Page 4 of The Divorce
Katya Celeste Winthorpe was gone. Eliza took her from me. I never managed to say anything but vent my frustrations on my brother. This was my doing. I recalled every disappointed countenance when I let her down, but what would my gracious wife do? Smile and say it was okay.
We stopped grocery shopping together. It was such a minor chore, but Katya made everything fun. We attended occasional school functions together, but my work became more important. I frowned as the gloomy thoughts continued to drag me down.
When did she stop asking me to attend events with her?
“You're a stupid dickhead,” Saul said but poured me another drink.
“I know,” I said flatly, reflecting my lifeless soul. “I’m a bad husband.”
“No, you were a bad husband. You're not a husband anymore because your wife just left you, and you stood there like a moron and let it happen,” he snapped at me.
“She deserves better,” I said, staring into space.
Work could fuck off today.
A stinging pain in my cheek registered, and I glared at my brother.
“Did you just bitch slap me?” I said, rubbing my cheek, grateful that my beard had taken much of the impact.
“The hand slapping game was for when we were kids. If you act like a bitch, I’m going to slap you like one,” he said with a stern look before he put the whiskey on the coffee table. “While you were considering which sleeping pills to top yourself with, I managed to clone Kat’s phone.”
“You what?” I said incredulously, but even as I said it, I realised I could find out what she was thinking.
“Can you picture Katya dating another man? Kissing him, fuck—”
I jumped off the couch and threw my glass at his head. Unfortunately, he quickly dodged it, and I watched it shatter on the wooden floor. The tiny fragments of glass scattered everywhere.
“That is what will happen if you don't pull yourself together. You're a Winthorpe. Act like one,” he said, narrowing his eyes on me. “Plus, the slap was for my black eye and attempted murder.”
“You’re right. Not about the attempted murder, though,” I added because, knowing him, he might be recording me to use at a later date in a criminal trial. “Show me how to see everything on her phone.”
I didn’t want to know how he did or why he knew how to clone a phone. All that mattered was fixing my marriage and bringing my wife back home. At the same time, Saul smiled and sat on the couch. I thought of my business acumen and how it was time to put my brains to good use in saving my marriage. I needed a plan to win my wife back.
I narrowed my eyes on my two mind maps. One had our wedding picture in the middle and branches stemming from it with all the various aspects of life. The second one was tougher because it hammered down my personal growth regarding people and finding a balance for the first mind map. Saul had left for work but checked in on me like our mother every few hours.
It would have been nice if he hadn't reverted to mentally torturing me with reminders of what my life would look like if I failed to foil the divorce. We had agreed not to tell our parents. It took some time, but we formulated a plan allowing me to work remotely and join key meetings through video calls. It was time for Saul to step up and shoulder more responsibility, and I had to trust my brother and let go of my constant need to oversee everything.
I cringed, recalling her email and message chains with Eliza. It was worse than I could have imagined. She had a valid right to drag me through the courts rather than settle with a no-fault divorce. I denied my wife the company of her life partner, to shoulder life’s problems together, or to give her what she needed. She wanted to have children before, I quote, ‘my eggs turn to dust’.
I had aligned my second mind map with Katya’s needs, but the more I learned about my negligent behaviour, the more remorse overwhelmed me. I began to jot down notes from my research into harmonious marriage unions and women's emotional needs to feel secure and loved. Then, I flicked back to my original list.
It was a chaotic mess.
The Anti-Divorce Plan
1. Panic.??
2.Once the panic has subsided, break down the problems.??
3. If you are the problem, see number six.??
4. Sabotage the divorce efforts in every way possible. (TBA)
5.Never tell your twin brother any of your marital problems. (You have one functioning asshole, and you don’t need an inferior one meddling in your business).TOO LATE.?