Page 46 of More than a Memory
“Let me go catch her and saddle up.”
A half hour later, they were headed down the trail on a perfect fall day. Neither man spoke, it was enough to be out enjoying the camaraderie and doing the thing they both loved most in the world.
“Spirit keeps telling me she wants to put on the gas,” Gabe said.
“I could stand to blow off a little steam myself,” Sam replied, as they both broke into a gallop on the smooth stretch of field before them.
The feel of the pounding hooves, riding against the wind, the high of flying through the field, filled the men with a sense of freedom. It was exhilarating for both the men and their mounts. As they came to the edge of the woods, they slowed to a trot and continued down the wooded path. After a cool-down period, they took the rest of the ride at a walk.
“I know I said I wouldn’t pry, but are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” Gabe asked.
“Nothing to talk about really. Classic tale: unrequited love. I’m into her, she not so much.”
“I see it a little differently. She looks at you like a hungry tigress that hasn’t had a meal in days,” Gabe argued. “Lights up like a hundred-watt bulb when you look her way.”
“Lust, pure and simple. I want more than a fling. I want the whole package. Marriage, happily ever after, maybe even a kid or two thrown in.”
“Aww, come on partner, you’ve worked with enough spooky horses to know what’s going on here. She’s just scared. Don’t let her fear unnerve you. Give her a little time, she’ll come around.”
“I wish I could believe that, but she is one obstinate, hardheaded, exasperating, woman. And did I mention she is as stubborn as a mule? Her walls went up and now they are a virtual fortress. I’m just not sure anymore. I’m beginning to wonder if there is a way past it,” he said dejectedly.
“It’s not like you to give up on something you want. I know she has feelings for you, too. Trust yourself, my friend.”
“I really love her, Gabe,” Sam confessed to his friend.
“I don’t know what to tell you, man. Love is a mystery. You just never know when that damn little cupid’s arrow is going to pierce ya!” Gabe responded ruefully, shaking his head.
“I never believed in love at first sight, but I was pretty much lost when I met her, back at Allie’s Thanksgiving party last year.”
“Best advice I have is to go for it. You have nothing to lose…and everything to gain.”
“I’ll let the dust settle first. I’ll be slammed all week anyway, between the clinic and a full farm call schedule,” Sam said. “Hopefully, time will sort some of it out for us.”
“Meanwhile, just look around you. This is heaven right here on earth,” Gabe said reverently as he gazed around, admiring nature’s bounty.
“You got that right. There is always that,” Sam said quietly. “Best we turn around and head back home, as much as I’d like to keep riding off into the sunset.”
“Hang in there, Sam. She’ll come around.”
“I hope you’re right,” Sam replied.
* * *
Despite her dark mood, Darcy managed to slog through the week by immersing herself into her work. Her phone pinged again, signaling another text and she didn’t need to look to know it was from Sam, but she couldn’t resist a peek at the message anyway.
Sam: Darcy you are being ridiculous! Call me!
Darcy found herself smiling despite herself. She wasn’t quite ready to talk to Sam yet. She still felt conflicted and didn’t think it was fair to drag him through her roller-coaster ride of emotions.
After several days of contemplation, she realized she had way overreacted the other morning. Her only excuse was that the lingering remains of her previous evening’s nightmare had thrown her into an emotional freefall. That Sam had gotten under her skin did not escape her notice, nor did the fact that her feelings for him had precipitated the bad dream in the first place.
She knew that she was attempting to solve an emotional problem with her intellect, but she had to start somewhere. She felt incredibly raw and vulnerable. She didn’t trust herself and was terrified of slipping back into the horrible state she had been in the months after Ryan was killed. However, she decided it was only fair to respond to Sam’s repeated attempts to reach her, so she shot him a short text message.
Darcy: I know I am. I’m sorry. Give me time. I will call you soon.
She felt a whole lot lighter after pushing the send button and imagining Sam receiving her message.
“Back to work, Darcy,” she admonished herself, “you have people depending on you.”