beseeches, her face lined in smiles and love shining from her eyes.
“Thank you, Maria, and for letting me sing tonight. I appreciate it,” I reply earnestly, and her gaze softens even more.
“When my boy told me that you sing like an angel, who was I to say no?” She brushes my cheek with her thumb before leaning in to place a soft kiss there that warms me like a roaring fire.
She releases me, giving Lan, then Forest a hug as Blaine leads me to the corner where there’s an upright piano and a small space around it. There’s an old-fashioned microphone gleaming under the lights, and I smile, even as butterflies erupt in my stomach. This is it. My time to show the world that I am more than just the daughter of the British Ambassador, more than his pawn in a game I don’t know the rules to.
“Quiet!” Maria calls out, not even bothering with the microphone as she shushes everyone. “Tonight we have a special treat for you. The beautiful Aspen will sing for us, accompanied by Blaine on the piano, so give them a warm Maria welcome!”
The patrons burst into applause and I step away from Blaine and up to the microphone, my fingers trembling as I grasp hold of it.
“Good evening,” I say, and Forest wolf-whistles at me, my lips quivering with a smile. “This first song is from one of my favourite childhood films and reminds me of a certain person or two that I've come to know since moving here a few weeks ago.”
They clap again, and then Blaine plays the intro to “He’s a Tramp” by Peggy Lee, and I see Forest burst into delighted laughter as I start to sing, Lan beaming too. After that, I lose myself to the song as I always do, everything else melting away as I sing and let the music flow through me.
Singing the final notes, I come back into the room, the patrons standing and clapping wildly after the last note fills the air.
“That’s our girl!” Forest hollers before whistling, and I laugh, giving Blaine a nod to start the next song.
My blood hums as I launch into another couple of my favourites, ending with “Bella Notte,” some of the audience singing along. I feel like I’m sparkling, happiness filling me up until my skin feels too tight as I take a small curtsey and step away from the microphone.
Lan and Forest surround me, pulling me into their arms and kissing me soundly, uncaring of our audience.