Page 13 of More than a Memory
She ran out of the room and quickly returned with a low-cut, sleeveless black velvet top and a black, thigh-length cashmere sweater. “Here, try it on,” Annie said bossily.
Darcy stood up, slipped out of her robe, and pulled the top over her head.
“Wow! Sexy woman!” Annie said.
“No way! It shows too much cleavage.”
“OK, Sis.” Annie physically took Darcy by the shoulders and turned her toward the mirror. “I want you to take a really good look. See those ample creamy breasts? Look at your big emerald eyes, your shimmering hair, those delightful freckles. You are an absolute knockout! Trust me on this. You look like a sex kitten but not sleazy, just drop-dead gorgeous. Sam is going to lose his mind!” she said, pleased with her effort. “Now, hurry up and put your black jeans on. Oh, and the black belt and the boots I pulled out. It’s almost time for him to pick you up.”
“Are you sure?” Darcy asked doubtfully, looking at her reflection again.
“Yes, no arguments! Now get moving. I’ll go out to the living room and get the door in case he shows up early.”
A few minutes later, Darcy heard the dogs barking and knew he had arrived. She felt almost sick to her stomach. What the heck was wrong with her? She was usually so cool under these circumstances. God knew she had loads of practice in the dating arena.
She took one last look at herself and had to admit that her sister was right. The black stiletto pumps with her black jeans complemented the ensemble perfectly. She hardly recognized herself, with her overly bright eyes and flushed cheeks.
When she walked into the living room, Sam was crouched down, one hand holding a bouquet of red roses, the other petting the three canines, who apparently approved of her date. They were all wiggles. She felt her heart leap when he looked up at her and reeled as if he had been struck. “Darcy!” he said, standing slowly. “You are the most beautiful vision I have ever laid eyes on!” he said as if in shock.
“Why thank you, Sam Parker. You look pretty good yourself,” she said, approving of his casual choice of faded blue jeans and a belt, white V-neck T-shirt tucked in, and an open flannel shirt over his tee. The brown leather bomber jacket and pair of obviously well-worn cowboy boots looked like they belonged on him.
Annie cleared her throat with a laugh and said flirtatiously, “Well, it was great meeting you Mr. Sexiest-Man-Alive! You two have fun. No curfew tonight. I won’t wait up!”
Sam handed the flowers to Darcy, and she walked to the buffet and scrambled around until she found what she was looking for—a beautiful green and gold blown-glass vase.
“Let me stick these in some water. They are lovely Sam. Thank you.”
Her cheeks still rosy, she smiled at him, having no idea how alluring she was. It was all Sam could do to not pull her into his arms and kiss her. The sexual tension between the two was off the charts. It was almost tangible.
“Do you have a jacket?” Sam asked.
Darcy grabbed a long coat off the hall tree. He took it from her and held it while she slipped her arms into the sleeves. Just his hands brushing against her clothed arms as he held her jacket made her shiver inside. She could feel the heat from his body and his slight male scent was intoxicating, “Thank you again for the flowers,” she said a little too brightly.
He leaned in from behind and put his nose to her hair for the briefest of moments, breathing in the feminine scent of her.
“You smell so good Darcy, you put those flowers to shame. I’m sorry I just couldn’t stop myself. You ready, Shamrock?” he said with a grin.
Completely flustered, she replied, “Yes, I’m starving. Finnegan’s has the best burgers in town.” She was desperately trying to calm her nerves and ignore his use of that nickname, which kind of made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside,
They pulled into the bar parking lot and Sam came around to open Darcy’s door and help her step down out of his truck. They entered the pub and all eyes were on them. The jukebox was playing the usual country music: a nice mix of old classics and new country artists. More than a couple of men she had gone out with a time or two from the department were there, and they looked on enviously as Sam pulled out a bar stool for Darcy. There were a few catcalls and whistles from the guys, which made Darcy smile and Sam feel a little uncomfortable.
“I should have warned you,” Darcy said. “This is a tough crowd for a first date.”
“I don’t blame them one bit. I just happen to be with the most stunning woman east of the Rockies,” Sam replied. “I can handle it.”
“Let’s place our order before the crowd gets here and then we can shoot some pool after we eat,” Darcy suggested.
“Sounds good to me.”
Sam was also getting his fair share of admiring glances from the ladies in the pub. He was certainly a sexy man, with his naturally wavy hair all tousled and worn a little long below his ears. Thick, dark brows crowned his large almond-shaped hazel eyes. He was naturally graceful, and he moved with an ease and laid-back way that seemed completely unhurried. He just gave off a cowboy vibe, which Darcy found extremely attractive. That he also loved animals, evident by his career choice, was the cherry on top. Remembering her thoughts from the previous evening, to enjoy and take advantage of their attraction, without taking it too seriously, she decided to put on her proverbial party hat and let loose a little.
One of her old colleagues bought her and Sam each a beer, and Darcy quickly chugged hers down. Since Sam was driving, he nursed his beer along rather than guzzling it. Their food arrived, and Darcy passed Sam the ketchup and mustard after adding it to her own burger.
“Oh my God!” Darcy said with her mouth full, “Was I right or what?”
“Yeah, it’s a pretty decent burger,” he admitted. “You’ve got some ketchup on your chin. Here, allow me,” he said wiping it off with his own napkin.