Page 27 of Fall From Grace
“It’s just me.”
“There’s no such thing as ‘just’ when it comes to you for me, Grace.”
“We’re different than other people our ages, aren’t we?” I found myself asking.
“We’re just us,” was his answer as he lowered himself between my legs.
My eyes widened. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to look then I’m going to place my lips there.”
My mind told me that it was weird, but my body awaited what he’d show me tonight. I couldn’t keep my butt still when his breath tickled the inside of my thigh. “Every inch of you is perfection. How is that?” he swore.
“Can I see yours?” I asked him.
He looked up at me. “You want to?”
I nodded and he placed a kiss on the inside of my thigh before raising up. I sat up and watched as he unzipped his jeans and pulled them down enough so that it sprang free. I jumped back and he couldn’t contain his grin when I did. My stomach dropped and filled with heat at the sight of him. Guys were so different than girls. Theirs went into ours… What used to be scary was still, now that I was face to face with one. I couldn’t even imagine how it could go inside… “It’s kind of scary looking, isn’t it?” I voiced my opinion aloud.
He covered his forehead with his palm. “You’re blunt even in this situation, I should have known.” He smiled. “I don’t know whether to be offended or not.”
“It also gives me the tingles when looking at it.” I leaned closer. “Scary tingles, like I’m afraid of it, but I also want to get to know it.”
He covered his mouth this time to stop himself from bursting out into laughter. “I can’t do this.” He threw himself over me and we bounced on the bed together, the springs creaking to our weight. “You’re too cute.”
Only I wasn’t smiling. I felt Noah bare against my own flesh. His skin was like fire compared to mine. It felt good. The mood was thicker when I leaned my face up to kiss him and he dived his tongue in my mouth. The heat in my stomach burst through me like lightning, this was what Noah could make me feel.
The feeling he gave me all but died into panic as I heard someone coming up the stairs. From the look on his face, I could tell he heard it too. “Noah, someone’s coming,” I whispered as he slid off the bed, zipping up his pants. As soon as I get my shorts slid back up, Dad opened my door and the fear I felt was the most potent I’d ever felt. He took in Noah standing at my bedside and became enraged.
Noah didn’t even say anything to defend himself, I guess he knew there was nothing to explain that my dad wouldn’t already know. “What the fuck are you two doing in here? What are you doing to my daughter?” Dad said right before he swung at Noah.
Noah turned his head to ease the brunt of Dad’s fist. Mom stepped in behind him and gasped. “Steven, you can’t hit a minor!” Despite the fear pulsing through my veins, I finally stood up and moved closer to Noah.
“Dad, please,” I cried.
Noah pushed me aside and gave me a look that said,it’s okay Grace.
“Like hell I can’t, he’s in my house doing God knows what to our daughter!”
I covered my face and cried. I made a mistake. I was scared for Noah and afraid that Dad wasn’t going to let me see him ever again.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make either of you mad,” Noah started, “Grace is everything to—”
“I was a kid once, I know exactly what boys are thinking.” Dad grabbed Noah by the shirt collar and shoved him out into the hallway. “I won’t let you ruin my daughter’s life just so you can satisfy your curiosity of her.”
Noah blew from his nose. “You know it’s not like that, Steven! Grace is more than my best friend, I’d never hurt her!”
I followed them out of the room crying. Mom was next to me. I didn’t know if she was more disappointed or if she was going to burst into tears as she looked at me.
Dad nodded. “I know you think you know how you feel right now, but those feelings are going to change and the one thing that’s certain is my daughter will be the one left hurting.” Noah shook his head. “Go, boy, I don’t want you back in the house. Do I need to go to your worthless parents and tell them what happened? Or would they even care?”
“Dad!” I screamed.
“I’ll go.” Noah lowered his face before lifting his head back up to face Dad with a piercing stare that even surprised me. “One day, you’re going to know that my feelings for Grace surpasses even what you feel for her as a parent!”
“Why, you little punk!” Dad yelled.
“Steven,” Mom hissed beside me. “Go, Noah before things get worse.” Noah looked to Mom slightly embarrassed before he nodded.