Page 39 of More than a Memory
Monica’s son, Jamie, had had a rough time following his mother’s death, but he was beginning to come out of it, much to everyone’s relief. Monica was so loved and one of those extraordinary humans that a person felt blessed to have known.
Allie touched the bracelet on her wrist that Monica had always worn and felt comforted. She was there…. she just knew it.
“Well, I think I’m ready to head over to the chapel now.”
“It’s time,” Casey said, with misty eyes.
* * *
Zane was pacing back and forth, burning off nervous energy. At Allie’s insistence, he had acquiesced to her superstitious belief that it was bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony, so he had spent the night at the hotel where his mom was staying. On the one hand, it had been a wonderful chance to share some intimate moments with his mother, but he had not slept without Allie in his bed for so long that he felt a deep loneliness without her by his side. He had missed her and Olivia terribly. He even missed Kit Kat, their funny feline family member.
He glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost time to head down the aisle. His father, Bill, was his best man and Allie’s mom was going to walk her down the aisle. Casey was the matron of honor and Allie’s brother, Mark, was a groomsman. Allie’s twin nieces, Fiona and Ursula, as well as Casey’s daughter, Clare, had the honor of serving as junior bridesmaids.
He could hardly wait to lay eyes on his beautiful bride. She was the love of his life, and he could not believe that fate bestowed upon him the perfect companion and mate. He nervously checked his cuff links and tie again, his father chuckling as he noticed the tension in his son.
“You got this, Son. Although it’s perfectly natural, there is nothing to be nervous about … unless you think she could become a runaway bride,” he joked.
“If she had any sense, she probably would be,” Zane said.
“Zane, you’re a remarkable man. I’m proud of the person you have become. You’re a great father and you will make a wonderful husband. Don’t doubt yourself. It’s not like you; you’ve never lacked in the confidence department and there is no need to start now,” he said comfortingly.
“Thanks, Dad. That means a lot. I needed to hear that.”
Zane grabbed his father and gave him a big bear hug with eyes suspiciously bright and shiny.
“I just don’t feel like I deserve Allie. I’m not good enough … and Olivia? What the hell have I gotten myself into? How will I ever be able to raise a daughter when I feel so powerless over my ability to keep my two girls safe? Did you ever feel like that?”
“Yes, yes, and yes to all of that. I loved your mother and you with all my heart. Still do. You know, Zane, even though your mom and I divorced, we never considered our marriage a mistake. It was good for many years, and we got you out of the deal. We just got married way too young. I guess I was too young and dumb to be overwhelmed at first. That came later, when life kicked me in the ass. Neither of us knew who we were, and as we grew up, we found that we really didn’t have that much in common. We loved each other and that never stopped. We just wanted different things. We knew how hard it was on you, but we knew it was over for us as a couple, however, that didn’t make it a failure.
“See, you and Allie have experienced enough life to know what you want and to know the real thing when you find it. I have no doubt in my mind that you two will go the distance. I see you both growing old together. I also know your level of dedication and commitment, and you will rise to any challenges you’re presented with. None of us gets out of this life without regret, but that is all because of that funny little thing called hindsight.”
Choked up, Zane said roughly, “I love you, Dad.”
“I love you, too, Son. Now let’s go get that bride, before she changes her mind.”
* * *
“Is there anything you need from me? I’m so excited I can hardly stand it!” Allie’s mother, Sarah, exclaimed. “Pete is beside himself, you would think it was his own daughter getting married.”
Sarah’s eyes sparkled as she referred to her on-line love connection. They were inseparable, and Allie wouldn’t be surprised to see them walking down the aisle in the near future.
“I know, I love it!” Casey said. “It definitely feels like he is already family. I honestly can’t remember him not being in our lives.”
“Me either,” Allie said. “I couldn’t have dreamed up a better match for you, Mom. I’m so happy for you both.”
“Well, enough about Pete and me. Today is your day! Zane is a mother’s dream son-in-law, and I feel totally blessed. You look beautiful darling!”
“Thanks Mom.”
“My dear, you know how your father and I felt about your first marriage. We wanted you to finish school and we felt you were too young and everything too rushed. This time, everything feels like it was destined to be. I know your father is here today in spirit, as happy as I am to celebrate this union. You were our most precious gift. Your dad loved you so much, as do I! It fills me beyond words to see you so happy. Now it’s time to go join the man of your dreams at the end of that aisle,” she said tearfully, hugging her daughter tightly.
“Hey, I want in on this! Group hug!” Casey said, wrapping her arms around them both.
Allie, taking a calming breath, took one last long look into her mother’s overly bright green eyes, the love so strong and true reflected back at Allie. Then she looked into the beautiful hazel eyes of her life-long friend, a face as familiar to her as her own, and she found her equanimity. The deep and abiding love of these two women had shored her up in the most difficult of times and cheered for her when life sang. She had been privileged and blessed with an abundance of love, and now she was ready to take this next step with Zane.
“Clare, let me fix your braid. It’s coming loose,” Casey said to her daughter.
“Girls, are you ready for the big entrance?” Allie asked.