Page 8 of More Than a Fling
Suddenly the singing stopped as Gabe jumped off the stage to intervene. Grabbing the guy by his shirt, he pulled him through the crowd and away from Annie saying, “I think the lady was pretty clear that she’s not interested in your attention.”
“Fuck you, I think it’s none of your damn business,” he said.
Gabe kept a tight grip on the jerk and on his own temper as he steered him toward the exit. The bouncer, alerted by the musical break, met Gabe and took over from there, kicking the guy out of the club.
Gabe easily jumped back up onto the stage and said, “My apologies for the interruption, now let’s get back to the music.” Annie stood there slightly dazed, trying to wrap her head around what had happened.
“OMG.” Zoey said. “What the hell was that? It was like a romantic scene from a movie,” she sighed. “I think our lead singer has the hots for you.”
“No, we met before, he’s best friends with my sister’s fiancée, Sam,” she said.
“You could have fooled me…that had nothing to do with your sister or Sam—that was all about you my friend,” she said. “He’s definitely into you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Annie said, feeling her cheeks get hot.
“You know that you’re blushing, don’t you?”
“I need another drink. Let’s head to the bar,” she replied.
In truth, it was probably the last thing she needed, she acknowledged to herself, but…when in Rome.
Several songs later the band took a break and Gabe headed straight toward Annie.
“Annie,” he said, devouring her with his smoldering eyes.
“Gabe, I was shocked to see you up on stage!” she said. She felt a tingly warmth in her groin and her immediate and intense reaction to this man was a new experience for Annie.
He really was beautiful.Thenatural sun-streaks of blond in his brown hair looked like they had been applied by a paint brush dipped in gold, rivaling any salon touch-ups. His light brown eyes had flecks of gold and were surrounded by thick dark lashes and brows. He was ruggedly handsome, in that bad-boy kind of way. Dangerous!
“My God Annie! I couldn’t wait for the set to finish. I can’t believe you are here, in the flesh and blood instead of floating around in my fantasies,” Gabe said. “I’ve been thinking about you. Our trail ride, and then seeing you the other day, I just…I don’t know, maybe it’s fate.”
“Trevi,” she said slurring ever-so- slightly.
“What did you say? Trevi?”
“Never mind, it’s nothing,” Annie said, then giggled. “You’re really good, I mean…um…your singing...” she hiccupped, “You know what I mean, so’s your band. You could go pro, I’m sure of it,” she said.
“So, what brings you all the way up here?” he asked, since it was about an hour away from their hometown.
“Bridal party, the wedding’s next week and I’m the maid of honor, so any excuse…” she smiled flirtatiously, her dimples on full display. She looked up at him through her lashes, finally finding her footing despite being tipsy.
“Annie, I have to get back on stage, but I want to get your number before you leave, that is, if you’re interested in getting together sometime. Are you seeing anyone?”
“No, but what about your girlfriend?” she asked.
“We broke up soon after that ride. Wanted different things. I’m single, unattached, available, and hopeful,” he said.
“Hopeful that you’ll say yes.”
“Yes,” she hiccupped then giggled, beginning to feel the full effects of all the alcohol she had consumed.
“It’s so good to see you, I’m glad you’re here,” he said.
“Me too. Gabe you’re so hot,” she said, inhibitions now out the window. She put her hand on his chest to balance herself and he sucked his breath in sharply.