Page 17 of More Than A Boss
Tuesday arrived, with a pit in her stomach, but fortified by her conversation with Casey and her killer outfit, Allie exited the elevator into the office. She was greeted warmly by everyone. She had no sooner sat down when Annika came over to her desk and said, “Zane wants to see you as soon as you get in.” Allie’s stomach did a somersault. Game on’ she thought.
“Thanks’ Annika. I’ll go right in.”
“Good luck!” Annika said, curiously studying her friend’s face, looking for clues.
“Ha! Don’t be silly, Annika. I have been working with Zane for months.” Trying to redirect her friend’s thoughts, she asked, “Can you do lunch today?”
“Sorry, I have plans, but how about later in the week?” she offered.
“Sold!” Allie rose from her desk and made her way to Zane’s office.
Knocking lightly, she cracked the door, sticking her head in, and said, “You wanted to see me?”
Zane was on the phone and held up one finger and motioned her inside. He was so beautiful, she thought. Taking a seat, she fiddled with her bracelets while waiting for his conversation to end.
He was studying her while listening to the person on the other end of the phone. Her eyes were lowered, so she did not see the haunted look in his eyes. Her slim-fitting navy slacks with a cream silky V-neck blouse with pearl buttons flattered her slim yet curvy figure. Professional, yet on her, somehow sexy, he thought. The tortoiseshell reading glasses perched atop her nose gave her the quintessential sexy librarian look and were unintentionally seductive. Her hair was loose and flowing freely around her shoulders. He realized how much he had missed her.
“I understand, but I need any new discoveries on my desk by noon or I will take it up with the judge,” Zane said commandingly into the phone. He was in his element. Strong, brilliant, self-assured, nobody’s fool. “No, you have already had two weeks to get that information to my office and have failed to do so. By noon today, no later, and that’s final.” He hung up and rubbed his hands over his face before raking them through his hair.
“I hope you are feeling better today, Allie?” he asked with slight sarcasm.
“Yes, thank you, Sir. Much better. You wanted to see me?” she asked innocently.
“Yes. Dammit, Allie. Don’t you think we are a little beyond ‘Sir’ at this point?” he practically growled.
“No,” she replied stubbornly. “Unless something has happened that I’m unaware of, you are still my boss and I am still your employee, and I am on the clock.” She looked at him defiantly, almost daring him to say more.
“Whatever,” he said in exasperation. “There has been some new discovery in the Havers case that the prosecution has been withholding from us. Apparently, one of our witnesses has flipped for the prosecution. I have no idea what that means for our case, but I am expecting the information to be delivered by noon today. We will have to go over this new evidence immediately in order to prepare our response. Please look for it and buzz me the minute it arrives.”
All business now, the dancer, cook, captain, and lover had been replaced with the consummate attorney. Allie felt a pang of loss but knew she was partially responsible for his withdrawal.
“I think it might be a good idea to get Will Havers in the office after we go through the discovery together. Could you line that up for maybe around three o’clock this afternoon?”
This, Allie knew how to deal with. “I’ll get right on it,” she said, all business herself. “Anything else?”
Zane stared at her with intensity. Chin tilted up; she met his gaze with equal determination. He looked away first. “Alright, Allie, I’ll see you in a little while.” He leaned back in his leather chair and watched her leave his office, calling out as she reached the door, “I’ll have our lunch delivered, so we can just work right on through.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll let you know when the courier arrives.”
“Thank you, Allie,” he said frustrated by her aloofness.
“Just doing my job, SIR,” she said, feeling a slight pang of guilt for getting one more dig in before closing his door behind her.
After the courier delivered the documents, Allie stood behind Zane, leaning over his shoulder to study the legal papers. “Well, I just don’t believe the witness’s statement here. I interviewed him several times because he was one of Will’s full-time employees. This information was never stated until now. This is a completely new version of events. I think someone has gotten to him, Zane. He was forced to recant,” Allie said with concern.
“You may be right.” Her light floral scent was driving him crazy, so he got up from his desk and began pacing around the room. “His previous testimony corroborated everything Will said. This could be a big problem. As long as we can get his previous declaration entered into the trial for the jury to hear, it may cancel this version out.” He sighed heavily. “We did not need this complication, that’s for sure.”
Moments later, Zane’s intercom buzzed, and Stella, Zane’s personal receptionist, said “Mr. Dunn, Mr. Fletcher is here again. He insists on talking to you. What should I do?” she asked.
With an exasperated sigh, he responded, “Bring him on back, Stella. I’ll deal with him.”
“Thank you, Mr. Dunn,” Stella said with relief.
Practically everyone in the firm was familiar with the loud and obnoxious Mr. Fletcher. Smith, Dunn, Rogers, and Browne had represented him in a case where the judgment had gone for the plaintiff. He could not accept the outcome and made regular visits to the firm to bully and complain about his lack of representation. In hindsight, they wished that they hadn’t taken the case, but that didn’t do them any good now.
There was a knock at the door and Allie opened it. She turned toward Zane and asked, “Should I step out, Mr. Dunn?” Allie referred to him by his surname in front of their client.