Page 16 of Wicked Knight
“Since he’s essentially owned you for the entire summer and done nothing, I think you should find out why. Then I think you should ask him why he took over the contract in the first place. After that, I guess you’d need to hear what he says to decide what to do next. Obviously, he must want you to take over the contract in the first place.”
There’s that word again—want. “You think he wants to be with me? I’m not so sure about that.”
“But you don’t know.”
“And if I did? Isabelle, I can’t be with him behind my parents’ back”
“I’m not exactly suggesting that. Or maybe I am... a little.”
“Oh my God. I would be so dead. There is absolutely no way I could have any kind ofhidden, secret relationship with Dmitri.”Could I?
No, no, no. Don’t think that.
It’s not an option, and it absolutely, positively cannot happen.
My free-spirited personality has always compelled me to be the daring, wild one within our group of friends, but I shouldn’t be any of those things with Dmitri Valneko. Especially when I don’t know what the hell his plans are for me. For all I know, this could be it. Him deciding to be an absolute asshole by making me stew in my worries until the end.
And yet… the thought of possibly being with him has my heart hammering, my soul swelling, and my body burning with so much raw, palpable desire, I could reach inside me and touch it. I’ve never felt like that about anybody.
“You’ve gone quiet, Mackenzie. Are you considering my advice?”
“I always consider your advice. This is just a tough one.” My chest sinks with a harsh exhale. “There’s so much to think about. I’m crossing a line I never thought I’d cross, and it’s so damn risky.”
“I know, but I think you owe it to yourself to at least find out the basic details.”
I lift a weary hand to my clammy forehead. “I never thought I’d be starting my sophomore year with this contract and craziness hanging over my head. I hate uncertainty.”
“Me too. I hate it for you. Look, try not to worry. Think about enjoying this week at the show and push all thoughts of Dmitri aside for the moment.”
She’s right. That’s exactly what I should do. I have an opportunity of a lifetime at my fingertips.
I was one of the twenty rising stars who were chosen for the special production, andIgot the part of prima ballerina.
I’d be robbing myself of an experience if I allowed my worries about Dmitri to stop me from enjoying my final performance.
“That show has definitely been the highlight of my summer. And my life so far.” I smile, placing my free hand over my heart.
“I’m sure there will be many more highlights like that.” She sounds more lighthearted like her usual self.
“I sure hope so.”
“I know so. And I get to see you perform on Thursday.”
I sit up and cross my legs. “I can’t wait to see you, but are you sure you’ll be up for it? I’d be wiped out after a long-haul flight from England. Also, aren’t you eager to see Kade?”
She laughs softly. “I can sleep anytime I want. And Kade and I will be spending plenty of time together. We’re heading to the Hamptons for the weekend then traveling to Raventhorn together. He’s also been with me for most of the summer.”
Hearing about her and Kade makes my heart happy. The two of them are absolutely perfect for each other. They’re opposites that fit together to make a complete heart. “I’m happy for you, Isabelle.”
“You’ll be okay, too. I know it.”
“I don’t know.”
A knock on my door makes me jump. It wasn’t even loud. My nerves are just on the edge.
“Mackenzie, it’s me.”Shit.It’s Dad.
“I have to go, Isabelle.”