Page 16 of More Than A Boss
With her usual discretion, Allie told her friend she needed a day of rest after the busy work weekend. “I need to catch up on things around the house like laundry, cleaning, paying bills, checking in on Mel,” she ticked off her list.
A bit dubious, but giving her friend the benefit of the doubt, Annika said, “Please just make sure you are back tomorrow or there might not be an office to return to.” She couldn’t resist adding, “I can’t wait to hear all about your work weekend at the lake. I’d better get off the phone before the boss comes out from his lair. See you tomorrow.”
Hanging up the phone with a smile at her friend’s curiosity, she realized she would have to come up with a good story for her. The last thing she or Zane needed was office gossip putting the two of them together in a romantic light. I’m glad I’m creative, she thought.
Dialing Casey’s number, she waited for her friend to pick up. “Hello,” Casey answered.
Relief flooded Allie, just hearing her friend’s voice on the other end. “Oh, Casey, I’m in trouble. Do you have a few minutes to talk?” she asked.
“Of course. I’m all ears,” she said, then, surmising from the panic in her friend’s tone, continued, “I’m assuming the weekend didn’t go too well?”
“I am a mess, quite frankly. I’m in way over my head and I desperately need your advice!” she pleaded.
“Things started out a little awkwardly, but we got over that hump and had a very pleasant trip to the lake. I will admit to an immediate attraction. A relaxed Zane out of his professional mode is a force of nature. I’m not kidding. He looked like a Greek god, and he was all funny, and charming, and relaxed.” The words just tumbled out of Allie in a torrent. “I tried to resist but things got really heated the second night, and I might have gone further than I would have liked, and he is my boss and I have the biggest crush and, OH, CASEY, what am I going to do?” she wailed.
“Slow down, Allie,” her friend said calmly. “First of all, you are both two consenting adults, the last time I checked. Second, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? How could anyone resist you, and he must have had a clue going into this trip that there would be temptation,” she said logically.
“Yes, well he admitted to having a slight attraction going into it, but he said he didn’t realize how strong it was until we were spending this time outside of work together. He even apologized, saying he would never want to take advantage of his position as my boss,” Allie defended.
“Hogwash!” Casey replied. “This guy is rich, successful, gorgeous, powerful, and sexy as all get-out from the photos I have seen and from your descriptions. He would have to know the impact he has on women. Don’t take this all on yourself. So, how far did it go?” her friend asked curiously.
“Well, let’s just say I have never experienced that level of desire in my life. I lost myself, Casey. I didn’t want him to stop!” Blushing at the memory, she continued, “The worst part is he is the one who put on the brakes and basically sent me to bed like a child. I have never felt more embarrassed in my life!”
“Hey, why should you be embarrassed?” Her friend pointed out, “There is nothing wrong with being a sexually alive woman who knows how to enjoy and love her body and her sensuality. It is a gift!”
“I really know all of that, but I have never been completely carried away like I was with Zane. His kisses were divine. The passion between us was off-the-charts. Chemistry is such a mystery, and I was completely under his spell,” Allie confessed dejectedly.
“I am totally jealous! What are you complaining about? I think you should be celebrating. It’s about time you came back to life,” her friend said cheerfully.
Allie smiled at her friend’s no-nonsense perspective. “Maybe you are right, and I am putting too much importance on our brief interlude. I was so embarrassed that the following morning I completely blew him off when he tried to reach out to me. I was quite rude, actually.” She admitted, “I know I hurt his feelings, but I just knew if we are going to continue to work together that I had to put the brakes on this thing whatever this ‘thing’ is.” Allie let out a huge sigh, “Thank you, Casey.”
“For what? I didn’t tell you anything you didn’t already know,” Casey replied modestly.
“You always know just the right things to say to get me out of my irrational self and back to reality. I don’t know how I would get through life without you, my friend!”
“Any time, and you do the same for me. It goes both ways.” she said earnestly.
“I actually called in sick today, Casey. You know that is totally not me. How am I going to handle going back to work tomorrow?” she asked sincerely.
“You’re going to dress carefully in the morning so that you feel your absolute best—mascara, gloss, hair, the works. Then you’re going to remember these words I am about to say to you: You are one of the smartest, funniest, most compassionate, loving, beautiful—as in drop-dead-gorgeous—women I have ever met. Zane Dunn was blessed by the gods when he was lucky enough to land you as his assistant! He knows it, I know it, and you need to know it. He does not have all the power here. Get in touch with your inner goddess and embrace her. Allie, eventually you are going to need to come out of your shell. Your ex-husband never deserved you. He was a loser from day one. His infidelity had nothing to do with you and your desirability and everything to do with him being a misogynistic jerk!” she said frankly.
Laughing, Allie felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted from her shoulders. “I love you so much, Case!”
“I love you, too!” Casey replied. “Now, take the day to regroup and walk into the office tomorrow morning like you own the joint!” she said firmly.
“OK, I’ll do it for all the working women of the world. Onward to empowerment!” she joked, thrusting her fist into the air.
“I have full confidence in you. Keep me posted,” Casey said, hanging up.
After her talk with Casey, she headed out the door to enjoy some much-needed barn time. Earlier, she had called Laura to volunteer to do the stalls today since she had missed out over the weekend. Laura, who knew Allie well, was a little surprised to hear that her friend was uncharacteristically playing hooky from work, but she was glad to have the help and said so.
“That is great news! I have to take Jake’s mom to a doctor appointment this afternoon, so that will help a lot,” Laura said warmly. “We are so looking forward to Thanksgiving. Let me know, when it gets closer, if there is anything else I can bring besides the pies.”
“Not that I can think of at the moment, but I will let you know,” Allie said.