Page 79 of Fall From Grace
“Home or you’re stuck with me.”
I stared at his lips then turned my entire head the opposite direction. “Home.”
He pulled me into his arms tighter willing me to look at him once again. “You little asshole, if I didn’t love you, I’d—”
“You’d what?” I poked back, even pinching his arm to provoke him into making him say something that would give me a reason to hate him.
He snarled and jerked his arm away from my fingers as he searched my face for something. “How much have you been drinking?” he asked.
“Not enough,” I muttered. I still felt entirely too much being in his arms. When I remembered that it had been over a year since the last time, I felt like attacking him again.
“Drunk enough to have some guy’s tongue down your throat?” he asked darkly. “Dustin sent me a picture. It’s crawling through me right now, I’m so fucking pissed that I had to see something I didn’t want to!”
“Then why’d you come?”
“To stop you from doing something stupid. I gave you space so you could find acceptance, not to bring us further apart.”
Tears stung my eyes and I looked away. “Put me down. I can do what I want with who I want. You have!”
“What?” he growled. We were at his Jeep now. He placed me on my feet. “What are fucking talking about?”
“You’ve probably already slept with someone else since we broke up, why can’t I?”
He pinned me to the Jeep. My insides were burning, I was so angry. I wish I was only angry. Livid Noah was doing something to my ovaries, my entire body was tingling with him near. His angry blue eyes glaring into mine as he got up into my face. “Why the hell would you think that?”
“I saw the picture of you guys with all those girls,” I yelled. “I saw the way you were laughing with that girl!”
His eyes softened as his smiled dipped into victory. “That’s it.” He beamed as he pressed into me with a renewed look, one that flooded my panties. “You think I’ve been with someone else so you’re kissing some guy.”
“Have you?”
“Fuck, no,” he answered. “Are you drunk?” he asked again.
“I don’t know!” Our faces were so close, I could feel his breath across my cheek.
“Are you drunk enough to let me fuck you?” His eyes were smothering me. I could do nothing but swallow and look down. He leaned away only to grab my arms and flip me around so that my breasts were pressing over the hood of his Jeep.
“What are you doing?” I stuttered and shook from pleasure passing through me for what was to come.
“Showing you… and me that we still belong together,” he whispered into my ear as he yanked my shorts down.
“Someone will see,” I said right before I gasped as he pressed into me violently. It hurt because he never prepared me for him, and the rude awakening felt too good. He grabbed my hips and bit my shoulder as he pushed himself in deeper until I relaxed against the hood and took what he gave me. It was beautifully disgusting how perfect this felt to have him inside me again. It was nice to feel something other than self-hate. He fit so perfectly that I whimpered and cried out as he slammed into me like we were two deer rutting. Something felt different, more intense than every other time before, like I was feeling him so much more. It had my stomach basking in fire and his ongoing thrusts.
“Fuck, Grace,” Noah grunted as he pressed his face into my hair. “How can you keep me from this? What we have?”
His words provoked a violent tremble through me that exploded into an orgasm. “Noah,” I moaned and his rhythm increased to the point that I could hear him slapping against my butt. I couldn’t recall hearing him open a condom though, and the way it felt was too delicious. I lifted up and turned my head. “Noah, I’m not on any birth control.”
He grabbed my neck and tilted my face back to kiss him. “Shit,” he groaned as he thrust one last time before he pulled out and came on my butt. I watched every second as he did with a heated look. He stepped away and grabbed some napkins from his Jeep to clean me up.
I had a terrible thought, an awful pang of disappointment that he pulled out. In a way, I had wished he had taken the chance and tried to keep me. It was a horrible thought… but my twisty mind wondered if he had thought of it too.
“Still want to go home?” he asked, hopeful.
I nodded and he dropped his head. We rode in silence to the point that it was killing me. The closer we got to the house, the more I didn’t want to waste having him so close without expecting anything. I straightened up in the seat and sighed, grabbed my hands and squeezed before I finally turned to Noah. “Pull off beside the road,” I said harshly, moments away from breaking into tears. He didn’t even ask any questions, he just did as I said even making sure that we were well hidden from the road if any cars were to drive by like he knew what I planned to do.
He was already opening his arms and waiting as I yanked off my seatbelt and shorts once more and climbed onto his lap. “Unzip your jeans,” I whispered as a tear slid down my cheek. The moment he did, I sank down onto him and we both cried out. I rocked onto him slowly, touching and kissing the places I’d missed as his hands traveled over me leisurely. He kissed the tears that fell, slowly rubbed my body, and gazed at his necklace I wore around my neck like it was a treasure itself that I wore it for him. I fell apart in his arms so slowly that the orgasm that passed over me this time felt like it lasted a lifetime. “Oh, God,” I whimpered and sagged into his arms only to have him lift me up off him as he came on one of my legs and shirt.
I let him kiss me for a long time once we were finished, neither of us said a word so that I didn’t have to face the reality I created inside my head of what I thought was right and wrong.