Page 73 of Fall From Grace
“Why?” I unbuckled as we waited for Noah to arrive.
She turned and smiled. “Because he’s my husband and I love him and he’s your father. I don’t agree with him wanting to keep you from Noah so I did this but I do plan on telling him… So, expect him to be mad when you come home.”
“I know, thanks, Mom.”
She smiled. “I wouldn’t do this if it were any other boy, but I kept him away from you long enough and I know you two… I trust that you guys are going to think about your futures in between this passionate love you two have for each other, right?”
I nodded. “Noah seems to have it all figured out while I… Is it bad that I still don’t know what I want other than Noah?” I found myself asking.
She laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting someone, it’s only sad when it doesn’t work out… You and Noah have grown and matured this long together, I don’t see why you can’t keep doing so.” She shook her head. “Listen to me trying to sound like I know a thing or two.”
“I like the way you say things, Mom, you don’t treat our relationship like we are going to grow out of it.”
“I’m a hopeless romantic, I can’t help it.” She pointed behind me. “I think it’s Noah.”
It was. He hopped out of the Jeep and ran to Mom’s door where she rolled down the window. “You’re getting wet,” she told him.
“Nah, it’s just sprinkling right now,” he said with an easy grin. “Thanks for bringing her out here.”
“He’ll come around.” We knew she was referring to Dad. “Grace is his baby.”
“Mom,” I groaned.
“She’s my everything,” Noah didn’t hesitate to say.
I smiled as Mom wiggled her finger at him. “See that, I like how you aren’t afraid to say what you’re thinking, even the mushy stuff.” He laughed and wiped his eyes. He was getting soaked standing in the rain. “Go on, you two. Bring her home by ten. Her dad’s already going to blow once he finds out I didn’t take her to Sara’s.”
He nodded. “Will do.”
I opened the door. “See ya tonight, love you!” I told her.
“Be careful on these roads, Noah!” she yelled through the opened door. “It’s supposed to turn into snow later, bring her home sooner if it starts getting too bad, okay?”
“Will do,” he told her. “You be careful too.”
“Love you,” she told me as I shut the door.
Once we were inside his Jeep, he started it up. “Shit, I’m cold,” he hissed.
I grinned at him. “You’re the one that stood in the rain and got soaked.”
“It’ll be okay,” he muttered when his phone dinged. He picked it up then started grinning. “Look.” He leaned over and showed me the screen.
I’m rooting for you.
So, don’t disappoint me.
It was a text from Mom. We both start laughing and watched as she pulled out. I buckled up. “Where to?” I asked him.
“To Dean’s to watch a movie and cuddle.”
I leaned over closer to him. “I love the way you say cuddle, as big as you are. Sosexy.”
He looked over and smirked. “You love me. Period.”
“I do,” I didn’t waste a breath.
Only when we got to Dean and Janet’s house, he did something that gave my heart even bigger wings. He cranked up his stereo with something country instead of turning the Jeep off. I gave him a strange look and he just grinned and ran out into the soft but frigid rain. I shook my head and watched as he made his way to my door and opened it. “What are you doing?” I asked.