Page 38 of More than a Memory
“Don’t tell me that. I want to stay in my little bubble of denial that you have a boring, comfortable desk job, that has no risks attached,” Sam said, only partially joking. “On the other hand, I know how that life-or-death stuff feels. It plays out differently for me, but a huge responsibility either way. The thing I care the most about at this very moment is that you keep yourself safe. Darcy, I know you are strong and capable, but I also know there are very bad characters out there. Look what you were involved with last year. Not only could my sister and Allie both have been killed, but you as well.”
“Believe me, I’m not ready to leave this planet just yet. I’ll be extra careful just for you, Sam,” she teased gently.
“Since I have your word on that, I’ll just have to accept that my girl is a badass and get over it,” he said, laughing.
“That’s the spirit!” Darcy said appreciatively. Darcy knew that not all men could partner with a strong woman without feeling threatened by it. It seemed that Sam was happy to have a relationship based on equality and respect. She felt one more layer of her armor peel away.
“So, we have this big shindig on Saturday. What time should I come and fetch you?” Sam asked jovially.
“How about you pick me up around 2:30? The wedding is at three o’clock, with the hootenanny to follow. I can’t wait!” Darcy said. “I miss you, Sam.”
“Be still my heart,” Sam said, truly touched by her admission. “I miss you more than you could possibly imagine.” He added, “We have five days until the wedding. Any chance of squeezing in a lunch date this week?”
“Yes, I could meet you tomorrow. How does noon at the food truck in the park off of Main Street sound?”
“You read my mind. Tomorrow then. Sweet dreams.”
“Tomorrow,” Darcy said softly, before disconnecting.
“OK, you mongrels, one last potty break before we hit the sack,” Darcy said, opening the back door to let them out. They were always so joyful, she thought, watching them wrestle one another playfully before finding that special spot to do their business.
Her last thought as she drifted off to sleep was how good it felt to be sharing her life with someone special. She had forgotten the sweetness of having a significant other to download everyday life with, someone who cared about even the most mundane aspects of your day. She thought that, just maybe, having the day-to-day life events shared and witnessed gave them meaning. It was a validation that she had missed since Ryan had died. Even though they were miles apart, she felt as if Sam was thinking of her at that very same moment she was thinking of him. It was as if she were being held in his embrace and, with that comforting awareness, she finally fell into a deep slumber.
It was already Friday evening! Where did the week go, Darcy thought. The time had flown by for her. She and Sam had enjoyed a lovely lunch in the park on Tuesday, and then the rest of the week had been all about work, other than her nightly phone conversations with Sam. She was getting a little too used to them. She found herself looking forward to their talks every night. This guy was somehow penetrating her carefully erected walls, and, at the moment, she just didn’t give a damn. She was going with the flow for a change and was looking forward to tomorrow’s wedding and spending more time with Sam.
In terms of her missing person case, she had redeemed a couple of IOUs with some friends at the precinct who agreed to drive by Liam’s on the down-low. She had returned to the house to lift fingerprints, but since Mitch and Gina had tampered with the scene and someone had cleaned up the place sometime after the incident, she didn’t hold out much hope for success there. However, she had been able to determine through cellular forensics that he had, indeed, been using his cell phone … or someone had. She knew that this could be good news, and it had renewed their hope that he had not met with his end, but it was no guarantee either. It could also indicate something more sinister. She had also been able to recover passwords and data from a laptop he had left behind, and it appeared someone had withdrawn a large amount of cash from his savings.
Meanwhile, Mitch was tracking down any of Liam’s friends he might have mentioned in conversations with Gina. So far, he had met with several and was following up on a tip from one of them about a favorite getaway place Liam had frequently visited in the past. He and Gina were, as a matter of fact, going to scope it out over the weekend. They would check in with her on Sunday.
Things were in motion, and she was determined to leave work behind on Saturday and be in the moment. Saturday would be all about love and good tidings of great joy! Allie and Zane were role models for how great a relationship can be when there is love, respect, equality, and friendship. They were the poster couple, as far as Darcy was concerned.
Her plan for this evening was to settle in at home, use a clay mud mask, soak in the tub, give herself an overdue manicure and pedicure, and get to bed early. She and Annie had already picked out her outfit for the wedding from Annie’s immense inventory, and it was hanging in her closet, ready to throw on. She felt her stomach flutter with excitement every time she thought of seeing Sam again. All was well in her world at the moment.
* * *
Sam could hardly wait to hold Darcy in his arms again. He would have to put the reins on himself or risk blowing it. He knew how he felt, and he was all in. It was no surprise that he desired her, but he was caught off guard by how quickly he was falling for Darcy. He wanted to wake up beside her every morning and go to bed every night with her in his arms. Yes, he wanted to travel with her and see exotic places together, but what he dreamed of the most was sharing the ordinary, daily life experiences. He wanted to laugh and play and cry and make love with this woman for the rest of their lives. He was falling in love with her. Now he just had to convince her that he could be her shelter from the storms of life.
* * *
The day of Allie and Zane’s wedding had finally arrived. The weather was cooperating, with sunny skies and temperatures in the fifties. Allie was sitting in front of the mirror and putting the finishing touches to her makeup with shaking hands. After several attempts at applying mascara to her lashes and removing blobs of the liquid from everywhere but her lashes, she finally managed to hit the target. Her thick blond hair was swept up in soft braids, ending in a luxurious ponytail cascading in waves down her bare back. Her mermaid-cut, floor-length white dress was tucked in a garment bag, ready to transport to the chapel. It had long sleeves and hugged all of her curves until mid-thigh, where it flared. The dress had a high neckline in the front and was backless, scooping down to the curve of her buttocks.
Casey was cradling Allie and Zane’s new baby, Olivia, who was currently fast asleep.
“You look exquisite! Annie did a fabulous job on your hair,” Casey said quietly, so as not to disturb the sleeping infant. “The most beautiful bride I have ever seen.”
“I hope the dress looks alright. I wasn’t thinking about nursing the baby when I chose it,” Allie said.
“The added bust size will have Zane drooling at the alter! You have nothing to worry about,” Casey said reassuringly, “that’s why we have breast pumps.”
“Well, it’s too late now anyway. I just hope princess there can hold off on feeding time for the next hour or so,” she said good-naturedly.
“There are about ten people fighting for baby care duty,” Casey replied.
Allie said laughing, “This baby is going to know love, that’s for sure!” She continued, “Casey, I am so incredibly happy, but I so wish Monica was here celebrating this day with us.” She was thinking about their friend who had died the year before from breast cancer.
“I know, me too. She would have been in her glory today, wouldn’t she? She was the most soft-hearted of us all! I just keep feeling her presence, don’t you? I just know she is here with us. I’m so glad you asked Jamie to be the DJ. And where did he come up with the name ‘The Dog’? What a riot! Monica would love it!”