Page 76 of Tainted Saints
“You were perfect, Duchess,” Lan tells me, his voice deep and husky as he stares into my eyes.
“Shit, sugar, you were meant to be on a stage!” Forest laughs, tugging me away from Lan and twirling me around.
“Forest!” I gasp, laughing as he sets me back on my feet but doesn’t let me go.
“It was an honor to play with you,mi princesa linda,” Blaine murmurs into my ear, sending goosebumps all over my skin as his hand glides down my arm.
“You were amazing, Blaine,” I whisper, twisting so that I can face him. “Thank you for playing for me.”
“Anytime,” he replies, bending down and kissing me too. The noise of the crowd disappears as his tongue seeks entrance, his hands pulling me closer until not a millimetre of space is between us.
“Wonderful show, bella!” Maria exclaims once Blaine releases me. “You must come back and sing for us again, you have such a gift.” Her eyes are watery, her hands pulling me into another hug which this time I sink into and return straight away.
“Thank you, Maria. I would love that,” I say, my cheeks aching with how wide my smile is.
“Let’s have a drink to celebrate!” she exclaims, tucking her arm in mine and leading me to the bar area.
“Wonderful performance, Miss Buckingham,” a deep voice croons, making me freeze.
“T–thank you,” I stutter, looking at the dark-haired man. His eyes remind me of Lan’s, but they’re cold, sending a shiver down my spine. He’s handsome for an older man, with slicked back, almost black hair, and is wearing a perfectly tailored suit.
“Uncle,” Lan greets from behind me, his hand landing on my waist and pulling me into his body as Maria lets go of me to head behind the bar. Mine relaxes at his closeness, my hand covering his and intertwining our fingers together. He squeezes my hand, letting me know that I’m okay, that I’m safe.
“Good to see you, Landon,” his uncle replies. “And apologies, how rude of me. Alfonso Capaldi, a pleasure to finally meet you.” He takes my hand, pressing the back of it to his lips, and my mind screams at me to run and hide from such a predator. For this man exudes danger, not unlike the vibe the Ambassador gives, regardless of his smiling face.
“Good to meet you too,” I answer politely, withdrawing my hand. Forest immediately takes it in his, rubbing the place where Alfonso just had his lips.
“I’m pleased to see my nephew and his friends have taken you under their wing, I hope they’re treating you well?” he comments, bringing a glass full of amber liquid up to his lips, and my eyebrows dip as I wonder what this is all about. How does he know me? Perhaps because he’s keeping an eye on the Ambassador? And why would he be interested in my relationship with the Saints?
“You know we do, uncle,” Lan answers before I can, an edge of warning to his tone that seems strange considering he’s talking to a member of his family.
“Wonderful,” Alfonso comments, placing his empty glass down on the marble countertop. “I must be going, but I do hope we see each other again, Aspen.”
My mouth opens but I’m not sure what to say, the whole encounter leaving me uneasy and the hair standing on my arms. Alfonso leaves with a sharp nod to the guys, who also remain silent until he’s made his way to the door, stopping and warmly greeting several people along the way.
“How did he know who I was?” I ask aloud once the man in question has left, a black car pulling up at the curb which he gets into.
“He knows everything that goes on in Fairview, Duchess,” Lan states in a quiet voice.
“Sounds like him and the Ambassador would get along,” I wryly comment, and Forest huffs a laugh.
“Keep your enemies close, I guess,” he says, reaching for a bottle of limoncello. “Now let’s forget about him and celebrate your success, sugar!”
I giggle at his exuberance, raising my brows when he hands me a shot glass full of it. “You trying to get me drunk, Daddy?” I ask, my voice lowered so only he and the guys hear, Maria having gone off to chat with someone across the room.
“Perhaps,” he answers with a grin, clinking his glass with mine, then downing it in one go, hissing as it clearly burns its way down his throat.
“Bottoms up.” I laugh, tipping my head back as I place the glass to my lips and swallow the liquid. “Fuck!” I gasp, feeling my taste buds practically shrivelling at the tart flavour.
“Limoncello should be savoured,” Lan comments, taking a sip and not even flinching.
“I think you’re just being a coward, Daddy,” Forest teases, and my eyes widen.
“Oh, that’s fighting talk.” I laugh, watching as Lan’s lips tip up in a smirk. Placing his shot glass down on the counter, he takes the bottle from Forest and holding eye contact, he takes several large gulps before placing the bottle back on the countertop.
“Never get into a drinking contest with an Italian,” he states, cool as a cucumber while I just gape at him.
“I reckon I could give you a run for your money, seeing as I’m a redneck and all,” Forest counters, taking the bottle and also drinking down several swigs. My mouth hurts from watching him, his own pulled back into a grimace, no doubt at the sour taste. “Damn, that’s rough.”